
I Will Become The Emperor

The emperor is ill, and his sons must fight for the throne. In the end, only one will remain alive and be proclaimed emperor. A dream, an ambition, a desire, for what? Is this dream yours, or just something imposed upon you? For what do you spill blood, do the lives around you mean nothing? What is your decision in the face of the predetermined path set for you?

Meshwaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The second prince

"You were amazing, Selene. You gave that idiot the beating he deserved," Sophie speaks excitedly, raising her fist in the air.

"I have to agree with Sophie this time," says Jhon, nodding his head.

"If you hadn't stopped me, I would have taken him down myself," Sophie stares intently at Jhon, who just sighed, looking tired of dealing with her.

"I'd prefer if we didn't have to get involved or draw attention like this. We should keep our magic secret if possible. But in Selene's case, I don't think it's a problem. Her magic is basically a heritage from the Lunaris family, known by all," Nicolas comments while looking at Selene.

"Moreover, I didn't expect you to get involved in something like this, Selene. Normally, you're not interested in anything," Nicolas inquires, looking directly into Selene's eyes.

"As I said, he was in my way, that's all," Selene speaks, her voice and eyes betraying no emotion whatsoever.

Selene crosses her arms on the table and lays her head on them, closing her eyes.

Nicolas sighs. "It's hard to talk to her."

He decides to let it go for now and returns to eating his food.

Arthur thinks, 'It seems that Selene is a good person. I can try to use that. Her statement that he was in the way was a very obvious lie.' Arthur remains pensive, knowing there are ways to reach Selene.

His thoughts are interrupted.

"Clap clap clap..." a round of applause resounds.

"Incredible, this must be the Miss from the Lunaris family. I expected nothing less," the person speaking wears a black uniform with a white coat, purple eyes, and white hair. Two women and two men.

"What brings you here?" Arthur asks, with a curious expression.

"Oh, excuse me for not introducing myself. I am the second heir, Ambrose Drakonia, the one and only Drakonia," Ambrose says, smiling confidently, showing his teeth.

Everyone in the cafeteria is surprised by his statement. It implies that he considers himself the only Drakonia, disregarding the insult this is to the other heirs. This is not only a challenge to the emperor but also a provocation.

Sophie begins to laugh. "Looks like this little prince has a serious problem with his head," she says between giggles.

Ambrose doesn't seem bothered. On the contrary, he looks at Sophie with a smile. "Well, well, if it isn't the little girl who was too scared to stand up and do something," he remarks.

"Shut your mouth! I wasn't scared!" Sophie responds loudly, her face taking on a cruel expression, her forehead furrowing deeply.

Jhon places his hand on Sophie's shoulder to calm her down.

"Are you going to stand still again, helpless little brat?" Ambrose taunts Sophie with a big smile on his face.

Unable to take it anymore, Sophie gets up from her chair and lunges at Ambrose, her hands radiating flames.

Ambrose looks on with an excited smile. Sophie clenches her fists, flames swirling around them, and punches Ambrose, aiming directly for his face. However, her fist is intercepted by a woman who stops Sophie's punch with one hand and says, "Going for the boss right away, don't you think you're being a bit hasty?"

Sophie stomps on the ground and retracts her fist, looking slightly red-faced. The woman's hand was so hard it felt like steel. The woman smiles slightly and introduces herself, "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Agatha, and I'll have the pleasure of destroying you later."

Sophie is about to attack again, but at that moment, the other woman moves. Her movement is quick, but not just that, it's smooth and efficient. She hits Sophie's muscle pressure points, causing her to collapse on the ground without strength, unable to move.

The woman who immobilized Sophie speaks up, "You should be careful, Agatha. I sense a large amount of magic coming from her. She would probably destroy the entire cafeteria if she attacked with full force."

"Relax, Joana. She's immobilized now anyway," Agatha says with her gentle smile as she raises her hand and snaps her fingers.

Ambrose looks down at Sophie on the ground and lifts his foot to step on her. "Pathetic. So this was the strength you wanted to attack me with," he says with a disappointed voice.

