
I thought it was common possession [side story]

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The art cover it’s not mine but it’s me who edit it. This art are from original webtoon by the author/artist. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · History
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

11. Flashback (4)

''She's a soul that already died once anyway but possessed a body in this world and lives in this world. As a living being, she must want to live, so instinctively she will try to avoid death. . . .'

After careful consideration, Lizzy slowly decided to set the 3rd level exception conditions.

[Level 3 exception conditions have been set. The 3rd level Exception Condition: Do not resist the fate of death.]

It was a terrible paradox because you will die if you want you to live, and when you want to die, you will live.

'The only problem is that Edith may give up at the last moment. . . .'

Actually, she wants to set the most absurd conditions like 'I accept this death with joy', but these 'conditions' have a limit. That's exactly what it means not to deviate from the probability. The condition of not resisting the fate of death was accepted by the system because there's the slightest possibility that Edith might give up in this story. So, there's so many probability risks.

'But I can't think any of powerful conditions than this.'

Lizzy was so excited, she vowed and decided that from now on, she would try to kill Edith herself.

* * *

However, Killian, who has free 70% from Lizzy's dominance, acts as if he is a character who exists to love Edith.

Killian, who takes Edith together at Lizzy's tea time spot, is no longer a 'Sub male lead who loves Lizzy Sinclair unrequited'. His gaze stuck on Edith until the tea time was over. The two of them talked each other and exchanged secret glances, as if they didn't care about Lizzy and Cliff, who was sitting there with them. Then, Lizzy interrupted them, asked Killian with an innocent look on her face.

"But Killian. I'm sorry, but could you go to Le Bell marie Street with me next Friday? I received the letter that the shoes I ordered with Killian last time were finished."

"Ah! It's already been that long."

"Yes, It's alright if you're busy. . . ."

"No, no. Let's go together. I'm not that busy."

Killian answered lightly without paying attention to Edith.

'Yes, she still have a room to bring Kilian back to me.'

I don't think the remaining 30% of my control on him is completely useless.

Lizzy smiled proudly inside as she secretly glanced at Edith, who was trying to hide her disappointment. A few days later, Count Sinclair suddenly came to the Duke mansion, their intention was to take Edith's seat as Killian's wife.

'Why does Count Sinclair become an enemy of Edith, but not me?'

This is a bad sign. In order for Lizzy to become the main character, Lizzy needs her real enemy to attack her because her power as an author is getting weaker. However, due to the changed that they suddenly target Edith, it's means Edith will be the main character in this story.

Lizzy suppressed her complicated thoughts and waited for her outing with Killian. Because she had to change Killian's heart at that time.

Lizzy urged Killian to head to Le Bell Marie Street immediately, who standing still and keeping hesitating in front of Edith, showing his charming smile that he didn't usually show to others.

"Killian! Look at that, It's so cute!"

"It's cute. Do you want me to buy that for you?"

This is what makes Killian different from the main male lead Cliff. If it's Cliff, he didn't ask her like 'Do you want me to buy that for you?' He just smiled and nodded his head. Later, all the things Lizzy pointed out with her hand will be sent to her room as a gift. But Killian's attitude wasn't bad either. I'm sure he never bought any gift like this for Edith.

However, as their outing at Le Belle Marie continues. Killian's words and actions keep bothering her even more. She really didn't like the idea that he would bring Edith together with him going down to his territory later, and she also offended by the word, 'I'll stop by again with my wife to oder some pairs of shoes soon.' he said to the owner of the shoe store.

'What? I'm trying my shoes right now. So you should pay your attention to me!'

Lizzy, who is frustrated, tries to find something to criticize for no reason.

"But I think you should ask Edith first to consider her taste. I heard that Edith likes something fancy and luxury."

"I thought so too, but I think her taste has changed a lot since she got married. I didn't know she was a thrifty person."

The expression on Killian's face was bright, and he smiled happier when he thought of Edith. The expression on his face was very different when he smiled at her earlier. Feel upset, Lizzy made her mind and even crossed her arms on Killian arms. However, Killian only looks down at Lizzy, who crosses her arms over him, and there's no reaction on his face at all. He also showed a boring expression on his face at the accessory shop he went into for her, which made Lizzy mood ruined even further.

Lizzy was quite happy when Killian suddenly took her to a shop somewhere. But he wasn't buying a present for her, but he want to buy present for Edith.

"Did Edith ask you to buy it?"

"No. it's not like that. When i thought about it back, I'd never bought anything for Edith, let alone given her a present before. . . ."

"Is that so? But I didn't think like that, Killian took good care of Edith before. . . . you also bought her a necklace before!"

". . . . Thinking about it, Cliff gave you all the rest of the jewelry, did he?"

