

I'll be posting my bts imagines and one-shots which are there on my instagram. However, some stories posted here won't be posted in instagram. Please give this book a chance. You won't regret it. You nice! Keep going.

xangelggukx · Music & Bands
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5 Chs


"I was gonna tell you a chemistry joke but I know I won't get a reaction."

Jin joked as the emotionless man looked up and continued using his mobile after retorting.

"You got that right."

"Sir, you've to pay $3.45 for your iced coffee trenta."

After paying the bill, the man left the cafe while you continued to stare at Jin. You didn't know his name even after being a regular customer.When Jin noticed you staring,he winked at you. You blushed and looked at your laptop.

You sighed and eyed the blank document. The cafe was your work spot or was a work spot until Jin came along. His beauty bewitched everyone,including you. You fell for his charms slowly as you visited the cafe everyday.

"So, how's the chapter coming?."

You shook your head as your best friend Kim Hana sat down next to you. After gazing at the blank document, she gave you the look. The look that meant 'I'm going to get you in trouble for your own good.'


You refused making her whine.Despite your refusal,she whispered the idea.

"Do you know his full name?."

"I don't know. You know his name since you are his boss."

She smirked. Hana was the owner of this cafe 'Euphoria'.Both of you were attached to the hip as you grew up together.

"Speak to him or else I'll disown you."

Hana threatened you while you just rolled your eyes and drank some of your coffee.

"I'll ban you from this cafe."

Now your eyes widened. Hana was a stubborn person who made sure that you did whatever she wanted. Angry Hana was scary and you didn't want to admit that. It was fair to be honest. Two years and you didn't even know anything about him.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow not today.Give me some time to prepare."

You agreed while getting up to order another iced coffee. Both of you walked some distance before she pushed you towards the counter. Hana grinned and mouthed the words.

"Talk or I'll kill you."

You gulped and saw the handsome being in front of you. Before you could even speak,he handed you the coffee and winked. You cleared your throat and asked.

"What did the drunk woman say to a man at the bar?."

Being amused, Jin scrawled something on the bill and gave it to you.Then,he replied,

"What did she say?."

He leaned towards you on the counter while you came back to reality after being distracted by him.

"Alcohol-you later."

Both of you laughed, Jin's windshield-wiper laugh overlapping with yours.He rubbed off the tears from his eyes and glanced at you.

"See you later."

You said as you walked towards the exit and glanced down at your cup. In place of your name, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL was written. When you turned back, you met his eyes.

"Call me later."

He shouted and focused on the register. While your face had become beet red, you noticed Jin's ears had also become red.

"Woo-hoo. The drinks are on the house,people!."

Your best friend exclaimed while the customers cheered for your love and the free drinks. The paper with his handwriting was safe in your pocket. You smiled all the way to your home.

Call me later.

Kim Seokjin- XXX-XXX-XXX ;)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

xangelggukxcreators' thoughts