
I Will Become The Emperor

The emperor is ill, and his sons must fight for the throne. In the end, only one will remain alive and be proclaimed emperor. A dream, an ambition, a desire, for what? Is this dream yours, or just something imposed upon you? For what do you spill blood, do the lives around you mean nothing? What is your decision in the face of the predetermined path set for you?

Meshwaw · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The potential of magnetism

Arthur made his way to the school's rooftop, pondering over what had happened.

Sophie recovered shortly afterward and returned to the classroom with Jhon and Arthur. Nicolas was taken to the infirmary to ensure that the poison was not lethal. As for the incident, it was ignored by the teachers, and only Selene would be held responsible for the damage to the floor, as no students outside the special classes were involved.

"They were strong, especially that Joanna and Ambrose."

Arthur arrives at the terrace and looks up at the sky. "At least now I have some information about their powers."

He sighs, opening his arms to better feel the wind and the sun rays passing through his body, closing his eyes, letting his mind go blank.

"I didn't think I'd see anyone else here."

A soft, calm voice sounds in his ears. Arthur looks towards the source of the voice, and the sight surprises him, the thought that he was unlucky today crosses his mind.

White, long, wavy hair, purple eyes with a strong glow, a beautiful face with a pure and calm gaze.

"I didn't expect to find you here today, sister," Arthur says, prepared for any attack from her.

"Relax, I don't plan on killing you now. By the way, my name is Seraphine Drakonia, and yours?"

She's sitting on the edge of the terrace, her hair flying in the wind, and her face is turned directly towards Arthur, although it seems like she's not looking directly at him, which feels strange.

Arthur looks directly at her for a moment and then averts his eyes.

"My name is Arthur Drakonia. It's a pleasure to meet you, sister," Arthur says, while looking at the clouds moving in the sky.

"How's your relationship with your team?" Arthur asks, thinking he should gather as much information as possible about her.

Seraphine's expression turns confused, and she speaks with uncertainty, "Team? What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about the four students from your class, two men and two women," Arthur replies, turning his eyes back to Seraphine.

Seraphine puts her hand to her head and begins to scratch it with a restless attitude. Arthur asks, "Is everything okay? Did something happen? Are they injured or something?" Arthur furrows his brow with doubt; there was something wrong with Seraphine.

Seraphine looks at Arthur for a moment and then averts her eyes. She stands up from the edge of the terrace and walks closer to him. Without looking directly at him, she says, "So those people were from my team, huh? It makes sense. I killed them."

"WHAT? Why?" Arthur asks, with a confused expression on his face. He thought Ambrose, the heir, was the most mentally challenged, but it didn't seem to be the case.

"Honestly, I don't have an answer. They wanted to fight against me, so I attacked. Before I knew it, they were already dead. I guess it's because they were too weak," Seraphine says, contemplating her response. She smiles, seeming satisfied with the answer she gave.

"I understand," Arthur is somewhat speechless and decides to head back to the room now. Seraphine seemed problematic; he's about to descend from the terrace when Seraphine says, "Little brother, you seem interesting. I hope we meet again before I kill you." She looked at him as she said this, with a happy expression on her face.

Arthur descends from the terrace without saying anything else, just thinking about how arrogant Seraphine was.

As he walks back to the room, Arthur goes over the theories about the powers of his two remaining relatives in his head. "Ambrose seemed to have some kind of anti-magic ability, but it doesn't make sense. Magic wasn't nullified; it just didn't affect him. He could have some kind of immunity to magic, but how exactly does that work? The metal daggers he controlled hurt him, but Selene's gravity didn't affect him. Plus, his face regenerated from the cut, even though it was just a slight scratch, the regeneration speed was insane."

"As I think about it, I could feel mana emanating from him more intensely during those moments, and when he regenerated, his magic seemed to concentrate on the wound. Anyway, I couldn't be sure of anything now." Arthur shakes his head and decides to stop thinking about Ambrose for the time being.

His thoughts turn to Seraphine. She was strange in many ways, but her presence was the worst; it felt like being in front of something unique and powerful. At the same time, it was as if she wasn't a person with magic. After all, Arthur didn't feel any mana from her, as if she were just an ordinary person.

Feeling another person's mana was a task possible for those sensitive to magic. Depending on your level of sensitivity, it was possible to sense the type of magic the person had and the amount of mana they possessed.

Arthur imagined he had a good degree of mana sensitivity, but it seemed he was wrong, as he didn't detect anything from Seraphine, someone who was surely very powerful.

Setting aside his analysis, Arthur arrives at his room. Sophie was training diligently with her fire magic, this time she seemed really serious, with Jhon beside her also training.

Nicolas was teaching the two of them.

"Sophie, you have a lot of mana and use powerful fire attacks, but your control is low. Besides, you're not even close to the essence of your magic."

"Jhon, you have little mana. You should focus on efficient and precise attacks, aiming for one powerful, accurate strike."

The training for both was interesting. Sophie had to control her mana to form a thin ring of fire spinning around her body, gradually decreasing its size as the ring spun. It seemed difficult for her, considering how many times the ring exploded, spreading fire around.

Regarding Jhon, he should control the frequency emitted by his mana.

Arthur was a bit curious about why and went to talk to Nicolas.

"If he needs to find openings in the opponent with efficient strikes, wouldn't it be better to teach him combat techniques?"

"In fact, I plan to teach him some techniques, but preparing for the fact that his opponent will be the guy who uses the same magic on the other side. A very interesting idea that Jhon himself had was to mimic the frequency of the opposing magic," Nicolas responds with clear pride in Jhon.

