

I'll be posting my bts imagines and one-shots which are there on my instagram. However, some stories posted here won't be posted in instagram. Please give this book a chance. You won't regret it. You nice! Keep going.

xangelggukx · Music & Bands
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5 Chs


"I really love holding you,darling."

Namjoon whispered to the girl he was cuddling with. He was head over heels for her. The girl blushed and kissed him on the cheek quickly. However,Namjoon had other plans so he kissed her passionately.

Soon,they were making out on the sofa.This would have been a nice fanfiction on the web but it angered you. Namjoon,your boyfriend of a year was cheating on you with that girl. Being the leader of BTS was difficult since they are always practicing or going on tours or photo-shoots.

Whenever he was free, you would spend time with him. Baking a cake, going on nature walks, having sex and many more moments which you cherished. You reminisced about these small things.

Turns out he's also doing these 'small things' with someone else. The nameless girl moaned his name. The chocolate box was being crushed so you kept the pizza on the doorstep.You had his spare key so you were able to enter his house easily. After locking the door carefully and pressing the doorbell,you ran away from the apartment.

Namjoon grumbled and opened the door only to be met with a box of pizza. The girl came and clutched his arm.

"Who was it, babe?."

Sohee asked as she looked outside. Scratching his head, he lifted the box of pizza from the ground and answered her question.

"It was the pizza guy but why did he leave without collecting the money?."

"Maybe you paid for the pizza online."


Both of them entered the house and ate the pizza while watching the movie. While seeing the heroine laugh, he remembered your laugh. How you would smile whenever he was clumsy. Namjoon felt guilty. He fell out of love a few months ago but didn't know how to break it to you.

He met Park Sohee while shooting for an advertisement. He immediately clicked with her as they had common interests and the physical attraction increased their relationship.

It was wrong but it felt right in Namjoon's heart. Sohee cuddled with him as they continued watching the movie. He stifled a yawn which didn't go unnoticed by Sohee.

"Joonie,let's sleep."

She suggested and grabbed his arm.

"What about the movie?."

"We'll see the rest tomorrow."

They slept peacefully in the bedroom unaware of the impending doom. You chuckled bitterly and clicked 'send' in the email.The email was successfully sent to Dispatch. You stretched your arms and crashed on the bed.

"Joon, wake up!."

Sohee shouted waking up Namjoon. He got up confused and stumbled to the hallway.

"What happened?."

"See the news."

She snapped causing Namjoon to see what was happening in the news. His eyes widened. There were photos of both of them and plus a video of Namjoon making out with Sohee. He put on his shirt and grabbed the car keys.

"Where are you going,Namjoon?."

He ignored her and went to his car avoiding the paparazzi. Various thoughts rushed in his mind. How will he explain everything to you?.

You opened the door allowing him inside. He saw a cardboard box filled with stuff but ignored it and started to explain the situation.

"Y/N,that video is fake."

You snorted puzzling Namjoon and continued to drink your coffee. Keeping the cup on the table, you pulled out your mobile and showed him the video.

"I did it,Kim Namjoon. I sent the video."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

xangelggukxcreators' thoughts