
0004 FIGHTING HIM.....

he was a guy who let the person go and couldn't let go the memories

yet, I was a person who holded onto both but I couldn't I just couldn't

and those heart breaking moments started playing in my mind the ancestral Hall my brother who once more chose her

that year changed every thing every single one why the day she entered our life


she took away my life

my life who had cared abt me now cared abt her and he gave her more he never loved me but he loved her so she already had won the battle

it was hurting me but I told myself

its okay Veronica u can get over it


ucangetoverit ucangetoverit ucangetoverit


and a voice dragged me to present

"nikki " it was Ian . "that seat is nikki's" ian said and I realised I ended up at the back passenger seat door when I was in my abyss of thought's

"Never wanted the seat anyway" she said cockily as she knew she sat in Ian's car a several times and she ķnew he never let another women then me and his sister sit over there

soon I took my seat and waved mom dad and John goodbye

as we exited the big white gates of mansion

"little princess I'll take u somewhere" Ian said with a beautiful smile

" Ian I wanna rest maybe some other day" I said with a tired look and he suddenly blinked his eyes and said " oh yes u have injuries and how couldn't u tell me I'm not done with that understand "

before I uttered a word he continued "I'll be departing tommorow I have business to attend take care of urself or ur dead understand!" and then when I did not answer "un.der.stand!?" he said in a commanding voice

"fine Ian, okay no need to be so harsh I'm injured u know "I said in a cute angry tone

"fine "he said . I knew it would work

only he knew this side of me in the past year as things changed I've known him for 5 years and he was somone I couldn't live without and I knew that we both couldn't but I also knew not bcoz we loved each other becoz we needed each other not bodies or those adults needs but need of the comfort zone person I was his and he was my comfort zone we knew everything about each other only one thing was unknown the people we loved their names was that I wanted to tell him and he wanted to tell me too but we couldn't but that doesn't matter anymore not to me and

as we reached Nicole's home I Nicole and Ian knew I had rented a apartment in just down the lane of Nicole's house and we dropped of Nicole said each other Goodbyes hugged and Ian dropped me at my home my personal space♡ where I'd be myself no faking smiles no faking laughs no masks that I wore which were heartless and cold .

I reached my door and opened it a faint smell of lavender coming from the praying room as I stepped in I felt like


the real one and then I went in changed my dress into comfortable pj's and removed my make up but...

my mind was stuck to that heart breaking moment I saw in the ancestral Hall the images flooding through my head how he my brother chose her first a thousand times holding onto her comforting her loving her I told myself to stop just stop loving but I just couldn't it was beyond my limits

I heard a faint voice it was someone knocking on the door it must be Ian might have brought me marshmallows ♡

as I was fleeing to the door

" Iannnnn I'm cominggggg ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cockroachhhhhhhh Ian helpppppp go away bastard!! aah !aaaaahhhh!" I opened the door and sprang on the person in front of me but after an instant passed I smelled 2 cologne one minty which was Ian's and the other was woody wich was .....


I lifted my head finding John behind Ian

thump thump thump thump

"what are u doing here " me and Ian said in an echo and little did I notice that Ian was still holding me his hands clapsed below my ass but he didn't touch me he never did we were that type of pureee friends and when I wanted to get down he wouldn't let me and I dug my face into his broad shoulders in embarrassment

"where is that bastard princess " Ian asked totally ignoring the presence of john . "over there " I pointed at the shoe rack where all my okay heels were put in a neat and tidy form of course I was a neat freak

"let.her.down! now.!" John's said commandingly.

"not a chance " Ian shot back his blue eyes glaring back at those emerald eyes

I let out a sigh and stood on my own accord turned around and said with all the energy left in me "ur not welcomed here John " I said in quit the attitude as I could although I wanted to be always on his good side yet after being instantly hurt and tired I was giving up not on love but on the words I always held back even when that hurted me by doing either and it would never hurted him as it hurts when people u love are being rude to you not people that don't matter

"ur coming back home noww! and not only know this instant" he yelled and yanked my hand but it hurt and suddenly I felt liquid flow down my stomach

I was bleeding again but it's okay as long as its him even if I would die in his hands I would never regret it a moment

"Mr Christopherhave u gone insane she is bleeding!" Ian yelled pulled me back gently pushed John backward and shut the door at his face

