


I woke up to the voice of someone knocking at my door yawning who might it be Ian or him... no way he'd be there

"who is this!?" I asked in a sleepy voice. "it's me" nicoleee

"come on in nikki are u being shy in your own house" I laughingly said "someone's here to meet you as ur hurt" she said in a calm and irritating voice . only one could irritate her like that my face was hurting as I smiled so bad I steadied myself and ran to the door as I opened the door it was him There were two comfort zones in my world Ian and him I sprang in his arms "your back u didn't tell me" I said in a angry pouty voice . he was more mature and my besties brother... "Ethen I missed you so so muchhhhhhhhh" unknowingly a tear ran down my cheeks but I didn't want to wipe it away he Kew it he knew everything so I didn't have to pretend being strong infront of him

"I came earlier because i heard my queen was hurt and collapsed 5 times how could I not worry my queen" he forced me to see him in the eye and gave me a warm smile wiping away the tears and the hurt eventually faded for some time♡ it was his magic

"My queen let me take you to bed u need rest" and shot Nicole a look soon she left slowly closing the door behind me

"Why would you let that witch hurt you I know u may be mentally ill but physically I are doing fine why didn't you fight back I don't care nikki u have to move on your hurting yourself " Ethen said in a worried yet angry voice. he was right but how...

"How can I when he is all I think! . how can I fight back when he loves her!! . Ethen he loves her I no more matter to him like before..... I guess I never did.....Ethen I'm tired too but giving up or moving on...noooo! I can't! . he is someone I love I can't forget him.he is my first love and the fact is I love him I fucking love him Ethen I can't just push a button and forget him or unlove him and walk away....the fact is did u walk away when juvel hurt you did u unlove her because she hurted you she broke your heart noo... still you go around protecting her I have no power to protect him but at least I can love him from a far I know it'll hurt it'll hurt as bad as killing yourself yet acting like you never knew but still no Ethen I can't..... it's out of my hands Ethen would it have been different if.."

he stopped me by shutting my mouth with his hand and wiping away my now wet face by all the crying all the hurt it hurts as hell yet I holded it in for 2 months waiting for his return so I could open up but there are a thousand things he doesn't know and I can't tell him it'll hurt him more "my queen nikki it's okay allrightt rest first I'm not going anywhere any more " his voice was heavy his eyes red with the tears he holded in at last a tear ran down his face I wiped it away and did the same kissed his cheek he smiled and went away. somewhere in my heart I knew I shouldn't have mentioned juvel but *creek* someone is coming in it must be nicol....e suddenly a back hug and iknew who it was those hands it was Ethen

"let's get engaged and make them regret but..... Will it never matter to them▪︎~▪︎"his voice breaking taking deep breaths he was crying

"it may be the worst that she has left you but the worstest is u think you deserve it no u don't Ethen and now that she have left there are very slim chances of coming back and I'm not the best choice get engaged to someone you love in the future" I said in a break voice shit am I crying ofc he is someone important to me yet he is hurting how can't I cry ...

"there is no chance she's never coming back she loves him more than me... am I that bad" he said. I felt my heart breaking why....him... let's try to forget him with love love of people who love me

"fine Ethen let's get engaged.....

💍 she is getting engaged what comes next will he regret or celebrate stay tuned >♡<


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