
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 11: My name(2)

The next day.

"Uuuugghh... I can't b-breath..."

Jane felt a heavy pressure all over her body and opened her eyes. She then saw Spencer crossing his arms while frowning at her. He looked down at her laying on the floor bed and asked in a grumpy manner

"I'm really wondering who is the real older sibling between us."


Jane looked at her body and saw five kids, including Nash, sleeping on top of her. Jane looked at them with wide eyes.

"K-kids, I can't breath..."

The children heard Jane's weak voice and slowly woke up. They all rubbed their eyes and smiled at her. They then greeted her in unison.

"Good morning."

The sight of children happily greeting her in the morning is not something Jane, in her past world, is used to seeing. But being greeted in the morning is really a refreshing feeling if they just don't squash her.

"Kids, move. I can't breathe."


They all move away from her. Jane sat up to catch her breath. She then heard Spencer mumbling in front of her

"I'm the older brother but why didn't they even hugged me once at night?"


"Nothing, food is ready."

The children stopped what they doing and looked at Spencer with excitement.

"Oooh! Brother Nash let's go!"

"Big brother's cooking is really good!"

"I wonder what is for breakfast?"

"Hey! Race you to the campfire!"

"You're on."

The children all activated haste magic and disappeared inside the tent in a flash. Jane just frowned with droopy eyes and stood up. She opened the tent flap and saw the children surrounding Spencer with plates in their hands. She sighed and also took a plate. Today's breakfast is meat porridge.

We each got our porridge and ate it around the now extinguished campfire. We happily ate the food and started to disassemble the tent.

I put the tent pieces in my coat's pocket. Seriously, having the highest grade spatial magic inside your pocket helps you a lot.

Jane then saw the children and Spencer waiting for her. She walked towards them.

"Let's make haste, we must get there tomorrow morning."

Spencer nodded and added.

"Hak Village was it? It is located further north. It'll take at least a day to get there with a carriage."

"Yes, but we'll not go there by carriage. We'll use haste magic to get there."

The children, Nash, Lily, Jessa, Michael, and Josh, suddenly butted in.

"That's Easy."

"Yay! We're running! I like running!"

"If we use haste magic, we can arrive at Hak village by midnight."

"Yeah! And we got brother Nash with us! We could triple our speed!"

"We might even arrive at the village earlier than midnight."

Jane nodded, the Sujin siblings then activated their haste magic and Nash cast haste magic on Jane's body while sitting on her shoulder.

"Let's go."

We all kicked from the ground and we dashed out from the forest. Our hair and clothes fluttered in the wind and the children seem to be enjoying the situation. We ran through the plains following the dirt road.

After 30 minutes of running, we saw bandits waiting at the end of the road. Jane frowned.

"Just keep running, create a shield and run through those them."

A large transparent shield suddenly appeared in front of us as if to protect us. I looked at Nash on my shoulder and he just blankly stared at the bandits ahead and then activated invisibility to himself.

"Don't waste your mana. Just focus on running."

The children smiled and we ran even faster.

The bandit leader who is laughing with the other bandits noticed something is approaching and warned the other bandits. The bandits got into their positions and smiled in a cocky manner.

"We have another visitor kekeke."

"I wonder what's inside their carriage?"

The bandits laughed but stopped when they saw something odd. A carriage is not what was coming towards them. They gasped when they saw six people running towards them at crazy speeds.

"Wait, they're running?"

"It's haste magic! They have mages!"

"Crazy, their speed is not the normal speed if you use haste magic!"

"They must be at least mid-level mages to perform that kind of speed!"

"Wait, they even have kids with them!"

"Stop! Stop them!"

The bandits then formed their defensive position. Jane saw this and snorted. She then heard Spencer's voice beside her.

"How funny, blocking our way with that kind of sloppy defense."

Jane saw Spencer smile as he was looking at the bandits. It was an evil and mischievous smile. It was so evil and mischievous that Jane thought she was beside the devil for a second. Jane just shrug her shoulders and looked at the bandits and thought.

'How scary, just who did I decide to come with me?'

Jane and the crew finally crashed with the bandit's defense. They were completely fine thanks to Nash's magic but for the bandits? Well, they were sent flying after facing the shield head-on. It's like a scene where a bowling ball hits the bowling pins.


"Ugh! They have a shield around them!"

"What a strong magic shield! Just who are they?"

The children heard this and started to giggle.

"Hahaha! So along baddies!"

"Have a taste of our brother's strong shield!"

The children were happily giggling while running past the bandits. They then continued to pass through tens of bandits and continued to dash towards Hak Village without looking back.

We ran for four more hours before stopping to rest. The children are laying on the ground with exhausted expressions while I and Spencer caught our breaths. We are now at the center of the vast plains while a smooth road is beside us.

We sat on the boulder near us and Nash cast cooling magic on us to protect us from the heat. The children smiled at the cooling sensation of Nash's cooling magic and praised him.

"As expected, our brother Nash is really cool."

"What a soothing cooling magic."

"Aaahh! I feel like walking under the trees in the middle of the Fall."

"Aaah! How refreshing!"

Nash smiled with a proud expression while hearing their compliments.

"Hmph! This is basic."

I looked at Nash beside me and took out seven cups from my pocket and gave the crew one of each. Nash then used water magic and filled the cups with cold water. The children happily drank the water and started to chatter with each other. I looked at the children for a while before chugging the water into my cup.


Jane sighed and could feel Spencer looking at her from the side and asked him.

"What is it?"

"Just who is the person we're going to save?"

"I told you, it is a woman love by god."

"But what kind of god?"

"Hmm, I believe it was the God of light."


"You heard me."

Jane ignored the dumb expression of Spencer and tries to remember the contents of the novel.

[Noah arrived in front of the dark and gloomy village and suddenly heard a voice inside his head. It was a soft and gentle voice.

• Are you going to save the people here?.

Even though Noah is confused, he still answered the voice inside his head.


• Then I shall give you my blessing. Please slay the evil being inside the village and free the people trapped inside, only that way I could finally leave this world without regrets.

Noah then saw light covering his entire body after that and felt like he could withstand every attack. His strength also increased.]

After Noah saved the village, he was given one chance to tell the woman love by god anything he wants as a reward for freeing the village from evil. What he wished for was protection for his love, Finesse, who was still locked inside her room.

He then also learned that the owner of the voice that talked to him was the woman loved by the God of Light who was executed in the plaza of the village a year ago.

He saved the village after his war with the three kingdoms and was currently hiding because people still blame him as the cause of the war. That point of the story was also where he'll meet powerful allies later.

'It means that if I arrived in the village one year earlier, I can still save her. I need to grab that one chance and make her give me her blessings. In the novel, she was executed early summer and now it is currently early summer, I can make it.'

She thought about the reward she'll get if she saves the woman loved by god while drinking her water. Just thinking what will happen after that sorta excites her.