
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 93: Ocean(4)

The group stared at the place where the screen had just been. They can't take their eyes off that place even when the screen is no longer there. What they saw was worse than what Luke usually does when he uses his powers.

"H-hey... Isn't he puking out too much blood in there?"

Selena asked while her eyes were shaking in worry. The rest of the group started to get anxious, but the most anxious and worried one was Liam. His head is full of worries and concerns.


The group then looked towards Mira, who suddenly spoke up. She then repeated what she said.

"Go. We'll handle this. That boy must have been exhausted."

The group was silent for a while before nodding. They then all jumped towards the ocean and sank. Erdene just looked at them, sinking while sighing.

"Haa... That brat, he likes to do all of the hard work on his own, doesn't he? He's really giving me a headache."

Erdene just shook his head and stepped forward. A sharp wooden sword then appeared in his right hand and he looked at the baffled and panicked crew members of the Dark Eye.

"I might as well finish this, then give that stubborn brat a good scolding."

Mira just chuckled and held her water spear.

"It's been a while since we fought together like this."

Erdene didn't answer and leaped forward. The merfolk saw this as a sign to charge in and destroy the ships by throwing spears at the utterly confused enemies. The enemies noticed spears raining towards them and were about to activate their shields, but Erdene and Mira had already boarded the ship, so it was too late.


"Teleportation! Teleportation!"

The mages were about to attempt to teleport, but Erdene was faster and managed to slice five necks in seconds. Meanwhile, Mira is stabbing the crew members like a wild beast released from her cage. The remaining crew members stepped back. Now that their plans have failed, the sight of two spirits covered in blood with an excited and cold face is terrifying. The rest of the merfolk are also destroying ships around them... They are completely surrounded.

"W-we're going to die..."

One of the crew members just plopped down on the ground while his whole body was shaking in fear. There is nothing they can do anymore.

"Damn right, you bastards are going to die!"

Mira suddenly appeared behind the crewman and stabbed him with a spear with no remorse for his life. But this isn't the time to be soft-hearted with these kinds of people. Anyone who messes with her will die.

Screams and blood of the enemies were everywhere and the one-sided battle continued for hours.


"You traitor!"

"Get away from us! You monster!"

"All of our efforts are wasted on nothing because of you!"

Pok! Tak! Pak!

Jane just looked down at the ground as she just emotionlessly received all of the harassment from the people around her. She also stood there and let the children and others throw things at her, not even blinking as the rocks were thrown at her.

She just let it all go because she felt like she deserved it.

"You coward!"

"We were fools for trusting you!"

"You are just like those corrupt fools that have no spine!"

Jane's eyes darkened and she just kept on looking at the ground. She couldn't bear to look at the people around her, especially the children. She feels disgusted with herself.

'Was it really the right choice to give up?'

Jane clenched her fists, she just wanted for all of them to live. She didn't want anyone to die again, but it seems that she made the wrong choice. She should have fought harder. But she couldn't, since she had also made a promise to someone. That promise is to live peacefully.

Jane's knees began to tremble. How long had she been standing there? 3 or 6 hours? She had no idea. All she could hear was people yelling at her and objects being thrown at her. And instead of getting lower, the voices just get louder by the minute.

"You traitor!"


"The traitor of the world!"

Jane closed her eyes shut, she just wanted silence right now.

"Everyone... Shut up... Please."

Jane then opened her eyes again. And once she opened it, she saw a white ceiling. Jane, no, Luke then sighed in relief and thought to himself.

'Ah, I am back.'

Luke sighed and looked at Nash, who was beside him. He then saw his hand being held by Nash in the air. Luke frowned and put down his hand. He then asked Nash.

"Where am I?"

Nash answered with teary eyes.

"Y-You are now inside Grandma Mira's mansion!"

Luke sighed and sat up. Nash was about to stop him, but Luke just patted his head to say he was fine. He then sighed. He then started to think about his dream. It was oddly realistic like he was really there.

'Haa, of all the dreams that I could dream about, I got that one?'

Luke sighed and scratched his head. Nash then saw the frustration in Luke's eyes, mixed with worry.

"Dad? Are you okay? Does something hurt?"

Luke stopped scratching his head and patted Nash's head.

"I am fine."

Luke kept rubbing Nash's head and Nash rubbed his head against Luke's palm. They then flinched when they heard someone screaming.


Luke then abruptly looked in the direction of the scream and saw Lina shouting by the door. A few seconds after that, Luke and Nash could hear heavy footsteps coming towards their room.

"Where is he?!"

"That brat! I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

"Brother Luke is already awake?!"

Luke frowned while hearing Mira, Erdene, and Liam shouting outside. He felt like he should run.

But it was already too late because they had already arrived before Luke could even stand up. Luke then saw the two spirits and his group, plus Marina, come inside in a flash. Soon, the room was flooded with noise and people looking at him.

Luke frowned at this noisy situation, but it seemed that the group didn't care and asked him questions. First was Mira, who was asking Luke while slapping his back.

"You dumb idiot! Why did you go alone?! You could've just called me and I could have taken care of those pieces of shit in a flash!"

Luke was about to answer, but Liam was faster and asked him in a very upset manner.

