
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 22 - Planning and then some

Amira reached her destination, the Blue Moon Inn, Before Ethan had even left the village to go to the military camp. It wasn't just because it was closer, which is true, but because she ran the whole way; mostly due to her excitement.

Upon reaching the inn, she burst through the door like a whirlwind, startling the few people who were trying to enjoy breakfast.

"Hey! You can't just bust in the door like that. What if someone was behind it and they got hurt?" scolded one of Dinnins men. However when he recognized who the young woman was he apologized.

"Forgive me Lady Amira, I didn't know it was you." He said solemnly

"No, you're right. I shouldn't have been so reckless. Please excuse my rude behavior." She replied humbly before going through the door which lead to the kitchen as well as Ms. B's living quarters.

"Idiot." Said a second soldier to the first as they watched Amira leave. "What if you had offended her? We could've been in serious trouble is Lord Ethan found out."

"You can't possibly believe he would punish us over something so small, right?" asked the first man

"Why not? I heard from Sir Virgil that he's royalty of some kind. He may seem calm and reasonable on the surface, even friendly at times, but we can't be too careful." replied the second

Cold sweat began to run down the back of the first soldier as he considered the possibilities. If what he just heard was true, he may have just escaped a reprimand at least or a severe beating at worst.

In the back of the inn

"Well you're here early." Ms. B said with a brilliant smile as Amira entered the back area

"I'm sorry if i'm bothering you at all." she replied

"Nonsense. I couldn't possibly be bothered by you coming to visit. In fact, I look forward to our talks." Ms. B said cheerfully

"So tell me, are you prepared for me, the great 'Love Sage' to help you plan the grandest wedding imaginable?" she asked with a haughty air

"Absolutely! please teach me your ways, oh great sage!" Amira said with excitement

"Very well. Come with me."

Ms. B took the lead and left the Blue Moon with Amira in tow

The first place they stopped was the small jewelry stall that Ethan had purchased the ring she now wore every day

"Ah, Brianna and Lady Amira, How can I help you?" asked a young woman in her early twenties. She had long, silvery hair that was braided over her left shoulder. Her matching eyes would make one think of 2 silver coins, while her delicately arched brows complimented her slightly upturned lips that made it seem as if she was always smiling.

"Hello Ruth. I was hoping to find some matching jewelry for Amira's ring, since I'm helping with the wedding plans. I thought we might stop by here first since you know your stuff."

"You made the right choice. It was my stall that Sir Ethan got the ring from after all. So of course I would have something." Ruth stated with a wide grin. She then collected a few items before presenting them to Amira to see.

What she brought forth was a necklace that had a green stone the size of a thumbnail, a pair of clip on earrings, and a matching bracelet. The craftsmanship was quite superb.

"Don't you think this is a bit much?" Amira asked with a hint of surprise.

"How so?" replied Ms. B

"Well...I don't have any money pay for these." she said sadly

Amira was then startled as both Ms. B and Ruth both started laughing as if hearing a good joke.

"What's so funny?" Amira asked

"Haha, you don't have to worry about something like that silly." Said Ruth with a big smile "Even If I wanted to charge someone, It would be Sir Ethan. But since this is concerning such a big event, consider these as my gift to you."

"But I can't just take them. I wouldn't feel right doing so." Amira said stubbornly

"Don't be like that. Just accept her generosity." Ms. B told her.

Suddenly backed into a proverbial corner, all Amira could do was reluctantly accept the jewelry.

"Okay then. On to the next place." Said Ms. B cheerfully

And so after saying thanks, Amira followed her again. This time to the Spring Breeze, the small restaurant that neither she nor Ethan had been to yet.

"Welcome! Are you here for a meal, Ms. B?" Asked a girl of about 12 with fiery red hair, small and delicate features with freckled cheeks that only served to improve her cuteness.

"Sorry Jen, I'm just here to speak to your mother." She replied

"Hmm, Okay. I'll be right back."

The young girl then disappeared, presumably to fetch her mother.

A minute later a beautiful thirty something with similar, but more mature features as the girl approached them.

