
I was Rifted, Homeworld Highschool D X D

Part of Crap I was Rifted series. Following a different User. No plot. Separation of Souls to other places. If you havent read the others, you wont know the way this one works.

FrozenTide · Others
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37 Chs

Bleach Part 7 Soul Society and Swords

A few weeks later in Soul Society-


The members of the Gotei 13 were gathered in a grand hall. As well as members up to the 5th seat of each squad. The occasion was very important for what was going on in each major area. Like an increase in powerful Souls entering Soul Society. As well as very young at that. But matters need to be addressed first.

"Toshiro Hitsugaya, you are hereby removed as a Captain of the Gotei 13. Step forward to receive your next purpose." Genryusai said with authority. The shocked faces were enough to cause several to smile behind him. Proof that not all plans were discovered. Hitsugaya moved slowly shaking like a leaf. "Your next task is harder than anything you have done before. It is time to cast away this crippling state you have."

A cloaked figure moved up to him. One of the four that stood by Genryusai.

Toshiro removed his outer robes. The cloaked figure removed his Zanpukto as well. He immediately felt naked without it. It was placed on top of his robes as the aide moved towards Rangiku. She grabbed them, waving her hands over the sword it was sealed then disappeared.

*Schlick!* A blade stabbed Hitsugaya. He collapsed and had his spirit energy drained away. Only a little remaining behind. Another aide picked him up, a member of the Shadow Group. Supringlsy the member looked Toshiro over caringly. They left the room.

"Now you may leave Zarakai. Try not to kill the intruders." Genryusai dismissed him. Zaraki and Yachiru left.

"Who will be the new Captain?" Ukitake asked surprised. He recovered quickly enough from things.

"Myself." Noir walked in. He looked much older than himself in the Human World. Something the System did the moment he crossed over. Which matched his appearance in most places anyway. To his side was Dark Saber who walked behind a little respectfully. "And this is my Lieutenant."

"I disagree with such an unknown arriving." Aizen said respectfully. Something about Noir angered him. A sense of foreboding that he felt once before. He just couldn't tell from where. "Why was Captain Hitsugaya dismissed?" Plans would go all over the place at this rate.

"He is going to learn something. That is all you need to know." Rangiku said coldly. Her tone shocked a few of them. Much different than her usual calm self. Her strength was more than thought possible for the usual carefree member. "Decisions that you do not need to know anything about." She already felt rising anger when talking to him. The memory of getting injured pissed her off.

"Humph!" Noir snorted walking pass Aizen's seating position. "Do it again, and I will rip you apart child. Brats should go outside when their betters are talking." Aizen stood up quickly. He lost his cool there for a bit. "Begone!"

*Bang!* A footprint appeared on Aizen's robes as he was kicked out of the hall across Soul Society.

"Go and chase after him you broken little doll." Dark Saber said to Hinamori. "Shoo, shoo." She made the hand motion of scooting trash away.

"Umm.. right!" Hinamori shot off towards her Captain.

"Useless creatures should be removed. You know this Genryusai." Noir walked up slowly in the hall. "Tosen, Gin, Bucket head, Soi-fon, Byaku, and Shinusui leave."

"Go and tend to your duties. This does not concern any of you." Genryusai said. The captains left. Leaving Ukitake, Unohana, and Mayuri behind. "Such troubles with alienating them like that. Time to begin."

*Tap!* The Captain Commander tapped his cane against the ground. A large formation appeared causing a barrier to pop up.

"Level 9, Spell Break!" Noir targeted everyone in the barrier to remove any hypnosis they had been under. This includes their Zanpktos as well. After seconds he activated Zone of Truth. "Good to go."

The others took a bit to regather themselves. Unohana had a lived look on her face. Certain instances in which she treated people were off. She spent a few moments trying to differentiate what was real and what wasn't.

Ukitake felt a headache form. But the comforting hand from Genryusai stopped that. As well as the chess piece he received. A white bishop piece. He clasped it and felt the change immediately. His body was remade and he felt much stronger now.

The piece of the Soul King inside of him, the Right Arm still remained. Just as an observer now. The power was able to build up once more as a separate entity from the Soul King even more now.

"Thank you, Captain." Ukitake said gratefully.