"Brother, why didn't you call me? I knew it. I shouldn't have left you alone."

Erdene then soon followed while sighing.

"Haa, you bastard. You really like to do things alone do you?"

Luke wanted to answer but found it useless since his group kept clamoring nonstop. He then just decided to keep quiet while listening to their complaints and questions with a blank face.

"You suicidal maniac!"

"You're stupid!"

"Why did you do that?!"

"You think we didn't see you puking up blood?"

"You are out for a month again!"

Luke flinched and looked at Spencer, who said that he was out for a month. He then asked in disbelief.

"Wait... I fainted for a month?"

Bell frowned annoyingly at Luke's question.

"Duh?! Did you even see yourself when you were puking out blood?! It is almost a miracle that you are still alive! The new year has already come and gone, you cretin!"

Instead of listening to Bell's cries, Luke's mind started to go blank.


Luke sighed and scratched his head and started to curse inside his head. He was out for a month. There is a high chance that he could have missed something while he was out. He then immediately pulled out his magic communication device from his pocket and looked at Nash.

"Nash, did someone call me while I was out?"

Nash frowned and hesitated. Luke frowned.


Nash sighed and nodded with a frown.

"Yes, Tina and Lance have been calling you constantly while you're passed out."

"Well shit."

Luke sighed and rubbed his head with his palm. Tina and Lance. It must be about the investigation in the Arram Empire and the meeting with the kingdom's representatives about the Dark Eye and the Empire.

'Now.... Which should I do first?'

Luke sighed and looked at Marina, who was also looking at him with worry. Luke then smiled at her, which made Marina flinch.

"Princess Marina, can I ask for a favor?"

Marina blinked a few times before answering without hesitation.

"Of course, you can ask me for anything. You've helped us after all."

Luke smiled and nodded.

"Then, can you please attend the kingdom's meeting with me?"

"Huh? Kingdom's meeting?"

Luke nodded.

"Yes, we are secretly gathering allies to stop the empire and the Dark Eye. Of course, if you don't want to be a part of this, then I am not forcing you."

Marina's face stiffened up at the words 'Dark Eye'. She then clenched her fists and a murderous aura came out of her body. Luke was about to ask what was wrong but stopped when he heard the elegant and majestic voice of a woman speaking.

"We accept."

Luke looked towards the door of his room and saw Trent and Lir walking in. The group then made way for them. Lir then walked forward and stopped in front of Luke's bed. Lir then slowly spoke.

"Our oceans would almost have been polluted by those bastards if it wasn't for your allies. We will never forgive them. We will destroy them. We will accept your invitation and help you as much as we can."

Luke slowly nodded. Despite Lir's clear and calm demeanor, Luke could sense the intense heat and hatred behind that cool demeanor. She must've been enraged by what had happened. Luke then stretched out his hand towards Lir.

"It is a pleasure to work with you, Queen Lir."

Lir looked at Luke's hand for a second before accepting it. Luke almost gasped when he felt Lir's unrealistically soft hands.

"I am also looking forward to working with you, Young Master Luke."

Luke smiled and broke the handshake. He then stretched himself and was about to stand up, but he saw Liam blocking his way. Luke frowned.

"Is something wrong?"

Liam was silently looking at Luke before speaking.

"Brother, you should eat first."


Luke gasped and then touched his stomach. He then sighed.

"I guess I'll eat before we go."

Liam nodded and went outside to fetch some food. After Liam left, silence then filled the room. Luke was about to enjoy the peace, but Mira suddenly smacked Luke's back again. She smacked his back so hard that Luke's spine almost bent.


"You crazy brat! Why the hell did you do that huh?!"

Luke frowned and looked at Mira, who was also frowning at him. Luke asked, frowning because he'd already been smacked in the back twice, and it hurt.

"What are you talking about?"

"Ha! You fucking killed 100 assassins! I heard it from Nash over there and I also saw corpses piled up in my territory when I arrived!"

Luke blinked a few times before asking in confusion.

"What is wrong with that?"

"What Is wrong? Ha! First of all, you almost died from using your powers too much, and, second, are you even human? You are obviously a weak-ass but you can solo 100 assassins?! Unbelievable!"

Luke sighed. He then flinched when he heard Erdene's cold voice.

"Try to do that again and I swear you'll face my wrath."

"Huh? Why?"

Erdene didn't answer and just glared at Luke. Luke gulped and averted his gaze from Erdene. He then saw the door open again and saw Liam coming in with a trolley full of food. Luke grinned as he saw the delicious food in the trolley; he was starving.

Liam then stopped beside Luke's bed and put a plate full of meat in front of Luke. Luke smiled and started to dig in. He was so busy that he didn't notice the stares of the people around him.

'He almost sacrificed his life for our kingdom and yet he's only happy with a piece of meat?'

'How humble and kind. He could have simply asked for treasure, but instead, he invited us to a meeting that could save thousands of people in the future.'

'Just how vast is his heart?'

Marina, Lir, and Trent, the three Royals of the Mer Kingdom, looked at Luke, who was happily eating his steak with a warm and gentle gaze. Fortunately, Luke wasn't looking, or he would have been creeped out by those stares.

The group just shook their heads and sighed as they noticed the Mer Royals' gazes.