
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 23 - The wheel of Fate

Arriving home shortly after parting with Ms. B, Amira went inside to put away her new jewelry as well as to get dinner ready.

Meanwhile Ethan had a brief discussion with Flavius

"Are you returning to camp?" inquired Ethan

"Negative. We're going to set up our tents around back. That way we'll be able to ensure your safety during the night." Stated Flavius

"I see. Sorry to put you through so much trouble for my sake."

"What sorry? It is our honour to be entrusted with this duty."

Ethan gave the men each a look of appreciation.

"Very well. There's a water well behind the house, you can use it to wash up if you need to. Aside from that, I guess I'll see you in the morning."

"Yes, your excellence." Flavius replied with a bow

The other men soluted before disappearing to set up their minnie camp. Flavius joined them soon after while Ethan went inside.

"Did you have fun today?" he asked as they ate dinner

"I did. I met a few new people today that were very nice." Amira said with a smile that lit up the room

"That's good to hear."

"What about you? How was your trip to the camp?" she asked as she began cleaning up after the meal

"It wasn't too bad. Aside from the new guards that you've met, all that really happened was some scouting talk." Ethan told her

"That sounds...kinda boring." Amira said honestly

"Haha! Yeah, it kind of was, but it's important. If someone were to sneak up on us because we weren't paying attention, it could be really bad." He explained

"I suppose that's true." She agreed

They continued to talk for a while longer before it was time for bed.

Early the next morning, a scout arrived while Ethan and Amira were eating breakfast

"Ave, Caesar." He said as he saluted Ethan. "I have brought you this mornings report."

The scout then handed over a scroll that was sealed with wax

"Also, Primus Pilus Quintis instructed me to tell you that the work to improve the walls, gates, and digging the ditch will begin shortly. He has assigned two hundred men to complete the tasks as quickly as possible."

"Thank you. Please tell him that I appreciate all the hard work." Ethan said gratefully

The scout nodded his head before saluting again then leaving promptly

Once he was gone Ethan opened the scroll and started reading it's contents.

According to the report, a village was discovered abandoned half a days ride to the north. It seemed that it was on the losing end of a fight with another group of bandits and thus about half the buildings had been torched along with several people being found slain. Unfortunately for them, there wasn't anyone present that could have helped like Lorik had.

Sighing after he read the report, Ethan set it aside before finishing his breakfast, despite the fact that it had now grown cold.


Far to the east a massive army was preparing for the battle that would decide the fate of the Kingdom of Syrena

Before the army stood a rugged and imposing mountain range that seperated the eastern Plains from the fertile valleys and forests to the west. A single mountain road was all that connected the two sides.

This place, known as the Victory Gates, was where King Alexandr of Syrena had chosen to make his stand.

"General, How goes the preparations?"

"My Lord, Along with our remaining forces, we have managed to gather a total of 11,000 commoners to our banner. We now have a total of 122,000. Despite our inferior numbers I believe with the proper strategem we can not only resist, but even be victorious."

"You still believe in victory, General?" Asked the King

"Of course your highness. Is that not why you chose this place? No invading army has made it through the gates in over 600 years." The general said confidently

"Then tell me your plans." The king ordered

The General proceeded to explain his strategy. The Syrena army would take advantage of the narrow road and steep walls of the mountains. They would move into the pass with their spearmen at the front, swordsman would follow behind, while the archers and commoners would remain outside to rain concentrated volleys on the enemy.

"...so unless the soldiers from the Empire can fly, we will be able to hold them fast while our archers wittle down their numbers, forcing them to retreat."

"Very well. We'll proceed with your strategy." said Alexandr


On the other side of the mountain pass

"Are you 100% sure this idea of yours will work?" Asked the Emperor of Embershroud, Nikalos Ember Dunlain

Emperor Nikalos' body was as twisted as his personality. He had thin, almost skeleton like arms and legs. His nose was beak like while his cheeks were gaunt and his black, lifeless eyes sat sunken in his skull. Along with his ghastly pale skin he looked on the brink of death despite only being middle aged.

"Absolutely. Only my family which has guarded this area for generations knows about the hidden path through the mountains." replied a man in the armour of the kingdom.

