
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 28: Wedding(4)

"When will he wake up?"

"Shit... He's been asleep for five days."

"Brother Nash! What happened?!"

"I-it's all my fault..."

"Finesse was crying in her room saying that brother Luke won't make it to her wedding tomorrow!"

"How the hell did he get into that state looking like he bathe in lava?!"

"Goodness, if you saw the dark aura around Sir Noah earlier, you'll feel the chills!"

"Mister Klein was also panicking this morning. I don't know why, but he was panicking."

"Waaah! Brother! Wake up!"

"Damn it, I should've known that there were no times this dumbass will do something decent."

Luke woke up at the sound of his group chattering beside him. He tried to slowly open his eyes. He then saw the backs of his group turned from him. Luke wanted to say something, but his mouth was too dry so he slowly and weakly sat to his bed and tried to catch his group's attention.

He then saw Nash turned his head towards him. Luke smiled and waved at Nash. Nash looked like he had seen a ghost and tugged Spencer's sleeve.

"Guys... Luke, Luke."

"What? What about that asshole?"

Spencer saw Nash pointing at the bed and Spencer turned his head. He then saw Luke frowning towards him. He then spoke to the group that still has their backs turned around.

"Hey guys, the suicidal dumbass is awake."


They all turned their heads at the same time and saw Luke sitting on the bed while looking at them. All of them are frozen except for the kids. They all rushed towards Luke with tears in their eyes. They are about to hug them but a black blob was faster than them and hugged Luke. It was Nash. Nash hugged Luke's body and Luke just patted him in the head.

"Luke! You are awake! Uwaaah!"

Nash cried and Luke just consoled him. He then turned towards the kids and patted their frozen heads. He then saw Lina, Selena, and Spencer. He then started to hear their complaints.

"You idiot! For how long will you make us worry for you?! Look! Even brother Nash is crying!"

"Haaa! You really, haaa!"

"You dumb, dumb idiot."

Luke frowned at the sigh-like complaints of the three and signaled them to bring him water. Josh understood and brought a glass of water. Luke drank it and cleared his voice. He then started to speak.

"I'm sorry for making you all worry."

Spencer then butted in.

"Yeah, you better be sorry. Because of you, the whole mansion is in chaos."

"In chaos? That bad?"

Selena then started to speak in an annoyed voice.

"What do you think? The young master of the Ducal family passed out right before his brother's wedding day. Who wouldn't be in chaos in that sort of situation?"

"Haa, well at least I woke up before the wedding. So everything's good right?"

Lina then talked in an annoyed tone.

"How is that good?! Good?! Good, my foot! Miss Finesse is crying nonstop while Noah is trying to figure out what happened to you! They thought that an assassin showed up to kill you because your windows are open and there are faint shoe traces on the balcony!"

Luke pretended to be so shocked about what he just heard. He thought this situation was good because he doesn't need to explain anything.

"What?! Someone is trying to kill me?"

Lina answered while looking at Nash sobbing in my arms with worry.

"Nash can't tell us what happened but he always blamed himself since you fainted."


Luke patted Nash's head more. Nash calmed down for a bit before sleeping from exhaustion. Luke placed him gently on the bed and slowly stood up. He then saw his black coat hanging on a stand. It looks new and clean unlike what he last saw in the underground.

Luke walked closer to the black coat and felt all of its contents inside. The stuff inside is still there, it just looked like the coat has just been repaired. He could also feel a powerful magic protection spell installed in the fabric of the coat. Luke then turned around to his group. He then sighed.

"Please leave me for a moment."

The group hesitated for a second before slowly leaving the room one by one. Luke sighed and went to the bathroom and washed. He then changed his clothes and put on the newly repaired and upgraded black coat. He looked at the bed and saw Nash rubbing his eyes. Luke smiled at him.

"You did a good job, Nash."

Nash stared at Luke for a moment before turning invisible.


Luke flinched and looked at the woman with puffy eyes rushing towards him and hugged him. Luke asked in a shocked voice.

"Finesse? Did you cry? Crying is bad for the baby!"

Luke saw Finesse looking at him with teary eyes. Luke frowned and scolded her.

"I thought I said no crying right? And didn't you say that you won't cry in front of your baby?".

Finesse stopped her tears and wiped them off. Her puffy cheeks then looked at Luke. She must've cried for a while. Luke sighed and patted Finesse's shoulder to console her. He then heard Finesse's cries.

"I-I, thought that you'll never wake up."

