
I was in love with my best friend.

Anvika is a beautiful girl with a great family and a good existence. Three boys and two girls were her childhood friends. There were five people in the group. As the years went by, they completed their schooling and enrolled in university, and Anvika began to feel a deeper connection with Nivik—her best friend—and eventually fell in love.But she never dared to tell him how she felt since she was always afraid of losing their friendship. She is considered Nivik's best friend alone.Nivik was unsure of how he felt about Anvika. One day, Advik, the Nivik brother, confided in Nivik that he was in love with Anvika and pleaded for assistance. Nivik promised his brother that he would assist him since he loved him so much, but later on, he realized how he felt for Anvika.They experienced a lot in this triangular love tale, including mutual misinterpretation. What would happen if Nivik found out that his best friend also had feelings for him? Would he choose to keep his promise to his brother, or would he choose to break it?

priyanka_princes · Teen
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24 Chs

You kicked me, you demon.

Anvika eventually fell asleep on Nivik's lap, finding solace and comfort in his presence.Nivik leaned back against the headboard of the bed, his eyes heavy with exhaustion but unwilling to move and disturb her.After some time in this posture?with his head resting on the bed's headboard?Nivik felt himself falling asleep, his head resting awkwardly against the hard surface.

Aaravi walked quietly into the room, her heart swelling with love and gratitude at the sight before her. Anvika, with her leg in a cast, was sleeping peacefully, her face no longer etched with the pain and fear of earlier. Nivik, ever the protective friend, was dozing uncomfortably, his head tilted back in a position that was sure to cause him a stiff neck by morning.

Aaravi moved closer and gently adjusted Nivik's position, careful not to wake either of them. She carefully lifted his head from the headboard and guided him to lie down properly beside Anvika. She covered them both with a soft blanket, tucking it around them to keep them warm.

Seeing them together like this brought back a flood of memories. Aaravi remembered the countless times Anvika and Nivik had shared moments like these, growing up side by side. They had always been inseparable, their bond stronger than that of most siblings. Aaravi never worried about them sharing a bed; to her, it was a natural extension of their deep friendship and mutual care.

She stood by the bedside for a moment, watching them sleep. The love she felt for her daughter and the gratitude she had for Nivik's protective nature filled her heart. She knew how lucky Anvika was to have such a devoted friend, and she silently thanked Nivik for always being there for her.

Aaravi softly kissed Anvika's forehead and then brushed a lock of hair from Nivik's face. "Sleep well, my brave ones," she whispered, her voice barely audible. She turned off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into a gentle darkness, and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.

An unexpected kick landed squarely on Nivik, sending him tumbling from the bed with a thud. He jolted awake, momentarily disoriented, and then irritation set in.

Nivik felt a kick after a time, and he yelled out, "Ho my god, who kicked me?" in agony.

awoke abruptly and discovered that Anvika had kicked him while she was asleep.

'The devil kicked me while I was asleep, and if her leg isn't broken, I may shatter it'. Nivik was furious.

"Anvika, what the hell?" he shouted, glaring up at her from the floor. "You kicked me, you demon!"

Anvika, still half-asleep, mumbled in response, her eyes barely open. "Shut up, Nivik. Don't shout. Let me snooze for a bit, please. Why are you screaming?"

Nivik's anger flared. "Wake up, Anvika!" he demanded, his voice louder now. "You kicked me right out of the bed! , you demon."

Anvika exclaimed, "Me?, how come I punched you when I obtained my leg injured?" as she examined her wounded leg.

"You kicked me with this leg," Nivik stated, pointing to another leg of Anvika.

"I didn't."

"Indeed, you did."

"You are lying, however."

Aaravi, hearing the commotion, hurried to their room. She opened the door to find Nivik on the floor and Anvika groggily sitting up, rubbing her eyes.

Aaravi became a little agitated and remarked, "You guys started again. What transpired now? Why are you squabbling again?"her tone a mix of concern and frustration.

Nivik pointed an accusatory finger at Anvika. "She kicked me out of the bed, Auntie. I was sleeping peacefully, and then bam! I'm on the floor."

Anvika, trying to look innocent despite her sleepiness, gave her mother a puppy-eyed look. "Mom, how can I kick him when I'm asleep? I didn't do anything."

Nivik, still annoyed, pointed at Anvika's other leg. "She kicked me with that leg, Auntie. I swear she did."

Anvika pouted, crossing her arms. "He's lying, Mom. I'm innocent. I was just sleeping."

When Advik and Neena arrived to the residence to take care of Anvika, they heard disputes coming from the room. Nivik was then heard complaining that Anvika had kicked him.