"Good. If my army is successful because of this, you will be greatly rewarded. you are dismissed." said Emperor Nikalos

"Thank you your majesty!" said the soldier before leaving the command tent

"Are you sure we should be trusting him, sire? What if it's a trap?" asked a general who was present

"Whether or not it's a trap, we'll find out soon enough. As for his reward when this is over, A quick death should suffice." Emperor Nikalos said with a wicked smile

"A traitor can always be useful, for a time. However they should not be allowed a long life. Once a traitor, always a traitor."

"You are indeed wise my lord." said the general

"Prepare the men. We'll move out first thing tomorrow morning."

"If I may ask, why wait till tomorrow?"

"The least we can do is allow that bastard Alexandr one more day as a King. After all, by this time tomorrow he and his men will be in the underworld." Nikalos said maliciously

"Now go! Do as I command!"

"As you will it!" said the general before scurrying off

Once he was alone, the Emperor smiled to himself and said "Alexandr, oh Alexandr. You were once a formidable opponent, but now you will face the fate of all those who stood against Embershroud."


Ethan watched as several hundred men quickly worked outside the walls digging a defensive trench.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" Asked Virgil who had just arrived

"Indeed. This is the next step to securing Lorik. Once it's done they will begin work on the walls." Ethan explained

"Are you trying to turn this place into a fortress?"

"I'm just trying to make sure we're prepared."

"I think your idea of prepared and mine are quite different." Virgil said

"If you say so." Ethan replied with a smile

Suddenly an eagle swooped down from above and landed on Virgils shoulder

"That's pretty cool..." Ethan said

"It's a messanger eagle. I believe it's from my father, as it bears the mark of house Derrean." replied Virgil as he removed the small note attached to its foot

As he read the contents of the message, a complicated expression flashed across his face

"What is it? good news, or bad?" Ethan asked

"It's hard to say. It says that the Kindom and the Empires armies are set to engage in battle soon. Apparently it will take place at the Victory Gates. That at least means there is a chance of success." Virgil stated

Ethan nodded his head as he listened to the message

"Well i'd say that's closer to good news. Never discount the value of fighting in a place with 'Victory' in it's name." He said

"I agree. That place is legendary. It's said that no invading army has ever successfully made it through in hundreds of years." replied Virgil

As they were speaking one of Dinnins soldiers ran up in a hurry

"Sir Ethan! Sir Virgil! You need to come right away!"

Without any hesitation they followed the man into Lorik to find out what was going on

Soon the men arrived at the village square where a crowd had gathered

in the midst of commotion another pair of soldiers was holding down one of the bandits that followed Frans

"What's going on here?" Asked Ethan

"Sir, this scum attempted to steal money from one of the villagers." said one of the men

"You lie! I was merely holding on to it until I found who it belonged to!" the bandit retorted

"Then why were you arguing with said person when they tried to get it back?" asked the other soldier

"W-well, you know...how could I just trust just anyone when they said that the money was theirs?"

Both Ethan and Virgil frowned when they heard what the bandit said in reply.

"Virgil, as a Magistrate, what would you say is the punishment for theft?" Asked Ethan

"Well it depends. In most cases it would be anything from 10-25 lashes with a whip. However in this case, I would recommend the removal of the offending hand in order to serve as warning to any others that might think of trying it."

Ethan was taken aback by Virgils words. He expected something like a beating, but removing a hand had never crossed his mind.

"Bring Frans over here immediately." He ordered

Frans soon arrived and asked what was going on

"It seems your man here was up to his old habits again. He tried to steal from one of my people. So let me ask you, should I have mercy on him and only have him whipped, Or should I have his hand removed?"

Frans was stunned by the situation

"Forgive him my Lord! I can promise it will never happen again!" He pleaded

"You know I can't do that. If I let this slide, it will only send a message that there will be no consequences for this type of behavior. Now choose." Ethan said with a stern expression

"T-then...a beating. He would be useless in the future if he lost a hand." Frans said

"Very well. His punishment will be 40 lashes. And you will be the one to carry it out, since he is your man and that makes you responsible for his actions." Ethan ordered

Frans nodded solemnly as he accepted his task

Soon screams of agony echoed throughout the village as the punishment was carried out. The whole thing took nearly half an hour before it was finally over.

for some reason, naming the chapters is always the hardest part. that and writing the chapters. actually it's mostly the writing lol

Thanks to everyone that's reading. you're the best.

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