"ur not worth being her brother" Ian said while John yelled outside

" Ian fucking Carter don't you test my patience open the door she has to get to the hospital now!"he yelled and banged a puch on the door

I opened up "No need to take her to the hospital I practice medicine too I am one of the most influential doctors in D nation " Ian said lifting me up taking me to the bedroom

he put me down and John appeared on the other side I didn't know what I was seeing more like I was shocked I saw concern in his eyes he was always concerned when the topic was me getting hurt but now it seemed a rare sight but something was strange I couldn't read the other thing on his face was it anger or was it aggressiveness as Ian lifted my loose top till the injury was visible and nothing too personal which were stained with red little spots of blood and he put alcohol wet Coton on my wound and I hissed

suddenly John took my hands into his

thump thump thump

it felt like the day I opened my eyes after many years of coma as people said it but I didn't want to believe it bcoz there were memories that haunted me and I was as young as noon in them

a smile left my mouth as I saw John I was feeling the person I had lost has come back and soon looking into those beautiful shiny emerald eyes I fell asleep


hm guess my butterfly is asleep I didn't know why but seeing her sleep made my heart pound and it skipped a beat when she smiled in her dream it happend first time my heart neve pounded this hard and It felt like it was going to fall of my chest

then suddenly " Ian where are you Ian Ian " why is hse calling him again whyyy..

he came running with a glass of water put it at the side table and holded onto her other hand saying

"I'm here my princess my life I'm here "

my chest burned and I wanted to punch his face

" John let Ian go if u touch him it's the end end of everything let him goo!"


why is he the one who gets good words of worry and me nothing and I froze at the sight Ian slowly lay himself ryt behind nikki and hugged her on the bed my chest felt like it would explode out of anger like not an hour ago they hugged like lovers but the sight of her where she soon stopped blabbering words and fell asleep I let him be

"if u can't protect her let me" Ian said before u could say he said

"I have always been with her and have protected her she is someone I can't baer to loose she's not something she is everything ....talking with her feels like a day without stress and spending time without her by my side.....it was like eternity to me she is a most needed part of my life and I know I'm hers most needed part too so trust me I'll protect her so...go have happy days with your loved one why bother hurting her "

I was dumbstruck to the words to the confession i was reminded by my memories Jessica was someone I claimed to love but waht is this now it might be bcoz she is my little sister who I've seen grow up into a more beautifuler adult from the day she woke up should I....let Ian protect her and not interfer my chest started to burn and I regretted what I thought

no she is mine my sister someone who had always been as strong as steel how could I never see these side of hers in years how hadn't I realised that she changed I thought she was the same how hadn't I noticed this how


I fell into an abyss of thoughts as I closed my eyes those memories flashed up of how she'd been in years so close to me yet now it felt so distant as if she was carved into someone different she was no more smiling where had I gone wrong

I...I how could I forget to get her a gift wasn't it her birthday and Jessica she's going to be punished no matter what how could she do so with nikk.."I'll take it yes and even if its a no u can't stop me " Ian said

"no! she.is.mine.! my sister ill protect her no need of a stranger who she'd just known interfer" No way I could let him hmph!

"No matter what u say I don't care In fact I never cared abt people putting their nose in when they were never welcomed to do so " and suddenly he smirked and came up to my ear and said

" I've known her for 8 years and she knows me exactly 5 years from now she was never yours let me make it clear SHE.IS.MINE. understand M.I.N.E. and I think ur well aware u do not hold more power than me u rule the A nation I rule the D I know u may be a little more good with your coldness and heartlessness that's the difference... u got looks yet a heart of stone while I .... huh! I got both heart which is kind and face that is on the same accord.....than you u are A nations boyfriend

ranking 1 in wealth and many things but I rule the D as u know but remember in terms of power I always had a little more so don't u underestimate me I may turn out to be someone your searching for not just now but for years and let me tell u I know ur little secret I'm well aware that u hold a lot more power than me but I don't care u can over power me but winning me is not a chance and ur never winning her anyway hmph!"

