
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 29: Wedding(5)

Luke looked at his reflection in the mirror with an uncomfortable face.

'I kinda looked like a Saint... Ugh, I hate white.'

Luke sighed and tied his hair into a loose ponytail and looked at Nash who is looking at him from the mirror.

"Let's go."


Nash turned invisible and jumped into Luke's shoulders. Luke then opened the door and went outside.

He saw busy maids rushing through the hallways. Luke keeps walking forward, some maids bowed to him to greet him but then continued to rush. They seem to be checking if the preparations are all complete.

Luke continued to walk down the stairs and saw the group waiting for him. Spencer then spoke.

"The bride and groom are now preparing themselves so we need to go first."

Luke nodded and went outside the mansion. You might be asking.

'Why don't you go to where Noah is and help him get ready?'

It is because...

Luke has absolutely zero experience attending weddings and wondered if he could even help Noah get ready at all. So he just decided to let the maids and the butler do their jobs and head straight to the place where the wedding will be held, it will be held in the crown prince's palace.

That palace is a place often used for important occasions than being the resting place of the prince. Since the king is a sickly dude, the crown prince is probably drowned in work every day so he just basically lived in his office.

The group got in the carriage and began to head towards the crown prince's palace. He then heard the children's excited shouts.

"We're going inside a palace!"


"I heard that palaces are big!"

"They are really big."

He then heard Selena and Lina scream.

"Kyaaah! What if I met a handsome noble in the wedding after-party?"

"I heard that the crown prince is handsome! Very handsome!"

He then heard Spencer's annoyed mumblings.

"Nobles... Tsk! I'll just probably stay in a corner the whole party."

The old man Klein then mumbled happily.

"If I meet my wife and daughter again, I'll buy them a castle!"

He then heard Nash's voice in his head.

• A palace, I wonder if it's pretty in there? I've never into one. I only read it from books.

Luke sighed and just looked outside the window, completely ignoring his group's loud chattering.

After several minutes of traveling from the estate to the palace, Luke and his group got down from the carriage and looked up at the tall palace. He then heard the groups' gasps of admiration. Luke just ignored them and saw a maid walking towards them.

"Welcome, please come in. The groom has yet to arrive."

They all followed and entered the palace. All that Luke could hear from behind him are 'Wow' s and nothing else. Well, it's quite understandable.

The interior of the palace was truly extravagant. There are golden statues, a golden chandelier, and a red velvet carpet. Some fresh flowers and designs that suit a rich wedding occasion.

He then heard Nash's voice in his head, he seemed to have an idea.

• Hey! Will our house in the future look like this?! I wanted to live in a palace too!

'Damn, now he's getting some ideas.'

Luke sighed at the three-year-old kid encouraging him to have a castle. He just ignored it and walked straight.

While walking, he saw some nobles talking to each other while sitting on the long wooden benches while facing the altar. Some nobles stopped talking and glanced at the group, who was still admiring the palace, with a frown. Luke also wants to glance back at them but he might get into a fight if a noble suddenly loses his temper from his glance.

'These damn nobles have a short fuse. It's not worth it to mess around with them.'

The group continued to walk forward and saw some seats for the groomsmen and bridesmaids below the altar. Selena, Lily, Jessa, and Lina are bridesmaids so they sat in the chair meant for bridesmaids with a smile. Klein, Spencer, Josh, and Michael also sat on the groomsmen's chairs while still looking their eyes around the palace. Luke then saw the seat meant for the best man and frowned.

'What the heck is this? On top of the altar? On top of that, besides the groom?!'

Luke wanted to back down but it seems like someone from the estate recognizes him and called out to him.

"Young master Luke! You're here! Please sit beside the groom's chair."

Luke then heard the whispering voices of the nobles behind him. He then heard Nash's angry voice.

• Why are they looking at you like you are some sort of eyesore?! I'll wipe them all! How dare they give you those nasty glances!

Luke then immediately patted Nash who was on his shoulder. To anyone's eyes, it might seem like he's patting air but to Luke, he's patting a dangerous ticking bomb.

'If you cause a mess here I'll get in trouble! So stop!'

Luke then patted Nash's head and whispered.

"Nash, I am fine. If you show yourself, you might be caught and get in danger."

• And who's gonna put me in trouble? This bunch of weaklings? Do you think they can handle me?

"I know you are powerful but you need to calm down. Revealing yourself will only lead to bad things. And besides, I am fine, I don't mind their stares."

He then heard Nash's annoyed grumbles in his head.

• Fine! But I'll remember their faces.

Luke gulped and walked towards the chair assigned for the best man and sat down. He then saw the stares of the nobles looking up at him at the altar. He could feel Nash getting mad so he silently consoled him while avoiding the nobles' gazes. He then heard a familiar voice approaching him.

"Oh, so you must be my brother's best man. Nice to meet you."

Luke stood up and bowed at the person in front of him.

