


"Noo!"what happend to nikki why is she shouting I put the plate of the apple down which was being peeled for her I turned towards her and everyone in the room ran towards her "IAN! IAN! NOO IAN!.... I LOVE YOU!.....ILOVE YOUU....IAN! IAN!.....PLEAZE DONT GO .....PLEASE IAN .....MY DEAREST IAN!....DONT GO PLEASE! PLZZZZZZ" my eyeballs were about to fall of my eyes I was amazed by the sight of her calling A MAN'S name what is this pain why am I feeling like I've been betrayed whyy

yes! it might be bcoz I'm her brother and that bustard would brake her heart who is he I Wass still in drowned in my thoughts "huff! hufff! noo! Ian no!" nikki sat in no time shouting and huffing.

as I held her hand to comfort her she slapped my hand off and was terrified seeing me by her side.mom and Nicole hugged her and said together "it will be allright nikki.it was just a nightmare.....its okay darling" reassuring her as she took deep breaths. they were cuddling her like a baby when she just claimed she loved someone even in her dreams -_- .

she had the guts to do so. humph!


"Who is Ian my darling " mom asked

shit I fucked up noooo! hell nooo! instant regret for all that yelling 😖but which part did they hear

Dad: let her live here from now on. dad said breaking the silence.

John:No I'm taking her home

me:I'm neither staying here nor going back to that living hell

John:what did u say hell!?

me: yes hell! a freaking living hell !! . i shouted at the top of my voice I turned towards my brother with hate and resentment in those light brown eyes of mine wich were perfect and admired by thousands yet I fell for him John....u've wronged me...


I was shocked for the way she looked at me did she hate me I could feel her eyes saying me that I've wronger her why do I feel the urge to go tell her that I am sorry...why just whyyyyy!


why is he so quit now.....never mind

Dad: then where do u plan to live my baby girl

I answerd I'll be staying at nikki's

"Noo! she's coming with me what if she sleeps around shamelessly with that little lover of hers when I'm not watching her huh!" John said in a harsh tone I was about to tell something but father told before I could "do u think she's like the sl*t around you " and said in a reassuring voice "go ahead nikki have fun at Nicole's for some days college's gonna start anyway"

and before going to my walk in wardrobe I said some words to my brother"And Mr John Christopher I'm never going back to that place "he shot his emerald eyes at me and his beautiful black hair were covering a part of his left eye I was going to start to soften if I saw this beauty in front of me so I stood up took my phone from the table and walked right into my ward robe

I texted Ian

me:hey,Ian could u come over at this locationto pick me up

*location sent*ding! another ding! and another one ding!

Ian♡:yes mam!

Ian♡:will be there within 15 minutes . as I am not that far plz wait

me:okay sir!

he is as cheerfully as ever.i thought

how cute and matured we were then I bragged

the heart after Ian's name is same in Ian's cell for Veronica's contact they had made a deal back then to act like lovers when time comes to avoid dates set by our parents and engagements he sure is really wise ♡▪︎♡

I changed myself into a beautiful black tight yet elegant gown I looked like a queen for real the fact is I'm one in Ian's eyes I thought

clearing my head I stepped out seeing everyone staring at me it has already been time Ian would be here anytime ignoring everyone's sight I sat on my bed wearing my black heels glancing outside the window as a red Porsche drove infront of South mansion

I jumped with excitement and said "Nicole darling time to go" "who is driving she asked "" u'll see it yourself " and I smirked at her

I strode downstairs as everyone followed me I ran to the door slamming it open

I saw Ian waiting for me there as he saw me he said

"how'd u know I was here I was gonna text u" he beamed . I pointed my window "oh so from their my princess" he said brushing my nose in a cute way with his index finger folded I suddenly felt a cold gaze a chill ran down my spine but I didn't care humph! must be John and tuned around I guessed just right but I didn't want to be bothered I hurt myself too ugh for him in past years I didn't want to be hurted more

"mom dad meet him he is Ian Carter the next heir to Carter family "

"my dad stepped forward and said nice to meet u Mr Carter "nad shook hands with each other "oh so u are Ian from earlier" mom said in a polite way "earlier !?" Ian asked before I could say something mom blurted "she had a nightmare and called ur name while she was in a coma " with a gasp

Ian turned my around by my shoulders and with concern and aggrievedness in his eyes he asked "what happen nikki" and then yanked my loose bell sleeves revealing red blue marks of canning his eyes turned colder as I started to feel chilly "who did this !"he shouted and repeated In a louder voice "who did this !! tell me Nicole who was it !! Ms Nicole do.not.test.my.patience" he said with a murderous aura and more murderous eyes

"Mr Carter u didn't even see the half of her bruises and don't even imagine the amount of blood she has lost!"she said all that in one sentence with a shakyness yet honesty in her voice "show me where is she hurt right!now!" yes Mr Carter she told and when I was refusing her from touching my body Ian became more furious and clutched both my hands at my back as Nicole avoided my gaze with guilt and showed him all the wounds he let go of my hands and coldness took over him as if he had changed in no time "nikki get the medical kit from the trunk"

I pouted at him and said with gently beating my fists around his strong body "fine I admit I'm wrong u hurt me hmph! I'm not taking to u anymore " I said as Ian has always been my comfort zone I was soo in comfort with him I acted like a small baby and let him take care of me I felt assured that way I acted that way on my own as I opened the trunk beautiful balloons found their way to outside I was sooo amazed and saw a big bouquet of 500 red roses and the limited ones and with exitment and my sisterly love for him I ran towards him intentioning to hug him as I did not care who was around me and John was getting kinda jealous and I liked the sight he understood and stepped back a few inches and opened his muscular arms to give me a hug and I sprang in he spinned me around and slowly set me to the ground with our foreheads attached he said

"do u like it little princess ,no my birthday girl "

my mother and father were seeing us like they were seeing a romantic movie I didn't care I needed comfort and I hugged Ian for two minutes and I said "let's go Ian" "okay lets go home" he said as we were about to leave my brother interrupted "home!‽ what do u mean Mr carter"he asked in a cold voice "home is home do I need to mean something" and continued "wherever or whichever house nikki steps in will be guided by her beautiful laughter and her brightness a place u will never get sick of I'm taking her there but I wonder how your house did not lit up it means it holds too much darkness or a witch in it wich covers the light with her spells" he said and as we were going to leave Ian sat at the drivers seat and let the roof off as he didn't like to be in a disclosed place with any other women then me he was like me he had his fears and things he hated


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