
Idalia’s Song

Idalia Miller is a student who has a great talent and passion for music. The school is given an opportunity to play for a musical event where many professsionals and famous musicians will be arriving, however, a few weeks before the date, their invitation to play is canceled. Returning home upset with her heart heavy, Idalia falls into a deep sleep. In her dream, she wakes up to find herself in a kingdom resembling an ancient civilization and during her time there, she falls in love with Prince Cyrus. Exploring a new world, falling in love, and fighting fate, follow Idalia as she dreams. Prince Cyrus of Milikree is the only son of King Andreios and Queen Minerva. Growing up, he witnessed and experienced the dark side of love that his parents showed and came to a decision that he was not willing to fall in love. Although next in line to the thrown, he doesn’t want to become king and would rather his older brother be crowned. When he leaves to follow a clue that hints to danger befalling on his kingdom, he didn’t expect to unravel secrets interlinked to the past or future. Least of all, he didn’t expect to fall in love with Idalia. ——— Pulling away from his embrace, Idalia ran across the fields of dandelions, laughter escaping her lips. Butterflies flew away from the disturbance yet they all added more beauty and color to the scene in front of Cyrus. The sky was blue and violet and the sun was settling behind the far away mountains. But to Cyrus, the nature wasn't as beautiful as the girl that was joyfully running across the fields. "Cyrus!" Idalia had stopped running to face her prince, "Come here! I found something!" With a huge smile, Cyrus ran to where Idalia was. "What did you fin-" He hadn't finished asking when he felt himself being pushed down to the ground. With a thud, both he and Idalia had fallen and were laying down. After recovering from the fall, he looked directly into the girl's eyes which were filled with love and tenderness. Waiting for her to speak, he heard her softly say, "I found you." The youngsters laying down on the dandelion field felt as if the world had slowed. After what felt like forever, Cyrus felt his eyes water and he whispered, "I'm glad you did." They were smiling and reached out to embrace each other. Planting a kiss on her forehead, Cyrus continued, "Thank you for having arrived at the palace. Thank you for changing me into a better man. Thank you for giving me a chance at loving you. But most importantly, thank you for arriving here, in my world." Idalia moved her head to face him and gravely asked, "What if this is all a dream? What if I leave unknowingly? What if something happens to you? Cyrus, I don't want something bad to happen to us." Tears were rolling down her cheeks at this point and her voice had cracked towards the end. Cyrus tenderly held her face and wiped her cheeks before lovingly responding, "You first came to me so if something were to happen, it would be my turn to come to you." ——— Hello, this is my first story and I hope that you can give it a try once I start uploading. Suggestions and feedbacks are greatly appreciated if you have any while reading and I’ll do my best to make the story as enjoyable as I can and readable. Also, this story is a mix of me trying to improve my storytelling and having fun. (Also, this is an original story by me) Happy reading! Cover isn’t mine. Credits to the original owner.

saidxstic · History
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17 Chs

Ch 8. Milikree and Idalia of House Midas (III)


A very ugly noise resounded in the room as when Idalia had strummed the lyre's string, the instrument wasn't tuned.

Cassandra also noticed this, "It needs some tuning."

Idalia nodded her head in agreement while she went to one of the pegs located at the top of the lyre to tune the string. Being careful to not accidentally ruin the string, she slowly turned the peg while pausing for a few moments to strum the string again and check if it needed more tuning. Within two minutes, Idalia had tuned the C string and then proceeded to tune the other notes as well. She didn't have much knowledge of the lyre, except for some classes that spoke about it and the museums that showcased them, but having had experience in playing string instruments she figured that it wouldn't be that much different.

Finally, all the strings on Idalia's lyre had been tuned meanwhile Cassandra had remained quiet while admiring the whole process.

Bringing her index finger back on top of the C string, Idalia gently strummed it and the note played beautifully. Trying to familiarize herself with the lyre more, she located the other notes before deciding to play an easy song, Hot Cross Buns.

She played it three times before moving on to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. They were songs that were used to have beginners play in order to learn how to play their instruments.

When she finished with that piece she heard Cassandra comment, "I've never heard those pieces before."

Idalia had forgotten that Cassandra was still in the room, probably because she had been quiet for a long time which was a first for her to see. Awkwardly she replied, "Uh... they're new pieces that I happened to listen to in my dream last night." Saying this, her thumb twitched a little making another noise from the lyre.

"Oh, that's so cool," Cassandra looked very amazed, "I wish I could dream about music but all I see when I close my eyes is the priests' eyes glaring at me for almost falling asleep during the rituals to the gods." When she finished saying the last part, Idalia could sense some sadness from her.

Remembering how Cassandra had mentioned that she wasn't betrothed due to her choosing to spend her life in the temple to service the gods, Idalia wondered why Cassandra even chose it if she didn't like to do it. But she decided to save that question for another time as she wanted to rest.