that little brat I'll kill him for sure but no how does he know wait.a.minute our servers a week ago was it him no I have to look into it

he was a guy who let the person go and couldn't let go the memories

yet, I was a person who holded onto both but I couldn't I just couldn't

and those heart breaking moments started playing in my mind the ancestral Hall my brother who once more chose her

that year changed every thing every single one why the day she entered our life


she took away my life

my life who had cared abt me now cared abt her and he gave her more he never loved me but he loved her so she already had won the battle

it was hurting me but I told myself

its okay Veronica u can get over it


ucangetoverit ucangetoverit ucangetoverit


and a voice dragged me to present

"nikki " it was Ian . "that seat is nikki's" ian said and I realised I ended up at the back passenger seat door when I was in my abyss of thought's

"Never wanted the seat anyway" she said cockily as she knew she sat in Ian's car a several times and she ķnew he never let another women then me and his sister sit over there

soon I took my seat and waved mom dad and John goodbye

as we exited the big white gates of mansion

"little princess I'll take u somewhere" Ian said with a beautiful smile

" Ian I wanna rest maybe some other day" I said with a tired look and he suddenly blinked his eyes and said " oh yes u have injuries and how couldn't u tell me I'm not done with that understand "

before I uttered a word he continued "I'll be departing tommorow I have business to attend take care of urself or ur dead understand!" and then when I did not answer "un.der.stand!?" he said in a commanding voice

"fine Ian, okay no need to be so harsh I'm injured u know "I said in a cute angry tone

"fine "he said . I knew it would work

only he knew this side of me in the past year as things changed I've known him for 5 years and he was somone I couldn't live without and I knew that we both couldn't but I also knew not bcoz we loved each other becoz we needed each other not bodies or those adults needs but need of the comfort zone person I was his and he was my comfort zone we knew everything about each other only one thing was unknown the people we loved their names was that I wanted to tell him and he wanted to tell me too but we couldn't but that doesn't matter anymore not to me and

as we reached Nicole's home I Nicole and Ian knew I had rented a apartment in just down the lane of Nicole's house and we dropped of Nicole said each other Goodbyes hugged and Ian dropped me at my home my personal space♡ where I'd be myself no faking smiles no faking laughs no masks that I wore which were heartless and cold .

I reached my door and opened it a faint smell of lavender coming from the praying room as I stepped in I felt like


the real one and then I went in changed my dress into comfortable pj's and removed my make up but...

my mind was stuck to that heart breaking moment I saw in the ancestral Hall the images flooding through my head how he my brother chose her first a thousand times holding onto her comforting her loving her I told myself to stop just stop loving but I just couldn't it was beyond my limits

I heard a faint voice it was someone knocking on the door it must be Ian might have brought me marshmallows ♡

as I was fleeing to the door

" Iannnnn I'm cominggggg ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cockroachhhhhhhh Ian helpppppp go away bastard!! aah !aaaaahhhh!" I opened the door and sprang on the person in front of me but after an instant passed I smelled 2 cologne one minty which was Ian's and the other was woody wich was .....


I lifted my head finding John behind Ian

thump thump thump thump

"what are u doing here " me and Ian said in an echo and little did I notice that Ian was still holding me his hands clapsed below my ass but he didn't touch me he never did we were that type of pureee friends and when I wanted to get down he wouldn't let me and I dug my face into his broad shoulders in embarrassment

"where is that bastard princess " Ian asked totally ignoring the presence of john . "over there " I pointed at the shoe rack where all my okay heels were put in a neat and tidy form of course I was a neat freak

"let.her.down! now.!" John's said commandingly.

"not a chance " Ian shot back his blue eyes glaring back at those emerald eyes

I let out a sigh and stood on my own accord turned around and said with all the energy left in me "ur not welcomed here John " I said in quit the attitude as I could although I wanted to be always on his good side yet after being instantly hurt and tired I was giving up not on love but on the words I always held back even when that hurted me by doing either and it would never hurted him as it hurts when people u love are being rude to you not people that don't matter

"ur coming back home noww! and not only know this instant" he yelled and yanked my hand but it hurt and suddenly I felt liquid flow down my stomach

I was bleeding again but it's okay as long as its him even if I would die in his hands I would never regret it a moment

"Mr Christopherhave u gone insane she is bleeding!" Ian yelled pulled me back gently pushed John backward and shut the door at his face