"I am going to rip that bastard Aizen apart. How dare he mess with my experiments. Taking my babies away, how distasteful!" Mayuri lamented. The memory of some of his projects vanishing over the years was enough to make him become serious. As well as stealing his notes that formed after he took Kisuke's place. "What is this?"

Rangiku had thrown a black bishop piece at him. She didn't want to, but Urahara proved untrustworthy and Mayuri could be reasoned with, if given enough freedom. If he got out of line, well he would pay for it later.

"Clutch it to your chest and you will understand. Try to resist, and I will cut your head off." Rangiku said with a smile. Her sword spirit Ash Cast, popped up behind her. Eyes menacing watching him. "Go on now."

"Humph, if you think you can.." He stopped talking when her spiritual energy spiked further. "Yes.. you have a point. It would be better to do now than wait." Mayuri backtracked mentally. Refusing to admit he was scared. 'How did you grow to such strength already?! She is just a lieutenant!'

*Warble!* Space distorted slightly from Unohana taking the Knight piece inside her self. Her injuries healing and restoring her to a new height. Her spiritual energy cried as her body could accommodate her strength once again.

"Ahhhh so beautiful. I can not wait to get started again." Unohana sighed in bliss. She spared a look of thanks to Genryusai and then to Noir. "Thank you both for the opportunity. This life was getting quite dull."

"Tough times are ahead. Several Captains have betrayed Soul Society. We need to prepare for it." Noir said simply. "Time will tell about other matters. But be careful around certain people."

"What about.." Ukitake was worried about Shunsui. ".. is he under control?"

"Yes and no." Genryusai said simply. "His Zanpukto special skills ... no. I will not say. But the man himself, I always presented him with straightforward answers about the "harm" I have committed. Kyoraku has done what he always did, he internalized the "harm" he was willing to commit."

"As in.." Mayuri speculated as much that the silly-acting man had a lot more going on than he showed.

"He would present a smile while holding his blades.." Ukitake said in memory of a battle. "be it, child or woman, he will slay you without it weighing upon his mind. No longer does he dwell upon it like the younger members that got to war. No, he has matured to a point where he recognizes the demands of his duty as a Captain, as a soldier and has dismissed the idea of regret. There is no turning back if he keeps up like this."

"That is why, it is best to inform him of some matters." Genryusai said in a firm voice. He looked to Noir that just blinked at him. "I think it best a few hidden members come out. Only a few kept contact. During their escape."

The others looked confused by the statement. But not Rangiku. She was aware of who he meant. And happy to have a few of them returning. But the thought of the WIll of the World getting in the way flashed in her mind for a moment.

'Well, considering we fought back against it, it will have to back off. Time I pay Gin a visit to help with some matters. As well as give him a gift.' She held a rook piece in her hand. 'My turn to protect you now Gin!'

Noir left to do some official matters. Dark Saber went to strengthen out the squad. An evil look on her face as she was going to break them in to the way Noir did things. Her "Zanpukto" was imbued with the power to wake them up for several things actually.




"Wow, just wow." Noir looked at the Shiba place. Kaien behind him visibly shaking. It was not as bad as the manga portrayed it at least. But was bad enough. "Haaa.. let's get this taken care of, ok. You can remove that after we talk to them."

"Right." Kaien was happy to return home. Having been forbidden to do so all this time was maddening. But he had to do things that were important. Important to keep the Shiba clan still going. 'I wonder how much they have grown.'

Stepping inside the two were treated to Ichigo and Ganju fighting. The two did not notice them walking in. However, Kukaku did. She was on the porch cradling sake between her feet. Yoruichi came from around the corner with Chad and Orihime.

"Eh, trespassing is illegal. Filthy Soul Reapers, think you can do whatever you want?" Kukaku questioned with attitude.

Noir kept moving unbothered. Kaien felt deep regret seeing her state.

"I am sorry, but I can not wait ancestor." Kaien removed his concealing robes much to Noir's distaste. But he just grinned and waited in place instead. "If my face is not enough," Kaien raised his sword up and released the trigger. "Rage Through the Seas and Heavens, Nejibana!"

*Whirl!* Spinning his sword it turned into a trident. On the end, a bit of a corkscrew type remained. The wave of spiritual energy washed over the area. Several of the Shiba members came from across the district. It would take a while before they reached the house out on its own of course.