"I'm sure you'll dream better things soon, Cassandra," was the only thing Idalia could say at that moment as she started to feel sleepiness kick in. Talk about dreams, she internally mused.

"Hopefully," Cassandra muttered. She then looked back at the lyre, "Do you mind if I play it?"

Idalia quickly raised the instrument in her friend's direction, "Take it." When Cassandra took it from her hands, Idalia turned to adjust her pillows and lay down on the bed.

"Are you tired?" Cassandra seemed to realize how tired Idalia was and then gently whispered as if she had already fallen asleep, "Shall I play something to help your sleep?"

Idalia merely nodded her head while her half closed, half opened eyes looked at Cassandra who had gone to stand next to the wall. The maid was nowhere in sight as Cassandra had dismissed her as soon as Idalia had begun to tune the lyre.

When Cassandra finally began to play, Idalia heard a soft and gentle piece of music resound in the room and while dozing off, she began to hear a beautiful voice accompanying the music. She thought it was Cassandra until she noticed how when she opened her eyes, she was holding the lyre and strumming it. The beautiful voice came from her. She tried to stop herself from singing and playing but she couldn't and she wondered why that was so.

Cassandra played the final note of the song before looking at Idalia, where she saw her friend sound asleep. Careful to not make any noise, she exited the room and saw the maid that had been dismissed from Idalia's room earlier. Calling her over, she ordered, "Place this lyre back in the room Young Lady Idalia puts her instruments in."

Being handed the lyre from Young Lady Cassandra, the maid firmly yet carefully took the lyre and bowed her head, "Yes, Young Lady Cassandra."

When the maid left, Cassandra also decided to leave the villa of House Midas as she didn't have any reason to stay anymore. Pondering on where she would go after, she came across Lord Darren and Lady Catherine who were in the middle of having a serious conversation before turning quiet as they had also noticed Cassandra walking in their direction.

Realizing that she had unintentionally interrupted the couple's talk and also wanting to leave the villa where the Midas couple were blocking the only path to the courtyard from Idalia's room, Cassandra bowed her head and greeted them, "Lord Darren, Lady Catherine, good morning."

Cassandra was close to the Midas couple as she had been Idalia's only noble friend and Cassandra was also the daughter of Lady Juliana, a dear friend to both Lady Catherine and Lord Darren.

Lady Catherine smiled at Cassandra, "Good morning to you, too, dear. Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, Idalia went back to sleeping," Cassandra informed them.

"Is she alright?" Both Lady Catherine and Lord Darren asked worriedly.

"She just seemed tired," Cassandra truthfully said. "But I would still have one of the physicians check on her health, just in case."

Lady Catherine nodded her head, "We'll do that. Thank you for your help these days, Cassandra."

Cassandra hurriedly bowed her head, "It's something that I should do as her friend. Please don't thank me for such things since I am always ready to help her and you from the bottom of my heart." Lifting up her head, she offered them a big smile, "I should go on my way. Then, please excuse me and may the Gods bless your day."

Darren glanced at his wife while Catherine pursed her lips before calling out to Cassandra once more, not sparing a look at her husband, "Wait, Cassandra!"

Cassandra, who had relaxed after leaving the heavy atmosphere around the couple, stiffened. Turning her whole self around, she asked, "Yes, Lady Catherine?"

Catherine quickly walked over to where Cassandra was and asked her, "Do you think you could make preparations at the Temple of Glory for me to speak with the Gods in a few days?"

Cassandra nodded her head, although not knowing the reason, she could sense the Lady's urgency and seriousness. She could ask the priest and he would have to go through with this favor since it came from the lady of House Midas.

Catherine sighed in relief, "Thank you, dear. Be careful on your way." After seeing Cassandra off, Catherine went to Darren who looked defeated and tired. Bringing her hands to cup his face, she closed her eyes and said, "I'm sorry. But my feelings have never been wrong before and I will continue to trust and act on them. Especially when it concerns our daughter."

When she opened them, Darren kissed her forehead before he gently murmured, "I trust you. But I also don't want to doubt Idalia. Also, I have yet to see how she acts so differently or how she feels different. You can go on with your plan but make sure that nothing harms her. I don't want her own mother to harm her unintentionally."

Catherine nodded her head before she felt herself be pulled into her husband's arms. In the private corridor, the Midas couple embraced themselves comfortingly as if they wanted to reassure each other that everything was alright.

It’s been a long time, my bad. I have been having trouble writing this story since I don’t have the time and the resources to research the setting of Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Bronze Age to Iron Age. Therefore, I repeat that I will tweak some things around but will try to keep it as close to the facts as possible (if they’re facts) and since this is fiction with a fictional/fantasy setting, I hope you can let some things slide. Thanks and happy reading!

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