"Hi Brianna, what can I do for you?" the woman asked politely

"I'd like to request your services, Sara. It's for a wedding." Ms. B informed

"Oh my. Is someone finally making an honest woman of you?" Sara asked jokingly

"Not for me you dope!" Ms. B said with a grumpy look

"Sorry, it was just a joke. Then I assume it's for the young lady next to you?" Sara said apologetically

"Yes. This is Amira." Ms. B continued

"The village chiefs fiancee? My lady, It's a pleasure to meet you." Sara said with a slight bow

"It's nice to meet you as well." Amira replied with a curtious smile

"So how large of an event are we talking? Just a few people or something more substantial?"

"Everyone is invited." Amira revealed

"Everyone?" Sara asked

Amira then proceeded to explain the idea behind why they were planning on holding the ceremony.

"I see. So it's going to be a festival as much as a wedding celebration. Well, it'll be tough to organize so much with that kind of deadline, but you can count on me." Sara said a look of confidence

Ms. B and Sara exchanged a few more words before parting ways. Ms. B left with Amira while Sara went to work planning. Food, Decorations, and even flowers. She was going to make this the biggest, grandest event in the history of Lorik.

"What did Ms. Sara mean when she asked if someone was going to make an honest woman of you?" Amira asked as they walked through the village

"Isn't it obvious? I'm almost 37. By now nobody would be willing to make a move on me." Ms. B said bitterly

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you." Amira replied slyly

"What do you mean? Who would-"

"Sir Quintis of course. It was obvious from the moment he saw you that you stole his heart. Even Ethan said so."

Ms. B then went quiet, seemingly deep in thought about their interaction. Perhaps it was true? He did seem to focus on her with his gaze quite a bit.

"I don't know..." she muttered

"Come on. What's the harm in taking a chance? If it's meant to be, it's meant to be right?" Amira said gently

"You're right. Perhaps I've taught you more than I realized." Ms. B said with a quiet laugh

"Now come on. We still have one more stop to make."

Soon they arrived at Janessa's Fabrics. Of course Janessa was happy to see them both, but she was also curious as to why. A brief explanation was all she needed to understand the whole situation.

"Congratulations! I knew it was only a matter of time before you needed my expertise again." Janessa said with a massive grin that went from ear to ear.

"So you'll take the mission?" Ms. B said with a laugh

"Of course! Who do you think your talking to? I'll have you know, I'm the best seamstress anywhere outside the Free Trade States." Janessa beamed

"Good. Then we'll return as soon as you say the dress is done." Ms. B said

"Thank you for your help again Ms. Janessa." added Amira when the discussion was over.

"It's my pleasure sweetie." replied Janessa

Once Everything was set in place, They said their farewells.

After leaving Janessa's Fabrics, Ethan was also just leaving the blacksmith Markus' place. Because of the close proximity of the two buildings, they bumped into each other right away.

"Ethan? Why are these men with you?" Amira asked when she saw him walking with a group of soldiers.

"Hey Amira. Quintis thought it would be a good idea if I had a personal guard. So he assigned these men to me." He stated

"Sir Quintis did?" she asked as she looked the soldiers up and down

"So what kind of trouble did you two get up to today?" Ethan asked jokingly

"Oh you know, planning world domination and the like." Ms. B said sarcastically

"That sounds like fun." He said with a grin

"We were actually going around Lorik, talking to people who could help with the wedding." Amira explained

"I see. Did everything go alright?" Ethan asked

"Of course. She was with me after all. Everything should be ready by the end of the week." said Ms. B

"By the way, did Sir Quintis say anything?" inquired Amira

A knowing look crossed Ethan's eyes as he figured what she was talking about

"Why Ms. Amira, do you expect an honourable, and upstanding gentleman such as myself to betray the man code?" He said with a wry smile

"Though what I can say is, I'm sure the other concerned party, whoever that may be, could probably be expecting good news in the future."

Ethan then gave a quick wink to Ms. B before taking Amira's hand and walking off as if nothing nothing happened.

Ms. B was rooted to the ground in shock as she watched the young couple leave with soldiers following behind. Even though she was confused by the 'man code' Ethan had mentioned, the latter part was not so difficult to put together. She couldn't help but smile as his words echoed in her mind.