"Hmm? Why won't I wake up? My sister and brother are getting married tomorrow. Of course, I need to be there. So don't cry anymore, ok?"

Finesse weakly nodded and Luke smiled. He then heard someone rushing through the door and saw Noah, who looked like he came here in a rush. He then heard Noah's angry voice while looking at him.



Noah walked fast towards Luke and Luke felt uncomfortable. Noah's strong hand then gripped on his shoulder. Luke looked nervously at the duke who's glaring at him.

"You... Dumb idiot, why did you leave your window open huh?! Huh?! Answer me!"

Luke avoided his fiery gaze and started to Lie.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Opened the windows? Do you think I am crazy enough to do that?"

Noah's eyes squinted for a moment then put his hands off Luke's shoulder. He looked pissed.

"Tsk, so it wasn't you huh? Just who's that motherfucker who tried to trespass a duke's property, and not to mention, almost killing his brother. I swear if I caught that bastard I will rip him to shreds."

Luke gulped at Noah's vicious threats. He then saw Finesse nodding with a cold gaze on her eyes. Luke gulped and then sighed at these two vicious couples. He then thought.

'Are they really that mad at the fact that someone trespassed their property?... It was quite understandable though, even I'll be mad.'

Luke nodded as if he understood and spoke to the angry couple.

"You two must be really mad to have someone trespassed your estate. Don't worry, I'll help you find the perpetrator."

'But the trespasser did not exist in the first place. So maybe this incident will slip their memories as time passes."

Luke then heard Noah's voice full of disbelief.

"...You thought we were mad because someone trespassed our property?"

Luke nodded and talked blankly.

"Yeah, isn't that why you're mad? Someone trespassing your property without your consent is just... Bad. Even I'll be angry."

Everyone inside the room looked at Luke who was agreeing to his own statement like he was stupid. Finesse just looked at Luke with worry. She was about to say something when he heard Noah beside him.

"You, how stupid are you?"

"...Excuse me?"

Noah stared at Luke's stupid expression. He then sighed like he gave up and also saw Luke's group sighing while peeking the door.

Actually, he's not really that stupid, but he is dense regarding the worries of his teammates for him.

Finesse noticed the gloomy mood and said something to cheer everyone up.

"A-anyway, our wedding will be held tomorrow morning so everyone should get ready. Ah also, brother Luke, the clothes are already delivered so I will send one of the maids to bring it to you."


Luke then heard Noah's voice.

"We will also introduce you as a new family member of the Viscellete family in the party."

Luke's face stiffened.

"Why do you need to do that? I am fine. You don't need to do it "

'If you do, I'll be the center of attention and many greedy nobles will surely try to get on my good side.'

Noah frowned at Luke's response and asked.

"Why not? You're my brother now so everyone needs to know it."

"Uh... I-is that so?"

Luke's face crumpled. He didn't like the idea of Noah introducing him in front of many nobles.

'I just need the power and money of the Ducal house. Not the fame! I will make sure to leave before the announcement.'

Luke laughed dryly while looking at Finesse and Noah, who were glaring at him. Luke sighed and talked in a soulless manner.

"Please leave, I am quite tired."

"Ah is that so brother? Okay, rest well then. Ask the maids if you need anything."

Luke nodded and all the people inside the room left Luke inside the room. He then heard Nash's voice in the bed.

"You look like you don't want to be introduced as a Viscellete. Why? You deserved to be in the spotlight."

Luke frowned and looked at Nash, who was no longer invisible, staring back at him. Luke sighed and answered.

"I don't want to be in the spotlight. I want to be in the shadows, it's easier to run away."

"Why will you run away?"

"Well, being a noble isn't all fun and good. You also need to work and socialize. And I don't want to socialize with fake people."

"Fake people?"

"Nobles cling to the person more powerful than them and use them as his backer. Mostly, to beat people lower than them."

"That's horrible."

"Right? That's why I don't want to be introduced as a noble. I just want to live in an empty and clean land and live there for the rest of my life."

Nash stared at Luke and asked him.

"Will I live with you there?"

"If you want, sure."

Nash wags his tail and exclaimed.

"Then I don't want you to be acknowledged as a noble! I want to live peacefully with you and have no worries!"

Luke smiled and patted Nash. He somehow felt an unknown feeling spring up inside him, but he suppressed that feeling and looked out the window. The Sun is almost setting and it will be soon nighttime.

Tomorrow will finally be the wedding of the two main characters of this world.