
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 24 - Story Time

With the punishment carried out, the gathered crowd soon dispersed to go about their own business again

A couple of Frans' underlings arrived to take away their wounded and unconscious companion to get treatment. Despite the bitterness they felt in their hearts from seeing him in such a state they dared not speak out, since he had brought these circumstances on himself due to his greed.

Ethan approached Frans who was on his knees, staring at the drops of blood that were now on his hands after carrying out the judgement, and placed his hand on his shoulder

"I'm sorry I had to put you through that." Ethan said with a regretful tone

"Don't be. It was my fault for not keeping him in line. In fact, I should be thanking you for sparing him a more severe punishment." Frans responded

Ethan wasn't sure what to make of this response. He had expected Frans to be angry at the very least, but now he was being thanked.

A short time later Frans took his leave to go check on his wounded underling. He wanted to be present when the man woke in order to set him straight in case he held a grudge.

"That was stressful." Ethan said with a sigh

"You'll get used to it." Virgil consoled

"Is that a good thing?"

"Whether good or bad, only you can decide that for yourself."

Ethan stared at Virgil for a moment while he considered his words.

He had hoped that events like earlier wouldn't become an issue. Of course that was simply naive. Human nature being what it is, it was only a matter of time until a similar situation occurred.

Now Ethan could only hope that his swift and decisive action would help order to remain for the time being.


While Ethan was handling his first major event as a leader, Amira was also facing a crucial choice at home, albeit of a less dramatic nature

"So have you decided yet?" asked Sara from the Spring Breeze Restaurant

"I just don't know...they're all so delicious." Amira replied with uncertainty

sitting on the table before her were several plates with samples of desserts, each with a few bites already missing

"It's good that you like them all, but you need to choose one." Ms. B said from the side

"Can I really only pick one? Wouldn't it be better if there was variety?"

"Aren't you a greedy one." Sara said with a laugh "I would love nothing more than to show off by making more than a single cake but sadly there isn't enough time for that."

Amira seemed to pout for a moment but then decided not to be difficult

"Then...the one with strawberries. It's sweet, but not too much, and the fruit topping gives it a refreshing feeling." She finally decided

"Excellent. You can look forward to an amazing creation." Sara said with a bright smile

"What about the decorations? how are they coming along?" Ms. B asked

"I have Jen working on those. She's better at the crafty stuff than me. So all the ribbons, paper lanterns, etc will have her flair." Sara explained

"Oh good. I was afraid you might try to make them yourself again. After what happened last time..." Ms. B teased

"Hmph! I make one little mistake and now you'll never let me forget it!" Sara exclaimed

"One 'little' mistake huh? I seem to remember it being a bit more than that."

Amira listened as the two older women bickered with one another, wondering what they could possibly be talking about

"What mistake did you make?" she asked curiously

Sara seemed to turn a shade paler when she heard Amira's question

"Umm, w-well...you see..." she stammered nervously

"C'mon, you can do it. Just spit it out." Ms. B pressed her with a slight grin

Sara shot Brianna a glare that could kill if the two weren't such good friends

"Sigh, A few years ago I made some lanterns for a festival. When I was testing one of them, it turned out to be the wrong size. So when I lit the candle inside it caught fire and nearly burned down the house." She explained with a face flushed from embarrassment

Amira was mildly taken aback by the reveal

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it was something so dangerous." she said apologetically

"It's fine. Now it's just just an embarrassing story about my incompetence. Luckily Markus was home at the time so he was able to put it out quickly." Sara said

"Markus?" Amira asked

"Yes. He's the village blacksmith and my husband."

"It must the gods blessing that you married someone that works with fire everyday. Otherwise who knows what may have happened." Ms. B stated

"On that at least we can agree." Sara replied

The women continued their talking for a while longer, while finishing of the desserts, until it was time for Sara to go back home.

"So where is Ethan today?"

"He said something about checking up on the new defenses being built."

"Hmm, He certainly takes his position seriously. I just hope he doesn't overdo it." Ms.B said with concern

"Me too. I haven't been able to really help him at all. So I'm worried that he might be working too hard." Amira said with a solemn expression

"What do you mean you haven't helped? As long as you're there for him when he needs you, that can make all the difference. Especially in these trying times." Ms. B stated reassuringly

Amira smiled lightly at her words, somehow feeling a little bit better

It was at this time that Ethan returned to the house, seemingly worn out

As he made his way to sit at the table, Amira spoke up

"Are you okay? you seem exhausted."

"I'm fine. I just had to deal with something bothersome is all."

"What was it?" inquired Ms. B

"Oh, just an issue of petty theft. Sadly it wasn't entirely unexpected considering who it was." Ethan explained

"One of the Bandits?" Amira asked

"It must be. Who else but them would try something like that?" Added Ms. B

"Well you're right. It was one of Frans' men." He confirmed

"I still don't get why you recruited them. It's not like we need them now that Sir Quintis arrived with his men, right?" Ms. B put forth

"Well at the time Lorik was seriously undermanned, it seemed like the best option at the time, despite the risks. Besides, even though they have become redundant I can't just get rid of them. Not after I made a deal with Frans." Ethan stated

Ms. B frowned slightly but couldn't refute him since he made a valid point. Not to mention the risks of breaking a vow.

Amira wore a slight worried expression as she listened to the back and forth which was noticed by Ethan

"Don't worry. Despite his past wrongdoing, Frans seems to be a reasonable man. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he turned over a new leaf if given the proper guidance."

"As long as you're careful, I'm sure it'll be fine." Amira said gently

After a bit more discussion, Ms. B decided it was time to take her leave

"I'll see you both again soon." she said as gave Amira a hug before turning to go.

When the two were finally alone again Ethan asked about what she had gotten up to that day.

Amira told about how Sara and Ms. B had come with samples of dessert for the wedding, along with recounting the story she had been told.

"Did you save me any?" Ethan asked when he heard about cake

"We ate it all..." she said guiltily

"Oh...I see how it is." He said while feigning hurt feelings

Amira was shocked by his sudden act and tried to make amends before Ethan's sudden laughter threw her off once again.

"You...were you just poking fun of me?" she asked

"A little" He said with a smile "I did want to try some, but it's not that big of a deal if there isn't any left."

"Bully." Amira said with a fake pout

"Okay, Okay. I won't do it again. Maybe." Ethan said while still grinning

She narrowed her eyes slightly at him but let his last word go. It wasn't like she expected him to never tease her again. That would be impossible.

"So Markus is married to Sara from that Spring Breeze place?" Ethan eventually asked

"It seems so. Have you met him?"

"I have. I talked to him yesterday when I gave him my mail armour to see if he could replicate it."

"What for?" Amira asked him curiously

"I wanted to possibly upgrade the armour for Virgils men. I also thought about giving some to Frans and his men, but after today I'm going to have to think about it some more." Ethan explained

"That's probably a good idea." Amira agreed before continuing "By the way, when can we make that stuff you told me about?"

"You mean soap? Well we can make it whenever as long as we have some kind of animal fat and some wood ash. As well as some flowers to make it scented." He told her

"That's it? I thought it would be more complicated." Amira said

"Well that's just the most basic recipe. I can show you how to make it as soon as we have enough material."

"Okay. I'll see if I can get some animal fat tomorrow then when I go shopping."

"Do you need some money?" Ethan asked her

"If you don't mind." Amira said

"Of course not."

He then removed a handful of Bronze Coins, about fifteen in total, and handed them over.