

I'll be posting my bts imagines and one-shots which are there on my instagram. However, some stories posted here won't be posted in instagram. Please give this book a chance. You won't regret it. You nice! Keep going.

xangelggukx · Music & Bands
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5 Chs


You sighed as you sat in front of the mirror. The girl in the mirror stared back at you. You were made more beautiful or 'dolled up' and were waiting for the event to get over. Two months back, you would have laughed if anyone told you would become a princess but now,you were dreading your status.

As a princess, there were many restrictions and 'etiquette', which you called as 'sugarcoated bullshit.' 

You could no longer go out of the palace or be alone without someone monitoring you at all times. However, there was a silver lining. You could talk to your best friend on the phone for hours and no one would tell you anything.

"Hey Jisoo."

You said to your best friend on the phone.

"Lower the volume , you idiot. Why the hell should I go? You're in my room! What?."

After finding a comfortable place, Jisoo replied.

"Hello princess diaries!."

"Stop it. Don't call me that. Besides, my life has become a nightmare."


She asked while you stared at the ceiling.

"I haven't  eaten pizza these days."

"What the fuck? How are you even alive,dude?."

'By breathing-."

Before you could continue, someone knocked on the door. After sitting in the correct posture,you put the phone on hold and replied.

"Come in."

To your relief, it was your bodyguard , Jeon Jungkook. He stood outside and spoke,

"The ball has started, your Royal Highness."

You rolled your eyes and followed him outside. 

"I've to go now, I'll call you later."

"Ciao, princess diaries."

You smiled and cut the call.When you reached the hall, all eyes were on you. Ignoring the judgemental stares, you walked to your grandmother, who was speaking to the press.

"Come here Y/N. Now ,may I introduce my granddaughter, Y/N L/N, the princess of Lightmoor Kingdom."

After curtsying, you sat next to your grandmother. She answered all the questions skilfully.Now and then, the press asked you questions, for which you answered correctly,making your grandmother proud in the process.

"I heard that the crown prince of Ravaryn, Kim Taehyung and  Her Royal Highness are going out . Is that true, your Highness?."

On the outside, you were calm but on the inside, you were going berserk.How the hell do they make up gossip?. You and Taehyung were just friends.  You saw him as a friend , nothing more and nothing less.

After sighing internally and flashing a smile, you responded to their question.

"That's not true. We are just friends. He has been helping me to  become a good royal. Have a good night everyone."

After excusing yourself, you went around ,speaking to many representatives and dancing with other royals. Then, you sat down in a chair and drank some wine.

"Don't drink too much , princess."

Taehyung advised while holding a glass of champagne. He took some sips and sat next to to you.

"When will this end?."

"When you die."

He chuckled while you elbowed him in the ribs.

"When does the ball end?."

"Your grandmother hosted this ball.Ask her."

"You want me to get attacked by more questions? As if that's enough, they're asking whether we are dating."

"You should've said yes. It would've been fun."

You gasped and smacked him on his head.  

"My misery is your happiness. By the way, did you see Jungkook anywhere?."

Taehyung's eyes became dull. However , before you could ask what was wrong, he  immediately answered.

"He's in the balcony."

"Are you fine-."

"Hurry before he runs away again."

Jungkook stood in the balcony,observing the stars. They were really beautiful.More beautiful than the girls trying to pounce at him in the ball. The cool air grazed his jaw and he closed his eyes to enjoy the night.


He opened his eyes to look at you. The dress hugged your curves and your hair was let down. He was mesmerized by your presence.He couldn't even utter a word so he tore his gaze from you and focused on the sky above instead.

"Whatcha doing?."

You asked and stood next to Jungkook, enjoying his presence and the night. During these 2 months, Jungkook listened to your rants and comforted you which you enjoyed. Jungkook liked your presence. Everyone wanted him to talk all the time but you didn't say anything and you understood him.

After some time, Jungkook replied while you rested your head on his shoulder.


"Oh really?all I see is you watching the stars."

Your tone became playful making Jungkook smile. God, you loved his smile. They were so beautiful that they fixed  your bad days in an instant.

"Would it kill you to relax?."

You teased your guard.

"Probably," he replied."Likely, it would kill you too. That's rather the point."

A smile flashed across your face.

"I'll risk it."

You said and held out a hand.

"Dance with me."

Jungkook's face flushed. You looked at him, waiting.Then, he took your hand and smirked.

"It's a pleasure,My lady."

The rest of the night was spent dancing away from reality and to your own world.However,all good things come to an end.

"I enjoyed the dance."

He complimented you. Embarrassed, you murmured, "me too",before running away to your room leaving behind a happy and smiling Jungkook.

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