
I thought it was common possession [side story]

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The art cover it’s not mine but it’s me who edit it. This art are from original webtoon by the author/artist. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · History
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22 Chs

12. Flashback [5]

'Killian. . . . is getting further away from his original setting character.'

Lizzy swallowed. She never experienced a situation like this before, so she hasn't idea what to do. But she must to do something about it.

"I have to save the original author's power from now on. So, I have to use the extra characters that haven't been corrupted yet.'

Lizzy decides to use Princess Catherine to put Edith into trouble during the founder's festival. The preparation for National Foundation Festival celebrations went similar to the original, so Lizzy found a sense of stability.

Cliff called the most expensive boutique clothing store in the capital and ordered a beautiful dress for her. The Duke and Duchess of Ludwig gave her the 'Lorraine's light' necklace.

'Yes, because I'm the main female lead!'

But as she thought about it, the door of the Duchess's office opened and Killian and Edith entered.

"Everyone is already here. We just got back."

Killian was smiling, but Lizzy noticed that he was really angry, and that his gaze were fixed on the 'Lorraine's light' Necklace.

"What would you give Edith to wear, your daughter-in-law?"

The Duchess responded with embarrassment at his sharp gaze.

"Why don't you choose Edith? Anything is fine."

"Oh, that would be a good idea. Edith, What do you think about that necklace?"

"Huh? That-that one?"

"It's a treasure of Ludwig's family. You probably have a priority too. How about wearing that necklace to the National Foundation Festival ceremony?"

It was absurd. Lizzy who been lived in the world of the novel several times, this is the first time she faced a big problem having the 'Lorraine Light' necklace.

However, Edith calmed Killian down.

"It's a really beautiful and precious jewelry, but I'll politely decline this time. Besides, I think it would suit Lizzy better, who has blue eyes than on me."

"But. . . ."

"And I believe you had a good eyes too, so you know that the dress we ordered today doesn't match with that necklace."

Finally Killian stepped back when Edith persuade him with her clam attitude. But Lizzy felt defeated.

'I can't believe I was able keep the 'Lorraine's light' because

of Edith sympathy. ..!'

She shouldn't look down on her, because it was always her who looked down from above. The creator and the main female lead on this world it's her, so she shouldn't be pushed back by a mere possessed soul.

Lizzy, whose pride was badly hurt, went to the palace to meet with princess Catherine and brought up the 'poison embroidery thread incident' as the topic of their story. She also says that they suspect the incident was done by Count Sinclair's family, but cleverly talked the incident make Edith the suspect. As expected Princess Catherine doubted Edith.

'At least he will get some humilition at the founding festival ceremony"

Lizzy waited for the founding festival ceremony, expecting to see Edith will be embarrassed in front of people there.

* * *


Tsk~ tsk~

Inside the carriage heading to the imperial palace to attend the National Foundation Ceremony. Lizzy has been paying attention to the strange noise that she been heard since while ago coming from somewhere.

'What sound is it? By any chance, is the story twisting?'

She looked around nervously and ended up asking Cliff.

"Don't you think there's been a strange noise coming from somewhere since a while ago?"

But Cliff seemed already knew what the sound was.

"Maybe two friendly canaries are pecking the carriages."


Lizzy was stunned to see Edith and Killian, who were apologizing looking at her.

'How dare you show affection in front of me?'

They has been shown these signs before, but it was so obvious that the two of them were in love that they couldn't hide it anymore.

'Damn! If only I had some strength left, I would definitely do something about this.'

But unfortunately for her, because she couldn't do anything with the situation, she had to save her remaining power for something more useful. In the end, with frustration Lizzy entered the imperial palace, only trusting Princess Catherine do her role well.

Princess Catherine leads the episode just like in the original episodes of the story helping Lizzy more stand out in front of people. The Sinclair sibling's also turned upside down as they watched Lizzy being greeted by other ladies and bowed their head toward her, as she walked behind the princess.

'Yes, Count Sinclair is still a villain for me.'

Lizzy with a pure and humble face behind the princess, was making various thoughts. On the surface, this founding festival celebrating episode seems to move like the flow of original story, but if i look through it more detail, Edith's story seems to move separately.

That was the case when the Duchess came out wearing the dress Edith had chosen for her.

'She wore the dress I picked out for her at the bazaar festival, but wearing the dress Edith picked out for her at this founding Festival, I feel like i was being falling behind.'

