
I Want Mechas, Not Wives!

IT'S FAST PACED! (But you will also experience slow moments but no slow chapters!) "Let's play pretend kissing, chu~" she said, and two seconds later, as I looked at the girl who had melted into a puddle, I realized. "I recognize that seductive face. Could it be that I am Ryker Yukline from "Stardom Academy!?" A sci-fi world, numerous of heroins, a scummy villain, whom I created for that world. Ryker Yukline is the antagonist who often hinders the protagonist from trying to win the heroines for the election. Not content with just obstructing the achievements of the protagonists, he also sets traps, and in the bad endings, he seduces and turns the heroines into submissive females. Naturally, Ryker faces every antagonist end, as in any heroine's route, destruction awaits him. "I don't want to be killed, so I'll just power...as a backup plan I will also try to curry favour from the main Heroins! And try to live without involving with the FL's." Despite my intentions, the heroines of the game keep coming closer. Um, wait, isn't she starting to look a bit... seductive? A story where the protagonist, who becomes the strongest through game knowledge, tries to casually curry some favours, only to end up seducing the heroines. Caution: This is a sci-fi based fast-paced novel, and to build world, backstory, and character trait, I have given a lot of info dump(kindly forgive) in early 3-5 chap! But the info will be really interesting and there will be story progression in the same chaps too! Please try it! A'sN: Saffron's not the real cousin sister of Ryker! :) And, it's harem :D and hopefully, not lust crazed just sweet and heartwarming!

Stylish_Demon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


"I will go in Saffron's place!"

Good, good. All eyes are on me. This is the moment I've been waiting for. To survive, I must ascend to a position of power, and this opportunity is a golden ticket for me.

"They must be touched by our sibling bond. Even I would be moved if I were someone else, hehe~~!"

"No. You are a candidate for the head of state."

Of course, my conniving father won't make it easy for me. He's grooming a candidate from the royalist faction now that both factions, royalists and military, are divided.

Just because he protects me doesn't make him virtuous. This man is the one who will switch sides with Saffron later in the game.

If Saffron becomes more suitable, he'll switch sides immediately, so there's no need to overthink it. Right now, he's just using me. Nonetheless, I must convince him from this position.

"Why is that? Both Saffron and I are children of the same royal family. I should be allowed to go as well."

I inquire deliberately. With both the royalist and military faction leaders present, it can't simply be because I'm from the royalist faction.

"Saffron is a girl. And you are the crown prince! Do you understand that?"

Hehe, I anticipated this response, which is why I've prepared the ultimate counter-attack in advance—the lines he uttered to Ryker when he chose Saffron instead of him in the game.

"If we consider her inherent traits, Saffron's characteristics are even more significant. She possesses a vast amount of Molecular Energy, making her more suitable to be a candidate for the head of state."

"Ryker, do you understand?"

"What do you mean?"

I gaze questioningly, and as if conceding to me, my father sighs and waves his hand. "Understood. Ryker, you shall be sent to the fortress. I will send someone tomorrow. Prepare for departure by then."

"Yes. Understood."

"Then, let's adjourn. Return to your respective duties."

The people in the king's chamber glanced at us from time to time, but without saying a word, they left one by one.

As Saffron and I made our way back to the chambers, the redhead, on the verge of tears, spoke to me.

"Brother, are you going to die in my place?"

I don't plan to die.

Actually, I don't want to die, so I have no other choice but to go.

But revealing my true feelings won't be appreciated, and I must instill it deeply so she will be grateful to me in the future. Man, I am so smart!

"Perhaps. Maybe."

"What!? No way!!"

My sister hugged me tightly. Feeling her warmth and moisture, I felt guilty.

Ugh, my heart aches.

But big brother doesn't want to be killed by these small, delicate fingers in the future.

"Saffron, you have to be strong. Become stronger so that we never have to go through this again, alright?"

"Ugh, okay. I'll become stronger."

"Yeah, it's a promise with your brother."

"Ggh, okay."

"And don't forget that I went in your place, okay? It's a promise."


"Also, no matter how bad I am, you must never take my life."


"And if possible, try to stop me before I do something bad!"

Now, it's all set. After defeating the aliens, I should earn considerable fame.

I will miss you, Saffron.

"Brother, you mustn't die!!"

"Of course, I'll make sure you have a big house, a cute husband, a big dog, a lazy cat, and a happy family, okay?"

"Yeah, I unders... stand?"

Oops, I got carried away. I should try to cover it up.

"Um, well, I, uh, have to prepare for departure, so bye!"

I made my escape before she could ask more questions.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! I am developing or cooking soo words are short ie,. the chapter is short! It will gradually reach 1000 words and after going premium it be 1500 tnx!

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