"Greetings to the future sun and glory of our kingdom."

Luke then raised his head and smiled at the crown prince, who is looking at him like he is trying to remember where did he saw him. Luke smiled brightly, almost holy, and then asked the crown prince, Lance, who is in front of him.

"Thank you for the money you gave me last time. It was quite useful for me."

The crown prince's eyes opened wide and pointed at Luke with disbelief. He was so surprised that he forgot to keep his noble image.

"Y-you! You! How?"

Luke smiled at him.

"It is a long story, your highness. Anyways, I have something to talk to you about later."

The crown prince formed a serious face at Luke's words and regained his composure.

"Sure, we'll talk about that later."

Luke smiled at the crown prince, who easily get what he was talking about. Luke then looked at the current crown prince's appearance.

His past brown hair and brown eyes are now turned to a blond, shiny golden color and his eyes are turned light green. His clothes are very extravagant and white, he is also wearing a shiny luxurious crown on top of his head.

Luke saw the crown prince's appearance and thought that his appearance is perfect for this cliché world.

If the crown prince is not the male lead, then he is sometimes the second male lead but this crown prince is different.

Sure, his appearance might be cliché but he never had any romantic feelings for Finesse or to anybody, which Luke sometimes found weird but let it slide. This world has its twists and turns so the crown prince might be like that too.

Luke's thoughts are interrupted and heard the crown prince's friendly voice speaking to him.

"Anyway, you look so different from the last time we met. Way different."

Luke smiled brightly and answered in a very exaggerated manner.

"Oh! I am happy that the future sun and glory of our kingdom remember this lowly being who can't help but admire the prince's shine in a distance! Oh so-"

"Stop talking like that, it's creepy."

Luke grinned and the crown prince and the crown prince frowned at him.

"...You really have no fear do you?"

"Why would I be scared when I confirmed that the future sun-"

"Stop, I said stop."

Luke zipped his mouth and saw the crown prince remembering something. He looked surprised at first but he then smirked at Luke. Luke suddenly had a bad feeling. The crown prince then started to talk to Luke in the same exaggerated manner as Luke did.

"Oh! The hero who saved countless lives in Hak Village and Ceb City is praising me. Such a humble and benevolent hero speaking so comfortably to me as if we were brothers. This crown prince will remember this very moment."

Lance then saw Luke's face crumple and suppressed himself from bursting a laugh. Luke frowned, even more, when he saw the crown prince suppressing his laughter. Luke then sighed and spoke in a tired voice.

"Let's stop talking like this, it is so tiring."

"Fufu, but seriously, are you really the hero of Hak Village and Ceb City? I can't believe it. Mother and Father are searching for you and your companions everywhere... So your name is Luke now huh."

"Yes, your highness. I am now called Luke. And please don't call me a hero."

"Ho... So you also must be the 'brother' Noah is talking about at work. I just thought that another person will enter the Viscellete family but it's you."

"That is correct."

"It seems like the two of you are now getting close to each other."

Luke and the crown prince turned their heads at the same time and saw Noah dressed in a pure white suit with a white furry cloak hanging behind him, staring at the two of them. Both Luke and the crown prince call out to him.

"Hello, Brother."


Noah just sighed and fixed his hair, he looked nervous. He then asked the two of them, who were casually looking at him.

"Do I look good?"

Luke and Lance answered without hesitation.

"You look fine? I mean, even though you wear ragged clothes, you'll still look handsome."

"Your face is overflowing with the word 'handsome' and you really do."

Noah clicked his tongue and talked in a sigh-like manner.

"Now I understand why you two seemed to get along. You both have very greasy tongues."

Luke and Lance frowned and Luke asked in confusion.

"Do we really look like we're getting along?"


Lance then butted in.

"Oh please, it looks like we're just about to choke each other's necks earlier. You call that getting close?"

"You what?"

Luke then nodded in agreement.

Even though he and Lance acted close, their eyes show that they are at each other's throats.


Because there is no trust build between them yet. They still can't trust each other. Luke can't be so fully sure about the crown prince because his personality is rarely described in the novel. All he know was that the prince loves the kingdom and is a very smart and cunning prince.

The crown prince was friendly to Noah because he is the main character after all... But what about Luke? A side character trying to meddle into his business?

That is why Luke needed to be wary around Lance.

Noah noticed the tension between Luke and Lance and just sighed.

"You two, you two are too cautious with each other. What happened? Your highness, even though you are cautious you were never this cautious before and Luke, you basically don't trust others too much. Why can't the two of you just get along?"

Lance then formed a bright smile.

"Who knows? We might get close later on."

Luke and Lance smiled brightly at each other but their sharp eyes are definitely not bright. Noah just stared at this and sighed. He then flinched when he heard the knight's announcement.

"The bride will arrive here in fifteen minutes! Everyone get ready!"

Everybody got quiet and immediately took their positions.

Now, it's time for the Male lead and Female lead of this story to bond together.