"It.. can not be..." Kukaku couldn't help but cry out. She stood up on wobbly legs and fell forward.

*Schup!* A figure shot forward fast.

"I have you." Noir had stepped forward and stopped her fall. His magic circulated, clearing away the alcohol. "Good memories for now. Can not have booze clouding the thoughts." Noir stepped away from her once she was situated.

"Thank you." Kukaku turned to see Kaien was just a few seconds behind Noir in trying to help her. "You real right?!"

"Yes." Kaien wrapped her in a hug. "We are home again. I have much to tell you."

"We?" Ganju asked. He looked closely at Noir for a bit. But the silver hair, he couldn't put anywhere mentally. The face looked familiar though. "Oh!" He left to run inside. Coming back a few minutes later. "This is you, or a look a like."

"Yes, that is me." Noir pointed at the picture of him and the others that fought in the war long ago. "That is Genryusai, your Grandmother Suna, and.."

"What!? Your a Shiba!?" Kukaku finally let Kaien go long enough for him to get grabbed by Ganju. He was pulled into a headlock in moments. "Where have you been all this time?"

"Long story. We should go inside to talk it over." Noir gestured inside. As they moved in, Yorichi looked over his Captain uniform.

"What happen to .. no. Nevermind." She turned quiet not finishing her sentence. 'No need to ruin their reunion.'

Hours later and tears, the yelling started. But that just gave way to more crying once they found out Miyako was alive. Kaien's wife.

"Just keep it quiet. It took forever for the treatment and everything else." Kaien said. He wanted to bring her as well, but it was not safe just yet. "The sword you always carry, take it out." His tone was serious so Kukaku did so.

"Do you want this old thing?" Kukaku asked. She turned to Noir who looked slightly misty-eyed.

"No. It belonged to Suna." Noir looked the blade over removing his gloves. "Show me her life."

*Preen!* The blade let loose a cry. Small strands extended around his arm making sure it was really him. They retreated after confirmation. A white milky substance passed in the room.

The figure of a pointed ear man appeared. It was a small piece of Noir's soul that was left to guard over her. The image spread revealing a woman that looked the same as Kukaku. Just a little thinner. Slowly the aftermath of the War played—Suna fighting to protect the Shiba clan against other clans.

The marriage she had between the Kuchiki outcast. States of Happiness then pain when he died. Battles against those who tried to ruin what they tried to do. Genryusai stepping in with a heavy hand. He looked out for them the best he could. But eventually, Suna became weak. Heartbreak from the odds that she couldn't match.

"To kind to lead a clan. Haaa, only good for a time of peace." Noir sighed disappointed. A look of pain flashed in his eyes before he pushed it away. Suna looked too much like a wife he had once in the Underdark. "To die painfully.."

Another scene played the birth of Kaien and the others. A small gathering of the Shiba clan showed prosperity. But it didn't last. Isshin's branch fell apart after he left with the Shiba clan's treasure. Kaien's "death" leads to the others' collapse.

Kohaku and Kaien remained quiet. Kaien took note of the clans that messed with them. They would be made to pay.

"Tried. That is what is important." Noir held the blade out to Kukaku. His disposition changing. "Will you lead the clan to better things? Or let them die like others?" She stopped and looked to Kaien. Seeing the resolute look on his face, she had to think it over.

"There is no right or wrong answer sis." Kaien said softly. He didn't say much else not wanting to make Noir angry. He already made it difficult revealing who he was before the talks could happen. "Ancestor?"

Noir stood up to open the side doors. The air helped relieve the tension a little.

"Kaien!" A few of the Shiba members made it to the house. A few scattered 100 or so. Men and women of all ages.

"Lord Noir.." A few looked at Noir and kneeled. Members who actually saw him were still alive. The old fogies didn't mind the dirt at all. "You have returned!"

"Shush!" Noir said curtly. "Get off the ground to. You old things have stopped training. I oughta beat you up." Embarrassed, the oldies got up and pouted at him. "So little brats, I swear."

"Can you not lead?" Kukaku asked finding her voice. Noir shook his head no. "Haa, I will lead. But if they do not like it, they can leave."