"So he plans a surprise attack," Arthur affirms, understanding Jhon's plan.

Each magic was unique and had its essence, that was true. Confusing the mana of two people was almost impossible, but of course, that's if we consider that the two magics are not of the same type. Two people with the same type of magic will give the same sensation, with a slightly different vibration, either in how the mana acts or in how it functions. Now, if someone can copy that, they can disguise their own magic amidst the opponent's.

Arthur still had a doubt, "But how are you going to teach him to mimic the Wild mana frequency?" It required insane sensitivity to grasp the Wild mana frequency just from that simple attack of his. Arthur couldn't fathom that Nicolas's sensitivity was so high.

"No, I couldn't analyze his magic frequency that well at that moment. Actually, it was Selene. While you were out of the room, she used her own mana and mimicked his magical frequency. I was quite surprised by that, but well, I analyzed it for a while and now I know how it works," Nicolas quickly explains, clearing things up.

Arthur ends the conversation with Nicolas and looks at Selene. She is lying down with her eyes closed as usual, not seeming worried even though her magic is useless against Ambrose.

Arthur approaches Selene and says, "I know you managed to analyze everyone's magic at the right moment. In this case, tell me, what is Ambrose's magic?" Arthur is more serious than usual, his purple eyes shining with determination.

Selene opens her eyes slightly, her golden eyes fixing on Arthur.

"I think it's the first time I've seen a genuine emotion from you," Selene says in her usual cold voice.

Arthur is surprised, looking at her with astonishment for a moment. "What? How does she...?"

Selene continues, "Putting that aside, it was difficult to see, as if his mana were crushing my head, but it was similar to a dragon." After speaking, she closes her eyes again, seemingly no longer willing to say anything more.

Immediately, Arthur closes his eyes and recalls everything he studied about dragons. They are beings considered nearly invincible, practically immune to magic, with a very high resistance to it. According to the books, no magic weaker than the dragon's mana will have any effect on it, and they can recover from mental fatigue, exhaustion, and even physical injuries using their mana.

There were more abilities that a dragon would possess, but it wasn't certain that Ambrose would have all of a dragon's abilities. The important thing now was to ensure that his magic worked against him.

Arthur makes the metal daggers in his pants pocket float around him. He had been thinking about this for a while since the fight against Nasus. Controlling metal was definitely powerful, but Arthur wanted to make his ability more destructive and potent.

The metal daggers transform into liquid metal and merge together to form a sword. Then, electrical sparks begin to emanate from the sword, growing stronger with each passing moment until the sword starts to glow blue, with lightning bolts being released from it in all directions.

Selene remains lying down, ignoring the occurrence. The lightning bolts heading toward her are reflected in other directions.

Sophie, on the other hand, pauses her training for a moment and exhales in amazement. "That's incredible."

"What is that?" John asks, shocked.

Nicolas observes, trembling with anticipation. He clenches his fists. "Such talent. I expected nothing less from the Prince I chose to serve." The three of them had moved closer to Selene to avoid any risk of being hit by one of the lightning bolts.

The electricity began to stabilize, with the sword no longer emitting it. The sword floated into Arthur's hands, and he was sweating and breathing deeply.

"Phew... phew... phew..."

Holding the sword in his hands, Arthur struck out in a random direction. From the sword, a wave of electricity was released in the shape of a crescent moon, flying towards the wall and forming a massive explosion that released electric shocks for a while before dissipating.

"Wow, that's incredible, Arthur! How did you..." Sophie speaks, very excited, almost running over to Arthur, but Nicolas grabs her shoulder.

"Wait, I feel like it's not over yet," Nicolas says, looking at Arthur expectantly.

Holding the sword's hilt, Arthur points his other hand towards the blade and takes a deep breath. The blade begins to vibrate and turn red, and the temperature in the room rises with intense heat emanating from the blade.

The blade turns completely red, shining brightly. Arthur concentrates, controlling his magic as best as he can.

"Just a bit more, come on, come on," Arthur's mind is focused to the maximum.

The sword explodes into pieces, with the metal falling to the ground. Arthur sits on the floor, exhausted, having exerted a great deal of his magic and focus. But on his lips, there's a strong smile.

Running up to him, Sophie's eyes sparkle like a child's. "Teach me that, Arthur, teach me," she says, smiling with great excitement.

John comes right after her, "Don't be foolish, Sophie. This has to do with his magic. It's not something that can be taught."

Nicolas follows shortly after. "I think I understand some of the concepts behind this, but actually being able to do it is incredible."

Arthur explains how he did it.

"First, I created a magnetic field around the metal sword. Then, I manipulated this field to generate a small variation, which resulted in the emergence of an electric field, producing electricity in the sword. After that, it was just a matter of stabilizing this electricity by controlling the electric field. And voilà, I had a sword with electrical properties and other functions using the electric field on it."

"Then, I increased the intensity of the magnetic field around the sword more and more. This caused the strength of the electric current in the sword to increase, making the sword generate more and more heat due to the electric current circulating within it. From there, it was about controlling everything there and seeing how far I could go, knowing that the power of the sword would keep getting stronger. As seen in the end, I reached my limit," 

Sophie raises her hand with a closed fist. "I didn't understand any of it, but it looked amazing. From now on, I'll start studying."

John looks at Nicolas and asks, "Was Arthur's way of using magic incredible? Is this really possible normally?"

Nicolas responds, "No, not normally. To do that, he didn't just control the metal; he controlled the state of the metal, the magnetic field, and the electric field. That requires a huge amount of magic, focus, and talent."