

It all started 10 years ago when within a blink of an eye all memories I had with my parents were told wrong they told me that I was in a coma for 3 years everyone claimed I was crazy bcoz I had been in a coma they said I never had parents I started overthinking but an boy appeared I was 18 back then and he was 20 He comforted me he fed me porridge and loved me like his sister. sisterrr! yes right he was my brother and I was an adopted daughter of the Christopher family I was loved by my family but started to fall for someone's kindness, gentleness and his handsome figure was just awespiring .

yet someone else entered his life through saving him and now he loves her ill be 28 today yet he is still not here

I asked my mother "mom is John coming or not we're waiting for him it's been two hoursss" Mom said "Nikki why don't u call him"

* nikki is Veronica's pet name *

Nicole said from the corner "yes nikki just call him and ask veather he will be coming or not " she replied with lowered face "he doesn't pick up anymore...he.....might be with Jessica °~°

Mom yelled "Jessicaa! didn't I tell him not to meet her we have compensated her with more than enough money yet that bi*ch keeps clinging onto him...she has immoral intentions... I could tell just when we first met"

my father added pushing me towards the sofa "Baby girl, tell us does she come home often I knew she would cling onto him so I let u go with ur brother to the north mansion " I replied "father its been over 11 months she stays at the North mansion "

father's face went all red pent up with rage he stood up and started yelling "oh my godddd! Did u say 11 months u shld have told me before nikki" he yelled in a more louder voice "butler tell Jhon that I must see him here in 15minutes" the butler said "yes master"

Even mom was triggered and said in a harsh voice "nikki u should have told me my girl ...when Nicole was trying to run away she said Ms stanton you knew it too ryt >▪︎< she freaked out and stood stiff and mumbled sry mam Mr Christopher told us not to open our mouths

I tried to tell her in actions to stop but that muddle head did not and started yelling

"Mr Christopher doesn't even take care of nikki she has been ill for over 6 months now and thats the reason she looks so skinny and her skin looks pale frm the moment that witch all the maids became her persnol maids she never takes care of nikki knowing she is ill instead she always picks fights!!! " and she strode towards me

pulled my hand and rolled up my sleeve the bruise I've been hiding was revealed >○< and said

"uncle aunty u see this she pushed nikki down the stairs and yet nikki was punished by Mr Christopher " and showed more bruises of canning on my other hand they were really shocked and angry at John @○@

soon John entered and was shocked seeing me covered in all those bruises he yelled "butler! call the doctor at once" and strode towards me pulling me towards him in anger and rage he yelled "who did this to you!!..was it father or was it grandpa mother would never do such a thi....."thud! "..ng"

he got slapped by father he was shocked once more as father hit him for the first time he turned around with a angry face and was about to talk but father suddenly pulled my hand out of his clutch and hugged me tight and started yelling "you brat u have the nerve to talk kneel! he yelled

John who never knew that Jessica had canned me as punishment bcoz when I was falling I accidentally scratched her hand and she made a big fuss whimpering and crying and knowing that I fell down of almost 24 stairs my brother ran towards her passing me on the ground who was lying there in pain and that was the day when I got to knew I was no more his most first priority 💔 and a fiercer slap snapped me back to reality it was Jessica who was slapped by mom

I fell into a great abyss once more when I saw brother bought her together with him to make her meet my parents or to announce their relationship.... and once more I was snapped out of reality by my brothers voice he yelled in a high pitch voice running towards Jessica's side "mother why did u slap her!.....come at me if there's something why would u slap her!"

Mom pulled Jessica up by her beautiful limited editioned dress and slapped her once more and said "it must be her then...i knew u couldn't beat Nikki like that....but still son u've let me down "

she moved towards me and suddenly lifted my loose crop top which revealed the actual place where I was hurt by falling down stairs and the scar opened up when John pulled me forcibly when he entered . I have been trying to hold the pain and take deep breaths butt

the blood flowed down my waist and when I was about to wipe it away mom caught a sight of it.

>~< i should have ran to the bathroooooom`◇`

everyone was shocked as even Nicole didn't know this injury and father and John strode towards me mom and Nicole were holding me as it was hard to stand bcoz of the exxecive pain and Jessica was sitting there on the ground at least a 20 meter away frm me still in the shock of being slapped two times