Lizzy never expected that she would be attacked like this by Killian. Of course, if it was Killian in the past, he would think that what happened that day was not Lizzy's fault, but it's Cliff's fault, and he wouldn't remember what happened then.

After being patient for some time, Lizzy finally gave up, saying she was tired as an excuse and wanted to go home immediately. When both of them returned home from their outing together, Killian immediately went to Edith's room with the gift he bought for Edith without accompanying Lizzy to her room but leaving her behind with the servants.

'How could he change so much like that?'

Lizzy no longer could say that she knows Killian's character anymore. He was completely different from Killian in the past. However, Lizzy had a strong ally by her side.

"Wow, what's all of this?"


That right, that person is Cliff, the main male lead of this story, a character only for Lizzy. He also seemed upset by the fact that Lizzy had gone out with Killian. strangely enough, he seemed to be able to imagine the events that could lead Edith's to death.

"I wanted my brother and my sister in law to be happy, so I gave her a few ways to buy Killian's favor. . . ."

"What did you tell her?"

"That Killian likes sailing yacht on the lake."

"Sailing yacht in the lake. . . ."

The episode of the 'yacht accident' quickly unfolded in Lizzy's mind.

Then, Cliff whispered to Lizzy. "Lizzy, I am a person who exists only for you. I'll give you anything whatever you want."

"Really. . . . For me?"

"Of course. I will always just adore you. My goddess of spring."

Lizzy smiled as she kissed Cliff, but she pondered a lot of thought inside.

'I know. Because you're the character I create that way.'

That's why she's so frustrated with Killian, who moves on his own differently against her will as his creator.

* * *

The day before Killian went on yacht with Edith, Lizzy puts her plan into action when the outside gets dark.

"Oh my gosh, where did it go?"

"What's wrong, Lizzy?"

"Ah, Cliff! When did you come?"

Lizzy asked Cliff to sit down first, who came to have tea with her at the living room table in her room and with frustrated expression on her face, she continued searching for something every corner and cranny of her jewelry drawer.

"What are you looking for that you made such expression?"

"Oh, well. . . . I think my favorite earrings are missing."

"You favorite earrings?"

"Yes. It's a pearl earring that your mother bought it for me. . . ."

Cliff begins to pay attention to Lizzy, who seems quite nervous and anxious.

"When was the last time you wore it?"

"When was it. . . .Ah! I think the last time I wore it was when we went sailing on the lake."

"You mean the day we went sailing on my yacht?"

"Yes. I think it was dropped there at that time, maybe. . . ."

Lizzy was restless and pulled out her jewelry box again that she had already looked through it earlier.

"I'll go to the yacht and look for it."

"Oh, no! It's already late night. . . ."

"It's okay."

After thanking Cliff several times, Lizzy ordered the mercenaries she had hired in advance. Since he knew which screws needed to be loosened, she was sure her plan would never fail. The next morning, Lizzy showed signs as if she wanted to go on a yacht rides together. If she could follow them, she thought she would be able to kill Edith with more certainty. But Killian clearly drew the line.

"Maybe next time we all can go together."

Although Lizzy felt a bit disappointed, she smiled calmly and waved her hands toward them.

'There's no way she couldn't survive this time, farewell 13th Edith.'

She hopes her body will be found later and looks like a horrible, swollen corpse. And she spent the morning leisurely waiting for news of Edith's death. As noon approached, Lizzy heard the system voice guidance in her head.

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villainess, the story returns to its original line. 3 minutes until her death.]

'Just like i planned.'

Lizzy looked out the window with a smile. The weather was nice today. It was a perfect day for Lizzy Sinclair to get back on her position as a main female lead.

However. . . .

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villainess, the story returns to its original line. 5 minutes until her death.]

'Huh? Why is the announcement coming out again?'

It must have been about 3 minutes since the announcement was made earlier. In addition, the time of her death has increased.

'There's Something. . . .keep Edith's from dying. . . . !'

It was obvious that she didn't need to check it out what is it.


That man was once an ardent admirer of Lizzy, but now he was struggling to save Edith. After a while, she heard an unimaginable announcement.

[Edith Ludwig survives]

'What?. . . . Oh, no way!'

[ Some parts of the original flow have been destroyed due to the excessive intervention by the original author. The original story has been further damaged. The original author's dominance power is weakening.]

It was a terrible announcement. Lizzy's dominance power is already weakening even though the 3rd stage exception conditions were not yet met because she never thought all the efforts she made on this plan wouldn't fail.

Soon after, there was a huge chaos in the mansion. A drenched Killian returned carrying Edith in his arm, who had lost consciousness but was still alive.

"Call the congressman here right now! Hurry!"

The sight of Killian, desperately shouting while holding a woman who wasn't her, was completely unfamiliar to Lizzy.