"ur not worth being her brother" Ian said while John yelled outside

" Ian fucking Carter don't you test my patience open the door she has to get to the hospital now!"he yelled and banged a puch on the door

I opened up "No need to take her to the hospital I practice medicine too I am one of the most influential doctors in D nation " Ian said lifting me up taking me to the bedroom

he put me down and John appeared on the other side I didn't know what I was seeing more like I was shocked I saw concern in his eyes he was always concerned when the topic was me getting hurt but now it seemed a rare sight but something was strange I couldn't read the other thing on his face was it anger or was it aggressiveness as Ian lifted my loose top till the injury was visible and nothing too personal which were stained with red little spots of blood and he put alcohol wet Coton on my wound and I hissed

suddenly John took my hands into his

thump thump thump

it felt like the day I opened my eyes after many years of coma as people said it but I didn't want to believe it bcoz there were memories that haunted me and I was as young as noon in them

a smile left my mouth as I saw John I was feeling the person I had lost has come back and soon looking into those beautiful shiny emerald eyes I fell asleep


hm guess my butterfly is asleep I didn't know why but seeing her sleep made my heart pound and it skipped a beat when she smiled in her dream it happend first time my heart neve pounded this hard and It felt like it was going to fall of my chest

then suddenly " Ian where are you Ian Ian " why is hse calling him again whyyy..

he came running with a glass of water put it at the side table and holded onto her other hand saying

"I'm here my princess my life I'm here "

my chest burned and I wanted to punch his face

" John let Ian go if u touch him it's the end end of everything let him goo!"


why is he the one who gets good words of worry and me nothing and I froze at the sight Ian slowly lay himself ryt behind nikki and hugged her on the bed my chest felt like it would explode out of anger like not an hour ago they hugged like lovers but the sight of her where she soon stopped blabbering words and fell asleep I let him be

"if u can't protect her let me" Ian said before u could say he said

"I have always been with her and have protected her she is someone I can't baer to loose she's not something she is everything ....talking with her feels like a day without stress and spending time without her by my side.....it was like eternity to me she is a most needed part of my life and I know I'm hers most needed part too so trust me I'll protect her so...go have happy days with your loved one why bother hurting her "

I was dumbstruck to the words to the confession i was reminded by my memories Jessica was someone I claimed to love but waht is this now it might be bcoz she is my little sister who I've seen grow up into a more beautifuler adult from the day she woke up should I....let Ian protect her and not interfer my chest started to burn and I regretted what I thought

no she is mine my sister someone who had always been as strong as steel how could I never see these side of hers in years how hadn't I realised that she changed I thought she was the same how hadn't I noticed this how


I fell into an abyss of thoughts as I closed my eyes those memories flashed up of how she'd been in years so close to me yet now it felt so distant as if she was carved into someone different she was no more smiling where had I gone wrong

I...I how could I forget to get her a gift wasn't it her birthday and Jessica she's going to be punished no matter what how could she do so with nikk.."I'll take it yes and even if its a no u can't stop me " Ian said

"no! she.is.mine.! my sister ill protect her no need of a stranger who she'd just known interfer" No way I could let him hmph!

"No matter what u say I don't care In fact I never cared abt people putting their nose in when they were never welcomed to do so " and suddenly he smirked and came up to my ear and said

" I've known her for 8 years and she knows me exactly 5 years from now she was never yours let me make it clear SHE.IS.MINE. understand M.I.N.E. and I think ur well aware u do not hold more power than me u rule the A nation I rule the D I know u may be a little more good with your coldness and heartlessness that's the difference... u got looks yet a heart of stone while I .... huh! I got both heart which is kind and face that is on the same accord.....than you u are A nations boyfriend

ranking 1 in wealth and many things but I rule the D as u know but remember in terms of power I always had a little more so don't u underestimate me I may turn out to be someone your searching for not just now but for years and let me tell u I know ur little secret I'm well aware that u hold a lot more power than me but I don't care u can over power me but winning me is not a chance and ur never winning her anyway hmph!"

that little brat I'll kill him for sure but no how does he know wait.a.minute our servers a week ago was it him no I have to look into it

This chapter had a lot more slides as I didn't post from many days bcoz the app was not working ryt so I waited till the problem got fixed ill be updating the chapters regularly

have a nice day ♡

~ serah_kim