
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 51: Attack(4)

Since he was a child, Liam has spent the majority of his time in an orphanage. The children there can't be exactly called family since they will be all adopted and leave in the future. His friends all abandoned him with their new families one by one, leaving him all alone by himself. Every day, he felt lonely. No one tried to adopt him for some odd reason and when he reached the age of seventeen, the orphanage kicked him out because he was too old to stay in the orphanage any further.

He didn't know when, but a voice talked to him once when he was on the streets, trying to scavenge food from the trash.

· My child, don't you want to get stronger? I'll help you.

Liam just felt something inside him that day. He didn't know what it was, but he felt like he also knew it at the same time.

But he thought what he had just received was useless since it would not give him any food or money and he was too poor to even buy a sword. But everything changed when he met a silver-haired stranger with a black coat, suddenly approaching him on the streets.

'Are you hungry?'

'Why don't you come to my house? There's plenty of food there.'

'So, your name is Liam? It's pretty cool.

Liam didn't know who he was, but he unknowingly followed him. He felt a sense of familiarity with an unknown stranger he had clearly never met before. And because of his choice, he met...

'Brother Liam! Take a look at this!'

'Isn't it pretty?'

'Brother Liam! Teach me how to wield a sword!'

'Oooh! Would you mind showing me your aura?'

The kids, Lily, Jessa, Michael, and Josh.

'Hey, can you get away from my siblings? You're taking over my role as the older brother here.'

'Ho, ho! So you are also a swordmaster?! Outstanding!'

Spencer and Selena.

'Hey, could you teach me a few tricks for wielding a large sword?'

'Brother Liam is so nice.'

'So you want to be Luke's knight? You better be ready to handle stress then. I've heard he's quite sacrificial.'

Lina, Julius, and Klein. And finally...

'You can't be a knight without a sword, right?'

The silver-haired man, Luke.

Liam finally got himself a family that he was sure wouldn't leave him. He'd only met them recently, but the way they welcomed him as if they'd known him for years had left an indelible impression on him. So he would do anything to protect them.

Even by means of killing somebody.

Liam pushed his speed to the limit, to the point where he was barely visible. This is the first time he used his strength, so he's got no control and is letting it all out. The mages began to panic as they were taken aback by his unexpected speed.

"W-where is he?!"

"Be alert!"

Liam immediately went behind the mages. The mages had detected him and were about to turn around, but it was too late.


The heads of the mages, except for the leader, all fell to the ground. A look at those cut heads clearly says that they can't even do anything before they die. When the lead mage noticed this, he immediately cast a spell. But before he could even finish...

Slash! Spuurt!

The mage's right arm was cut off by Liam, making him helpless. The mage could see blood spraying from his shoulder and screamed in terror.

"AAAAAAAHHH! YOU! How dare you! You will pay for this!"

"Shut up."

Liam then cut off the rest of the mage's limbs. Left-arm, right leg, left leg. Only his body and head remained.


The mage screamed loudly, but Liam just ignored him and grabbed his collar. He then threw the mage towards the knights standing on guard in the palace.



The knights looked at the mage stuck to the palace's wall. The wall cracked into a crater from the impact. The mage who was stuck on the wall looked helpless and was barely breathing. Also, consider the mage's current state of devastation. It looked like a bloody nightmare.

They then flinched when they heard the crown prince's loud voice. But they still can't seem to erase this bloody image from their heads. They were scared. The knights around the palace all trembled at the strength of the new swordmaster that had just appeared.

'M-monster... He is even stronger than the Duke...'

"What are you all doing?! Hurry up and capture him!"


The knight then pulled the mage down from the wall. Some healers went forward and immediately cast healing magic on the limbless mage so that the mage could still be barely alive, as the crown prince had ordered them to do. Lance just looked at the horrible state of the mage and looked at Luke, who was being swung around by the black monster.

'That bastard brought a monster again...'

Lance just frowned. He then saw Luke's bloody face as he hit building after building as he was being swung around by the monster. Lance gritted his teeth.

'Damn it! You better not die you bastard!'

Lance looked at Luke with bloodshot eyes. He reflexively started to worry about him. Even though he was a bastard sometimes, he could sense Luke supporting him in a different way. Even though he had a hold of his weakness, he never exploits them like the other nobles.

However, Luke couldn't sense his worries and was busy defending himself from the debris of the buildings. Thanks to Nash's shield and his wings around him, he was safely defended against the building's debris.

After a while of swinging, the monster finally slammed Luke down on the ground. He could feel Nash's tight grip on his clothes. Nash has been trying hard not to burst out of his rage since earlier.

· Luke! Are you all right?!! You're not going to die just yet, are you?! Why are you bleeding so much?! I swear, if you die, I'll destroy the world! Stay with me!

Luke couldn't answer Nash because he felt pain all over his body. But thankfully, the God of Light's blessing took care of some of the pain one by one.

'Damn it, it might take me a while to recover.'

But he had no time to do that when he saw the monster picking up a giant boulder and throwing it at the palace. Luke looked at where the boulder was heading towards and sprang up from the ground.

Luke clenched his fist. His sword is not here, causing him to frown and rush towards the palace at maximum speed with the help of Nash. He then ran closer to a shocked knight who was looking at the boulder coming their way. He grabbed the sword from the knight's hand and shot up into the air. He then faced the boulder flying towards him. He then activated his aura.

"Not on my watch!"

Luke shouted while swinging his sword, covered in a purple aura.


The boulder broke into pieces and its pieces flew everywhere. The nobles inside the palace all covered their heads while trying to avoid the pieces of rock flying in their direction. But there was one man who didn't care about the flying rocks and just stared at Luke's back, which had white wings attached to it, while standing on the balcony of the palace. It's Lance.


Lance couldn't continue when he saw Luke staggering in the air. He then stopped when he saw blood flowing from Luke's mouth.



Lance called out to Luke, but Luke didn't answer. He stayed in a crouched position in the air for a while before starting to feel better thanks to the God of Light's blessing. It did not heal his injuries, but it numbed the pain a little. Luke then straightened himself and looked at Lance's pale face in worry. He then smirked at him.

"I can't let you die, your highness."

'Because if you do, this kingdom will be run by assholes.'