


I guess I collapsed. ahh! my head hurts

oh no! I messed up for real. Is my brother getting punishment


I can't let that happen. I can barely open my eyes but I have to for brother. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around shitt! brother is missing he is getting punishment for sure on top oh my throught I yelled "where is my brotherrr!".

"he is being punished" mom replied

I snapped the needle out my nerves and got off my bed and started running towards the ancestral Hall and I realised my clothes were changed I was wearing a long shirt and I could say its John's by the scent he has left in the shirt ♡○♡.

As I was running through the luxurious halls and the hallway I felt pain and as I took a peek my hand was bleeding and i realised it just now from the hallway a right and I'm finally here...

what is Jessica doing why is she hugging my brother ○~○

my heart why does it hurt so much and with a


I was on my bare knees which immediately started to bleed as I was weak and the carpet was rough just above my knees the rough carpet was meant to be Jessica's place to kneel as a punishment and soon enough mom dad and Nicole caught up

my father tried to get me up from there yet I refused to do so

and the man I love was still busy hugging his lover to comfort her I guess "Nikki get up darling "my father told in a gentle yet commanding voice .

it is hard to breathe I'm feeling suffocated huff hufff hufff and gathering all my remaining strength I shouted as long as I can "No father I'm taking my brothers place " "Noo! Veronica" brother thsi is brothers voice and I could feel myself fainting and I saw a sight of Jessica fainting too and once more my brother chose her my eyes teared up when I was once more abandoned by the person I have loved for 10 years did I make the wrong deci...si....on.

JOHN'S POV *from some moments ago to now*

did I hear a thud just now and I guess someone entered the hall

ugh! why won't jessi let me go

"nikki get up darling" dad!? what is dad and nikki doing here I was just about to push jessi away "No father I'm taking my brothers place" nikii what is she doing I vigorously turned around to see the sight of nikki being covered in so much blood I was shocked for a minute I was aggrieved and shouted "Noo! Veronica" at the same time I could see jessi and Veronica collapsing Jessica or nikki I thought I chose my lil sis nikki and gently was pushing Veronica and in the meantime nikki collapsed I got up as fast as I could and carried nikki to her room and its good the doctor is still here huh!


brother I can see him but why am i tied "Veronica I shall avenge jessi by killing you" what! brother is going to kill me what wrong did I do

"NO YOU CANTTT!!"what why does it sound like Ian as I turned around I could see a familiar figure it is Ian why is he here "IAN! IAN! NOO IAN!"

no Ian is in danger I turned towards brother wanting to say it before I die

"I LOVE YOU! ILOVE YOUU!" why is John smiling so sheepishly no what is he doing

bang! the voice of gun fire as I turned around I saw Ian in blood no Ian no I can't loose Ian