

I'll be posting my bts imagines and one-shots which are there on my instagram. However, some stories posted here won't be posted in instagram. Please give this book a chance. You won't regret it. You nice! Keep going.

xangelggukx · Music & Bands
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5 Chs


Jimin: Let's break up.

The mobile slipped from your hands after reading the text your boyfriend of 4 years had sent you. Your hands were trembling. Your mind had completely become blank because of the shock.

"What went wrong?."

You mumbled to yourself and rubbed your eyes. Then ,you checked the text again to see if you had read it wrong. However, the reality slapped you in the face after reading the text. The text hadn't changed.

Jimin:Come to this address. XXX-XXXXXX-XXX

After taking deep breaths, you became calm and went to the car.The weather was sunny but you felt cold. Missing his sweet words and cuddles, you reminisced about the beautiful memories he had left for you.

However, the rational part of your brain couldn't help but wonder what went wrong. These past few days, Jimin was distant and ignored you most of the time.At first, you thought he wanted to be alone so you didn't say anything. His behavior didn't change for the following days.

Last night, you initiated the conversation while having dinner with Jimin.

"How was your day, Jimin?."

While having the food,he answered.


Puzzled, you looked at him while he continued eating.But, you didn't give up.

"My day went great. Actually, the food at my office was very tasty. We had spaghetti and meatballs."


Jimin had got up and gone to the kitchen to wash the dishes.Gulping your food quickly,you took your plate and joined him in washing the dishes.While he washed the plates, you dried them.

"Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?."

You popped the question while scrubbing the plates.Jimin didn't reply and just washed the plates.

"Because it was two tired."

You laughed while Jimin went away after washing the dishes. Puzzled, you went out of the kitchen to see him scrolling on his phone.Head hanging low, you went to the guest room with your blanket.

You blinked away the tears and you opened instagram.Seeing happy couples in the app, you closed the app and moved to youtube.After watching funny videos and some k-dramas, the time was 2 am.

Not once,did he come. Words couldn't describe your emotions that moment. Before you met Jimin, you were alone. You sat by yourself for lunch, talked to people only for information, did your work and went home.

However, after meeting Jimin,your life changed.Opening up to people was difficult but was worth it with him by your side. Friends have become a part of your life now.

The once silent life was filled with talks and banter.

Blinking away your tears, you continued to drive and noticed your surroundings.They were greener. You pulled down your window and felt the fresh air on your face. Unable to bear the pain, your eyes teared up. You thought break-ups were part of life but didn't expect it to be a part of your life.

You had seen love but felt love after meeting Jimin.Love had many forms and colours. In your canvas, there were many colours- yellow being the most prominent.

Red and pink symbolising your feelings for Jimin, some jealousy was there too.It got filled up with many colours as days went by. But after today,the colours will fade away slowly and be replaced by the colour grey- the colour for emptiness.

Your destination had arrived. Making sure, you didn't look like a scare-crow and adding some finishing touches, you got down from the door. Walking with your head high,you realized one thing.

Love is a drug. You had become addicted to love but hopefully,it's not late. You're experiencing the withdrawals. With some time, you'll slowly become better and walk

towards a new life.


You froze, not expecting that. Jimin walked towards you happily and dragged you inside the cafe. Everyone stared at you expectantly.

"What's happening now?."

You inquired, wanting to have more clarity to the current situation.However, everyone was laughing so hard that they started to cry.Jimin answered your question.

"It's your birthday today,Y/N. Happy Birthday."

You immediately took out your mobile and saw the date. He was right. It was your birthday today.

"So you're not breaking up with me?."

Your voice quavered while Jimin hugged you immediately.He caressed your hair softly.

"Baby,it was just a prank.I'm not breaking up with you."

"Really? This isn't a dream?."

He pulled out of your hug and kissed your forehead.

"This is reality,Y/N. I won't leave you even if you leave me."

Then, you broke down. Completely. Everyone started shouting at Jimin while you sobbed. Jimin whined and hid behind you.

"Y/N,I'm sorry. I won't do this again. Please help me."

He back-hugged you. You giggled.

"Please do it again except the ignoring and break-up part."


He kissed you passionately while others cheered and supported your love.Needless to say, the rest of the night was spent under the sheets.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

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