
Immortal Arts Of Cooking

Warning: rated NACB for Not A Cook Book. "Su Ying, i just noticed your getting more a litle bit fatter" Li Jie said "hmmm...shut up its your fault anyway!" Su Ying puffed his cheeks "why was i the one to blame?" "its because the food you cook tasted so delicious" Su Ying answered pointing the pot "hey...don't blame the food!" Li Jie said seriously "so just you know ,not just me all of the girls are complaining because they are starting to gain weight, because they can't limit themselves from eating the food you cook" Su Ying yelled. "ahhh i get it...I'll cook something more delicious next time, i wonder how will the ladies of Wang Clan will look when they gain more weight" a smirk emerge from Li Jie's expressionless face "you- your a demon!" Su Ying said in with a terrified expression

SirLazeAlot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

shredding slice

Lie Jie has decided, to not bandage his left eye, because of how uncomfortable it was ,and because the wound has already fully healed, only leaving a long scar and a white eyeball. so he thought that there will no reason for him bondage it except for hiding his white eyeball.9

while traveling, he would occasionally pick fruits that he could spot with his left eye, before putting it to his sack, he saves the Qi rich fruits to eat later, and toss the ordinary one's to the window of the carriage where Xiu Lin is riding.

Xiu Lin also enjoyed the treats that will occasionally goes flying inside the carriage. this became there pass time for the whole trip.

in the nigth Li Jie will help in cooking, then when its bedtime, he will eat the Qi rich fruits that he found.before meditating to absorb its Qi,

the rare fruit that he devours often has a very violent Qi, but for some reasons, he could always absorbed it, without it going haywire inside his body. he learned it when he swallow 7 body refining pellets.

this discovery has increased his cultivation speed tremendously, if he could ,somehow get his hands in much better cultivation resources,

the convoy has traveled for 6 days and 5 nigths before they arrived in Tak Wai Empire. and during this time Li Jie has finally broke thru to Qi absorption 3, thanks to the rare fruits that supplemented his cultivation on the way.

and now they are standing to the gates of Tak Wai empire, Li Jie saw that the imperial city was above the huge rocky mountain, while the palace could be still be seen, inside the huge walls,

under the rocky mountains where the empire is built, are plain lands with abandoned farms, most likely because of the coming winter,

there are gold and silver rank cultivator wearing armors that are patrolling the moldy walls, of the empire. while two black rank guards check's the people that are going inside the huge bronze door.

"I'm Yi Sun Shin of the Yi clan, while the things in my carriage are food for my clan in the coming winter, so i ask the two senior to let us in." Mr Sun Shin said to the two guards while couping his hands. the two guard nodded letting the convoy ,go inside.

after few minutes of walking, they have finally reached the Yi clan compound, the place is to alot bigger than they're ,market in Qiu Empire.

"Xiu Lin-er, follow me to greet the elders, Li jie stay here" Sun shin said as he brought Xiu Lin with him to a huge building.

having nothing else to do Li Jie helped in moving the food, to there storage area with the people that he traveled together with.

few minutes later is the only one that returned, is Xiu Lin with a sad face, " the place you will stay...is a little.....small...follow me"

Li Jie nodded.

the two walk until they reached a run down wooden cottage, "sorry father tried to talk to the elders,to give a better lodging but his only house he was able to give you.." Xiu Lin said while looking at Li jie with pity

"this is good enough, i like cozy places" Li Jie said. its already good that the Yi clan had let an outside like him have somewhere to rest, so. he thinks that Sun Shin must have tried everything to get him even this cottage.

"i'm sorry for dragging you into this big brother Li Jie, if I didn't force you to follow us, you will not have suffer like this " Xiu Lin said, while her eye redden. almost about to cry

"who will suffer?" Li jie suddenly used both of his hand to pinch Xiu Lin to the cheeks,

"lest gos osf msy csheeks , thish is sherius" Xiu Lin, said, the sudden turn of event suddenly stop her from crying.

"didn't we just arrived, and your already crying, in some small details, i suggested you go visit your friends, while i fix my thing up, got it?" Li Jie said still pulling Xiu Lin cheeks.

"yhes" Xui Lin answered

"good" Li Jie let go of Xiu Lin cheeks

Xiu Lin grab her cheeks,and stared at Li Jie for the last time before walking away .

after Xiu Lin was gone, Li jie goes inside the cottage ,he saw a fire place made of clay, while there are no furniture inside. so its a rundown wooden cottage with clay fireplace.

"atleast i will not freeze to death" Li Jie murmured ,as he pulled an axe from his bag, he still got some time left before the nigth falls, so he thought of stacking some wood first.

he was not that surprise that the Yi clan main branch is very cold towards him, he doesn't have any backing, and Sun Shin must have a small voice in the Yi clan, so he decided, its time for him to do things for himself

being a Qi absorption 3 cultivation, Li Jie's strength was higher that before, he could even lift a log 3 times larger than he is .

leaving the Yi clan compound he started to ask to the guards about the places he can cut some wood from,

he learned that there is forest nearby that he could cut some tree, but the guard warned him to not to go too far because some demonic beast are roaming in there.

after reaching the forest, he used his axe to chop some tree and brought the huge piece of log back home, after going back and forth to the forest and his cottage, he finally have enough wood to last him for at least 2 weeks,

he chop some of it as firewood for the nigth to come, before fixing the hole on the roof and the walls of the cottage with some sticks and clay ,hoping that it will not rain until the clay hardens, he then he cleaned the floor that was filled with dust,

after few hours of cleaning and fixing the cottage,finally looks habitable. Li Jie nodded satisfied with his work.

there are only 2 hours left, before nigth time ,so he decided to roam the Tak-Wai empire to buy some items, with the money given to him by Sun Shin.

after visiting a smith's store, he bought a saw, a hammer and few nails, he also brought a thick blanket, and a fur coat in the clothing store

visiting a the food market , he bought few kilos of meat and spices

its already dark, after he returned back to his small cottage in the far corner of the Yi clans compound, he immediately started a fire in his small fire place,

pulling his kitchen knife that accompanied him when he was still in Wang clan, he started practicing cutting arts,

circulating the Qi power in his hand to his blade is very hard, but thanks to his left eye that can visually see Qi power, he could immediately fix some issues in his distribution of qi power in the blade.

few hours later he finally manage to coat the blade with Qi,

pulling the meat that he bought, and started to cut it in the cutting board, he just made from cutting a log with saw,

*Sleeeek* the slice made from his first cut feels very bumpy, the the meat looks like a it was shredded by a beast,

Li jie learning that this one slice has already consumed atleast 15% of his qi power, but it will not stop him.

*Sleeecck* the cut looks like another shredded pieces of meat

*slaaack* another piece was shredded

*sleeeck* and another

*sliiick* another

*sccaaark* this time Li jie's control of his Qi suddenly slip out, because he consumed too much Qi power. the meat was mushed to the point where small part flew in different direction.

then Li Jie thougth of an idea, what if he use that to cut a human without Qi to protect his body, but after picturing what will happen, he shuddered and dropped the idea. he didn't want to be showered with human minced meat.