
I Want Mechas, Not Wives!

IT'S FAST PACED! (But you will also experience slow moments but no slow chapters!) "Let's play pretend kissing, chu~" she said, and two seconds later, as I looked at the girl who had melted into a puddle, I realized. "I recognize that seductive face. Could it be that I am Ryker Yukline from "Stardom Academy!?" A sci-fi world, numerous of heroins, a scummy villain, whom I created for that world. Ryker Yukline is the antagonist who often hinders the protagonist from trying to win the heroines for the election. Not content with just obstructing the achievements of the protagonists, he also sets traps, and in the bad endings, he seduces and turns the heroines into submissive females. Naturally, Ryker faces every antagonist end, as in any heroine's route, destruction awaits him. "I don't want to be killed, so I'll just power...as a backup plan I will also try to curry favour from the main Heroins! And try to live without involving with the FL's." Despite my intentions, the heroines of the game keep coming closer. Um, wait, isn't she starting to look a bit... seductive? A story where the protagonist, who becomes the strongest through game knowledge, tries to casually curry some favours, only to end up seducing the heroines. Caution: This is a sci-fi based fast-paced novel, and to build world, backstory, and character trait, I have given a lot of info dump(kindly forgive) in early 3-5 chap! But the info will be really interesting and there will be story progression in the same chaps too! Please try it! A'sN: Saffron's not the real cousin sister of Ryker! :) And, it's harem :D and hopefully, not lust crazed just sweet and heartwarming!

Stylish_Demon · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Cybernetic Labyrinth [2]

A world of blue and white.

Broken electric wires protrude from the walls, while intricate, circuit-like grimoires overlap on the ground, creating an eerie atmosphere inside the cockpit.

'I would probably be too scared to move if I got out of my mech.'

Cold seeps in as my sensors display a continuous drop in temperature, forcing me to use Molecular Energy (ME) to maintain warmth inside my Titanic Ravager.

My mecha picks up no sound as the chilling white mist lingers in the air.

'The place is dead silent.'

The silence only enhances the mysterious atmosphere, threatening to engulf anyone who lets their guard down.

Suddenly, cold sweat breaks out as a figure slowly approaches from afar.

A biomechanical sentinel looms before me, its metallic frame clad in sleek silver plating.

Devoid of a traditional head, the creature's form is dominated by a network of pulsating energy conduits and glowing circuitry, emanating an intimidating aura that causes me to shrink back.

Paralyzed by fear, I watch the enemy approach without being able to do anything.

'It feels so overwhelming to face the Etheric Colossus in real life!'

With a leap, the cybernetic monster slashes down with an illuminating pulse of its plasma sword.

Just in the nick of time, I dodge to the side. A thunderous roar echoes as the grimoires on the ground scatter.

When I look back, the ground where I stood is cracked, now bearing a large scar.

A chill runs down my spine. My heart pounds loudly. Coldness creeps down my back.

'I will be killed!'


I turn my back and flee, propelling my thrusters to the maximum.

Thoom! Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!

I run with all my might.

Suddenly, the enemy descends before me, blocking my path.

Instead of attacking, it halts the combat. Despite lacking a face, I sense mockery; it is toying with its prey—me.

Overwhelmed by helplessness and despair, I trigger my autocannons, depleting ME at a dangerous rate.


My relentless barrage of neutrino blasts makes no difference, as the enemy deflects each shot with graceful swordplay.

'I made a mistake. I shouldn't have come here,' I think, regret filling my mind.

With trembling hands, I desperately try to escape.

When I glance back, a danger sign blinks on my hologram: [A high level of Molecular Energy Wave is being detected!!]. The Etheric Colossus hasn't moved from its spot.

But the swirling magical light around the Etheric Colossus tells me it's still intent on killing me.

'A maximum-level spell!?'

"Avalanche missile!"

I release my not-so-powered-up missiles in desperation. My two babies hit the Etheric Colossus just before the magical light gathers.

'Phew, that was close.'

If I had turned around even a fraction of a second late or if I had delayed releasing the missiles, I would have died from the maximum-level spell.

Feeling slight relief, my foggy mind begins to clear.

'It's okay.'

The missiles are effective against the Etheric Colossus. It's definitely showing signs of being affected.

'But, the problem is ME. If I deplete my ME too much, I could faint or, in the worst case, die.'

If I faint during the battle, I would undoubtedly die. Even if I avoided using ME now, I would definitely be killed by the Etheric Colossus.

'I have no choice. It's either do or die.'

I barrage the immobilized Etheric Colossus with magical arrows. The arrows hit, and I can feel they're inflicting damage.

The Etheric Colossus, recovering from its stagger, comes toward me. Suddenly, the plasma sword instantly pierces the air and plunges into one of the mounted motors on the right.


Multiple warnings cover my cockpit, and the most concerning is: [Oxygen tank has been damaged!! Current oxygen level 87%...82%...!]

Wearing my emergency oxygen supply, I tune the thrusters to flee another attack, the plasma cutter still grinding on my Titanic Ravager.

My lungs are tight.

The lack of oxygen to my brain is making my vision white out. My legs are heavy and unresponsive.

But I have no choice but to keep running, running, running.

When I glance back and see the Etheric Colossus has stopped again, I release another pair of avalanche missiles.

As the Etheric Colossus recoils, I shower it with neuroites from my autocannons.

Then, I run again.

I repeat this process multiple times. But as my ME reaches its limit, my mecha refuses to move.

'Come on, just a little more time!'

The Etheric Colossus approaches, swaying.

I continue showering the Etheric Colossus with neuroites, desperately trying to stop its advance. But the Etheric Colossus pays no mind and continues to approach.

Then, right before my eyes, the Etheric Colossus raises another metallic sword high, one I have no idea where it got from.

"It's over--!!"