
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 50: Attack(3)

The ground began to shake, and people began to scream in fear. Luke looked at where the explosion came from and saw some mages flying in the air. The mage, who seemed to be the leader, laughed maniacally while pointing at Luke.

"Hahahaha! As expected of the one who killed Sir Libi! Your senses are sharp! Hahaha!"

Luke heard the king shouting beside him.

"Who are you?! How dare you attack us!"

"Who are we? Hahaha! We are the Dark Eye!"

Luke and Lance looked at each other as soon as they heard that name. They then heard the mage speak in an excited voice.

"The Dark Eye wishes to greet the third prince a happy birthday. And to also destroy the kingdom's hero!"

Luke looked at the mage and frowned.

'Me? What makes you want to destroy me?'

Even though he doesn't want to acknowledge it, who else besides him, can be called a hero here?


Liam immediately took out his sword and pointed it towards the mage with murderous intent. Luke then heard Nash's angry voice.

· Who did he said he's going to destroy?! Those damn bastards are too cocky!

"Stop! Don't do anything!"

Nash didn't answer and Luke just gritted his teeth. All the people around him started panicking. He then heard the mage's cheery voice in the middle of the loud, panicked screams.

"At birthday parties, don't we usually start them with a bang? Also, please accept our wonderful gift! The capital's destruction! Hahahaha!"

The king shouted angrily while supporting his heart. He seems to be in a bad shape to get angry.

"Just who do you-!"


The king and Luke flinched when they heard a big ringing noise in the middle of the capital. Nash then shouted with urgency.

· Teleportation Magic! And it is a big one! Something terrible is coming!

'God damn it!'

"Lina! Julius! Evacuate all the nobles and the citizens to a safe area!"

The two nodded at the same time and started to move.

"Got it!"

After Lina and Julius left, Luke then urgently spoke to Liam while pointing at the mages floating in the air.

"Liam! You take care of those guys! It is better to keep that one alive."

Luke then pointed to the lead mage, who was laughing hysterically, and Liam nodded as if he understood. He then jumped and flew in the air thanks to Nash's magic. Luke then turned around and saw Noah supporting Finesse. Luke then spoke to Noah.

"Brother! Help with the evacuation!"

Noah nodded and lifted Finesse into his arms and shouted at the knights nearby.

"All knights! Evacuate the citizens inside the palace!"

"Yes sir!"

Luke then heard Nash's voice.

· It's coming!



Luke froze as he looked at what had just come out of the magic teleportation circle. Everything then went quiet around him and everything turned into slow motion as his shaking eyes looked at the absolute abomination that sprang out of the middle of the capital. He never expected to see it here.

'Shit, why is this monster in here?! He is supposed to appear in the war between the demon world and the continent!'

The abomination in front of him is a bulky monster with dark scales and large horns with blazing red eyes. It is 10 meters tall and it has sharp, jagged teeth.

'There is no mistaking it, this is the monster that will kill Lance in the future... One of the ten demon monsters.'

Luke then looked at Lance, who was being evacuated by the knights. Luke gritted his teeth.

'Damn it!'

"Nash! Support me! Don't show yourself!"

· I know already!

Luke then dashed toward the monster with haste magic. In a split second, he arrived in front of the ugly monster's face. He wanted to puke because of how bad it looked and how horrible it smelt, but he had no time for that.

Luke then used [Herculean Strength] and punched the monster's face.


The monster staggered for a little but regained his balance soon after. Luke gritted his teeth. His arms were shaking. He'd only made one hit, but the pain had spread rapidly throughout his entire arm.

'The skin is so tough that even Hercules' strength cannot harm it!'

Luke's thoughts were disturbed when he felt something large hit him. It's the monster's fist. The fist was so big that his whole body took the entire blow.


Luke flew away and hit a building on his back.

"U-ugh! Cough!"

Luke coughed up blood, but thanks to the God of Light's blessing, his injuries were somehow healed. Because of Selena's absence, his healing blessings will work slowly this time. Luke frowned in frustration and he then heard Nash's worried voice.

· Luke! Are you alright? How dare that ugly monster hit you?! I'll kill him!

"Stop! Just support me!"

Luke then shot up from the debris and flew towards the monster.

'Full power!'

Luke's hand swelled and he hit the monster's stomach. The monster staggered and roared and finally fell down. Luke was about to relax when he noticed some children and an elderly woman hugging each other while looking up at the monster's falling back, which was about to crush them at any moment.

They were all crying while expecting that they would be crushed to death by the falling monster. Luke gritted his teeth. He then dashed behind the children and the old woman and activated his [Guardian Wings].

'Fuck, I can't reveal Nash yet and Julius's magic is cut in half! Lina is still busy evacuating the citizens and Liam is currently fighting. Damn it!'

Wings grew on Luke's back and grew up to ten meters. He then folded his wings in front to cover him, the old woman, and the children, creating a feathered dome.


"L-look! Are those wings?"

"I-I just saw it growing on Luke just now...."

Lina and Julius looked at the wings interlocking each other as if to protect the inside. The monster then fell exactly above those white wings. The wings didn't seem to be damaged at all.

"Ha, hahaha... That bastard... He's always bringing surprises with him."

Lance looked at the pair of wings interlocking into a dome with disbelief. He didn't know whether he should laugh or bow down at this point. That bastard pulled one of his tricks again. and it never failed to surprise him or anyone around him.

While the people in the palace are looking at the white wings with shock, Luke is having a crisis right now.


Luke gritted his teeth and put strength into his legs. The monster crashed into his wings and Luke could feel the monster's weight above him. He then looked at the children and the old woman sitting in front of him, who was also looking back at him. He then shouted at them.

"Go! I can't hold on much longer!"

The old woman flinched and finally realized the situation and then guided the children out of the gaps of the wings. Julius and Lina then picked them up and took them towards the palace. When Luke confirmed that they were fully evacuated, he returned his wing size to normal and the monster then continued to drop.



Luke glared at the monster in front of him and took advantage of the monster's defenseless position. He then punched the monster again in the gut.



The monster slowly stood up and Luke flew into the air. Luke then flinched when something immediately grabbed his ankle at lightning speed. It's the monster's giant hand.


The monster held Luke's ankles tightly, almost to the point of crushing them, if only Nash's shield wasn't on the way, and swung Luke's body around. Liam saw this and shouted worriedly.

"Brother Luke!"

Liam was about to rush over, but a fireball stopped him. He then turned around and glared at the mage, who was smirking, not at him, but at Luke, who was currently being swung around by the monster.

"Ahahaha! Why won't you look at that? He has wings! Ahahah! And he is pretty strong too to be able to survive this far with the monster alone! I bet my liege will be intrigued by this guy! Luke is his name, right? Kekekeke!"

Liam gritted his teeth and activated his aura at full power. He then spoke to the laughing mage in a very cold and malicious voice.

"Don't you ever dare touch my family."

Liam glared at the mage in front of him. He does not appear to be the usual soft and bright Liam; rather, he appears to be... psychotic.

'Never, I'll never let anyone harm my family.'