
Immortal Cultivator

John_Osbert · Others
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: A Silent Resolve

Noctis's newfound path was not without its trials. As whispers of his unorthodox training methods spread through the village, skepticism turned to open mockery. Fellow cultivators dismissed him, claiming the multiversal technique was a mere illusion—a desperate grasp at unattainable power.

Undeterred, Noctis pressed on, his nights spent in solitary communion with the moonlit scrolls. Each failure was a testament to his silent resolve, a pledge to prove that the shadows of doubt could be dispersed by the brilliance of perseverance.

The bamboo grove, once a witness to his struggles, became a sacred haven where Noctis honed his skills. The rustling leaves and the soft hum of the wind carried the echo of his determination, resonating with the celestial forces that guided him.

As Noctis continued his journey, he encountered a mentor—a wise cultivator who had also trodden the path of unconventional techniques. Under the mentor's guidance, Noctis's understanding deepened, and his skills blossomed like a rare flower in the moonlight. Together, they delved into the intricacies of the multiversal arts, unlocking layers of potential that surpassed the limits of traditional cultivation.

The village, once a source of disdain, began to take notice. Noctis's training became a spectacle, drawing curious onlookers who marveled at the transformation. The elders, who had once doubted him, now observed with a mix of surprise and reluctant admiration.

Yet, with newfound recognition came a new set of challenges. Noctis faced rival cultivators, each eager to test the veracity of his abilities. Battles unfolded beneath the watchful gaze of the moon, and Noctis, with his silent resolve, emerged victorious, leaving skeptics in awe and detractors silenced.

The whispers of doubt that had once haunted Noctis were replaced by a chorus of respect. The village, initially resistant to change, now embraced the unconventional path he forged. Noctis's story, a tale of determination and the pursuit of one's destiny, echoed through the bamboo grove—a prelude to the epic journey that awaited him in the realms beyond.