"Haha, that fits your personality greatly." Noir laughed. His personality changed to a more casual approach. "Keep this with you. A good way to learn some things to help." Kukaku reached out with her arm, but Noir moved to the other. "With that one."

"I am missing an arm, in case you haven't noticed." Kukaku said. She felt a strange sensation where her arm used to be. "What!?"

*Splurt!* Spiritual blood burst out as an arm shot out. It rapidly recovered from a small state. Gripping it tightly, Kukaku's arm started to tremble.

"It is no replacement. Just.. eh. Not important." Noir turned to deal with his old squadmates. "What the hell happened to all of you? If you would have kept training, you could have remained better than this."

"What happened to you?" An old man asked.

"Die, duh. Soul King yanked me away to do stuff. But at least none of you bit the bucket." Noir remained quiet not really knowing what to say. They returned under the status of Followers, but not much he could do for them currently. Without the desire to fight, they were better off enjoying peace.

"The captain robes look good on you." Yoruichi came over and said. Her tone was neutral as she spoke. "If you can, will you come to the Shion family estate? I can sneak you end to visit "her" grave. I believed you knew her as Pepper Cat?"

"Hmmm." Noir outstretched his hands and cast Group Heal. It wouldn't really extend their lives. But it would get rid of aches and pains. As well as make them full for a while. "No. I will not visit. Why are you acting as if we are friends or something?" His voice contained a cold edge to it.

"I had nothing to do with what happened."

System: Visit a Grave of a friend. Reward: ????, ???? Failure: Loss of memories pertaining to clan ????

"Hmmmm." Noir's accepted and a Zanpukto appeared. It was an odd sensation feeling it. Way different than his original one. Unknown to him, but his pocket watch had disappeared as well. "Awaken... and Slay God."

*Pulse!* A blast of energy left the sword. It was controlled in one place as memories returned to Noir. His original sword was in pieces. Which is most likely tied to the quest he just took.

A Warhammer appeared. Etchings of a Hollow mask on the pommel. The symbol of the Raven Queen was on it as well. Touching it, gazing at it, gave Noir a bad premonition. Images of members of the User War arrived here at one point. But were expelled from Soul Society instantly. But one of the people had a weird vein pattern on their neck.

'Oh for all the hells!' Noir sent the info off immediately. No way would he go with any chances. 'Another World caught in aftermath of shit. How am I supposed to Conqueror and have fun with all this shit popping up?'

"Caaaw!" The Warhammer gave a cry before returning back to a longsword. The sheath was designed with Underdark markings. Words that most could not begin to read. Etched in silver. The same silver as Noir received from the Hellverse from this World. "I will sleep for now."

The sword spirit said. The voice was distorted. Incomplete.

Health 309 Level 20/7 Ac 16 Proficiency Bonus: 7

Age: 1,141 Cantrips Known: 10 Domain Spells:10

Spell Slots: 1st Slot X 2nd V 3rd III 4th IIII 5th III 6th III 7th III 8th II 9th II

Spell Save: 19 Spell Attack 11 Initiative 5(5 )

Strength:18 Dexterity: 20 Constitution: 20

Intelligence:25 Wisdom: 25 Charisma: 20

Athletics:4 Acrobatics:5 Sleight of Hand:5

Stealth:5 Arcana:7 History:7 Investigation:7*

Nature:7* Religion:7* Deception:5* Intimidation:5*

Performance:5* Insight:7* Medicine:7* Persuasion:5*

Titles: Emperor of Underdark III, Lamenting Soul, Broken Dreamer VII, Twisted, Widow 9x, God Slayer, Devil Slayer, Mercy Killer, Devil-God II, Conqueror VIII, Saint/Dark Saint, Resident Evil Survivor, Visored Maker, Titan Killer

Features: Spellcasting, Divine Domain IV, Destroy Undead IV, Channel Divinity III, Divine Intervention, Alert, Actor, Keen Mind, Firearm Specialist

Traits: Alter User, Vas Lordes II, Master to the House of Mystery, Allspark

Class Features: Disciple of Life, Channel Divinity Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Divine Strike, Supreme Healing, Fighting Style-Defense, Second Wind, Action Surge, Martial Archetype-Champion

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