
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 144: Valley of War(7)

"Waaahh! Please don't scare me like that again, Senior! At that moment, I feel as if my heart is ripping to shreds, and it hurts! Waaaahhh!!"

Spencer looked irritably at Jay, who was hugging him tightly. He then tried to push him away, but Jay is like a leech on him and continues to whine.

"Stop hugging me!"

"No! Waaaahhh!"

Spencer glared at Jay, but Jay ignored him and hugged him even tighter. Spencer suddenly felt the urge to make a mana spear and pierce it through Jay's head. He, however, is unable to.

'That mana discharge drained every last drop of my mana...'

Spencer frowned. What happened was Spencer condensed all of his mana and let it explode before Jay's bone monster could hit him, causing Ash's mana hands holding him to vanish in the explosion. Spencer rolled away as soon as he was free of the grasps of the mana hands, and Jay pierced the Ash that was left in the spot after that.

Spencer just sighed at the thought that he won't be able to use mana for a while. He then looked at Ash, who was still pierced to the ground by the sharp beak of the giant bone monster. Ash's lifeless body still continues to leak blood and Ash's face really indicates that he had an unexpected and shocking death. Spencer then scoffed at Ash's corpse.

"You think I will really sacrifice myself like that suicidal dumbass? I'm not like him; I still have siblings to look after. I'm not as stupid as that jerk to not realize that people care about me. Most importantly, I lack the ability to resurrect from the dead like that self-harming freak. So taste Plan Luke on your own."

Spencer stood while looking at Ash's body like that for a while and moved once Jay released him. Spencer then turned around to face the battlefield in the valley's center. He could see Regle Alliance soldiers and werewolves battling Jay's bone army and Reece soldiers. Spencer frowned as he considered this.

"Werewolves? Are you serious?"

Spencer stared in disbelief at the fighting werewolves. He hadn't noticed them before because he was too preoccupied with Ash. The involvement of werewolves in this war is truly shocking. Werewolves are known to not appear to humans and to avoid human activities and lands as much as possible, preferring to live in the mountains or on islands. But now they are fighting against them and they are on the opposing side. Just what happened for the world to flip out of order like this?

Spencer wiped his face with his palms. This battle appears to be even more ridiculous than it already is; there's no way it could get any worse, right?

'This is even worse than it is...'

Luke frowned as he looked at the clones that were multiplying at an alarming rate in front of him. Luke could tell they were all going to die now that he knew there was a dragon on the opposing side.

Dragons are a powerful and well-known legendary beast in this world. Dragons are more popular than Mystical Tigers which is Nash's kind. Dragons are well-known as a symbol of power and strength. They are also well-known for their mastery of mana manipulation and control. They are said to be more powerful than any legendary beast.

All of that was true other than the last sentence. Dragons are not the only creatures with great power; Mystical Tigers are equally so. According to the novel, Dragons and Mystical Tigers have equal magical abilities and mana. It's just that Dragons are more popular among the general public, making them appear to be the most powerful of all. That is why the group had a difficult time fighting Nash's corpse because that is just how powerful they are.

However, they are currently confronted by a dragon. Sure, they have Nash, a legendary beast like the dragon, but he is still a child who has yet to mature. The one they are currently dealing with is, unfortunately, an adult or has already matured. Looking at how their forces are performing right now, they are undoubtedly at a disadvantage, which makes Luke nervous.

'Fuck this shit. Why am I so unlucky?! '

Luke frowned. Just as he thought he would be able to live a peaceful life, a dragon appears and makes his life even more difficult. This infuriated Luke. He then fixed his gaze on the clones in front of him. He then spoke in a low voice.

"Come out, your friend is no longer alive. Making clones of him will no longer keep you hidden."

"Haha! I see that I have been caught. It took a while for your young tiger to notice me, which was disappointing..."

Luke gulped as he noticed a clone flying towards them. The clone then gradually transformed into a completely different person; this must be the dragon's true appearance.

Long, silky gray hair and smoke-gray eyes that appear to be looking down on them. Straight and commanding posture that will cause any knees to tremble and fall. A dragon has a powerful aura that makes you feel as if you're going to die at any moment and instills fear in every corner of your system. And Luke's worst nightmare has come true: this is an adult dragon.

Luke tried to swallow his nervousness and looked at the dragon with a straight and blank face. The dragon then smiled and looked at Luke as if he were a fascinating object. The dragon then began to speak.

"It appears that we have a fearless foe on our hands here. Silver hair and purple eyes... So you're Luke, the one who emerged from the dead. Aren't you a fascinating individual? Wood, Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth... You also have a phony swordmaster aura, a wing shield, and a strength-boosting power. You're more interesting than I expected; my visit here will be worthwhile."

Luke gulped and his eyes shook slightly. Just by looking at him, this dragon stated his powers one by one. He even said it as if his abilities were nothing to be afraid of, which is bad.

Luke clenched his fists around his sword. He is tense, and his fingers are cold. He might die if he makes one wrong move, but he can't die, and he mustn't die. He has so much he wanted to do, he just can't-

A sudden old memory then came into his mind at that very moment.

'Listen here, my moves might be risky and dangerous. It has the potential to kill millions of people, but I was able to carry it because people said I was insane and had no fear. But let me tell you, I was scared too; I am a human being, and it is normal to be afraid. What's worse is that if you let fear consume you and cloud your judgment, you'll begin to flee from your responsibilities like a coward. I use my fear to consider the most secure way to live. Remember, that is why I take risks.'

Despite the fact that he is in a difficult situation, Luke forced a smile. He doesn't care if he looked like a crazy person, he felt like he needed to do it. He remembered his stupid words again, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to forget them after all these years. He is certain that he is watching him from heaven, so he must show that he is alright.

'Pops, you crazy bastard. Even here, your words continue to haunt me.'