Jhon shouts, "No!"

He uses his power to make roots grow from his arm and extend them towards Ambrose. However, other roots intersect with his and pass through them, completely destroying them and ensnaring him, immobilizing his body. The roots around his body grow thicker, completely restraining his movements.

"Tsk, I can't believe this weakling uses the same magic as me," the man with roots on his arm says with a disgusted voice.

Ambrose, who still has his foot raised to step on Sophie, laughs and then says, "There's nothing to be done, Wilde. Not everyone is born with talent in this world."

Ambrose continues to lower his foot slowly, clearly provoking Arthur's group.

Nicolas stands up and rushes toward him. "I can't stand to see this anymore," he murmurs.

Roots come toward him, but he simply crouches down. The roots pass over him at high speed, then turn to grab him, but he's no longer there. He concentrates his magic in his legs, giving a strong push forward. He stops in front of Agatha, then punches at her. She raises her hand in defense, smiling confidently, but Nicolas doesn't hit her hand. Instead, his fist swerves as if aiming for her chin. Agatha thinks, 'Useless, no matter where he hits me, the damage will be null.' But to her surprise, Nicolas opens his hand and grabs her arm. He pulls her with force and throws her to the side. He had concentrated magic in his arms, increasing his strength, causing Agatha to be thrown far away.

Both of them remain in a fighting stance, glaring at each other. At that moment, Nicolas feels dizzy. He looks down at his leg and sees a snake biting it. He collapses, unconscious, thinking, 'Damn, when did...' His thoughts are cut off as he passes out.

The snake slithers into some clothes lying on the ground next to Ambrose's team and begins to grow, transforming into a human. "Sorry for interrupting your fun, Joana," he says as he adjusts his clothes.

Joana nods, indicating that everything is fine.

Agatha returns, clearly irritated. "That bastard, I'll crush him! How dare he! Good job, Ethan," she says, looking at Ethan with a glare that suggests he poisoned him lethally.

Ethan raises his hands in a calming gesture. "No, no, it's just a tranquilizing poison. He'll wake up soon."

"Ugh," Agatha clicks her tongue in disappointment.

Ambrose remarks, "Looks like it's over then," as his foot, which had been descending slowly toward Sophie, now drops quickly to step on her.

"Seriously, can't you guys shut up for a moment?"

Gravity pulls strongly on the four members of Ambrose's team, crushing them against the ground. All four scream in pain, although it's actually three—Joana managed to evade at the last moment, with only her arm caught and pressed against the ground.

Selene looked at her with mild surprise. "You managed to react to that. I wonder if you'll be able to react again," her voice even colder than usual, exuding a strange sense of fear, as if reviving the deepest traumas of those who heard her speak.

The gravity around Selene becomes so strong that the ground begins to crack. At this point, the other students are gathered around, keeping their distance and watching in awe.

Ambrose calmly looks at her while still holding her arm. "Oh, your magic seems stronger than I imagined."

Selene is confused as thoughts race through her mind. "He was resisting, no, that wasn't it. It seemed to not affect him. Come to think of it, my precognition didn't foresee his move, and my reflection magic didn't activate even when he was holding me tightly."

Daggers of metal fly toward Ambrose. He releases Selene's arm and steps backward, a dagger grazing his face lightly, but the cut disappears quickly. His regeneration was incredible.

"Brother, I believe you've played enough. I suggest you leave," Arthur speaks calmly, but his voice carries a hint of threat.

"Ambrose looks at his team and sees everyone has a metal dagger pressing against their necks.

Ambrose sighs and raises his hands in surrender. "All right, I lost."

"He and his group leave at this moment, Agatha casting a threatening glance at Nicolas before leaving, being deceived seemed to affect her more than being crushed by gravity.

Arthur looks at his companions and sighs, 'how troublesome, Nicolas is unconscious, Sophie is unable to move a muscle, and Jhon is still trapped by the roots.'"