
Immortal Cultivator

John_Osbert · Others
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Celestial Challenges

As Noctis's reputation burgeoned, whispers of his unorthodox techniques reached neighboring villages, stirring admiration and envy alike. Feng Lirong, a master of traditional arts, felt threatened by the unconventional prowess Noctis displayed. Determined to assert his dominance, Feng issued a challenge that echoed through the mountains.

Under the ethereal glow of the moon, Noctis and Feng faced off in a mesmerizing dance of blades and cosmic energy. Noctis, guided by the multiversal technique, moved with an otherworldly grace, anticipating Feng's every strike. The battlefield mirrored the celestial forces at play, a reflection of the cosmic clash between tradition and innovation.

As the clash reached its zenith, Noctis harnessed the essence of the multiverse, weaving a tapestry of energy that left onlookers in awe. Feng, though a formidable adversary, found himself outmaneuvered by the very unconventional methods he scorned. In the end, Noctis emerged victorious, his unyielding spirit proving that innovation could triumph over convention