Both were well received by the public, but the scale of the event was different, so in the end, victory was on Edith's side. Not only that, Killian and Edith also showing off their affection more than her and Cliff, which drew the people's attention towards the two. As if it wasn't enough, the two also danced so possionately and hot that drew everyone's attention more. They also pushed Count Riegelhoff off and went out to the balcony.

The ladies who had a crush on Killian were focusing their attention only on them from the beginning they entered the ceremony hall, so their interest in Lizzy reduced compared to the original. Even Layla Sinclair, who always showed jealousy towards Lizzy, but now it's completely turned to Edith.

'But Princess Catherine will be kind only to me and do her role well. Princess Catherine hasn't yet met Edith, and there is no room for her to be influenced by it.'

That why Lizzy only believed in princess Catherine. Sure enough, Catherine walked towards Edith, who made eye contact with her, and insulted her.

"Was she the daughter of Riegelhoff family? The marriage was an unreasonable request from Riegelhoff family, wasn't it? That family was so shameless. . . ."

"Your Highness. . . . !"

"Oh, that's right! I heard that, too. I heard that Lizzy was poisoned a while ago. Why didn't you tell me, when you know that how close Lizzy and me?"

"That because Lizzy. . . ."

"It's because your wife is a suspect?"

Lizzy was pleased to see Catherine attacked Edith, and wondered when she should approach them. But again this time, Killian stepped forward. When Princess Catherine insulted Edith, Killian was so angry and defend Edith with all his might.

"That's funny, Killian. As if you've never loved Lizzy before. . . ."

"Just as Your Highness gives up your feelings towards Cliff

because Cliff loved Lizzy, so do I. Isn't it impossible for me to clinging to Lizzy with hopeless love?"

It's was the first time the world 'surrender' came out of Killian's mouth. Lizzy felt more annoyed when she saw Killian completely lose his character as a sub-male lead for her. So she had no choice but to get involved in the episode that she originally intended to leave it to Princess Catherine alone. It's was because she felt something bigger would happen if she left Killian get mad like that. However, even Lizzy wasn't enough to clam Killian's anger.

"Lizzy, did you told the princess about the incident?"

Killian cold gaze, which she had never seen before, made Lizzy felt a chill run down on her spine.

'What the hell did this happen? Was it because i left it to Catherine's who had a hot-tempered personality?'

Killian continued to protest princess Catherine despite Lizzy, and in the end princess Catherine had no choice but gritted her teeth and apologize to Killian and Edith. It would have been better if it had ended there but. . .

"If you care so much about Killian, why don't you stop your father?"

"I already tried to persuade my father in my own way, but. . . ."

"Are saying that you really tried your best to stop the Count Riegelhoff from supporting the Archduke Langston? Are you sure, your understand what I meant right?"

Edith lowered her eyebrow down and smiled faintly. She cleverly avoided the constraints and revealed her own situation. Seen that Princess Catherine began to change her attitude towards her.

"Uhm. . . . I'm sorry. I thought Killian lived leash to a marriage

that he was being pushed by cowards, and I thought

Lizzy was bullied, too."

After apologizing, Catherine burst out laughing when Killian told her that Edith wanted to greet her but she was hesitated and timid. when the princess laughs like that, all the nobles who had been glancing at this side from the beginning looked so surprise. Only then, Lizzy realized that the title of 'a close Princess' aide', which was supposed to belong to her alone, was split in two.

'Edith has become the main female lead! Before it becomes more difficult to kill her because she is the main female character now, I have to do something immediately.'

Although the original author didn't have much power left, Lizzy felt left behind and planned Edith assasination in the corner. She was glad that she wrote some of in the novel about the man who is obsessed with Edith, and has been following her everywhere she goes. Lizzy named him 'Fred Sicily' and added a setting that he was half-crazy about Edith. As soon as she created non-existent setting, her power drained away like a water. After Lizzy gathered all the possibilities she could, using Layla Sinclair and Duke Ludwig. Lizzy herself took Edith to the scene. It was after confirming Killian had go out that morning.

'There will be no one around who can help Edith, so she'll succeed this time.'

Edith, who was completely unaware of this situation, treated Lizzy like a close friend. Lizzy thought she would have a great fun times if this Edith didn't come here to ruin her story. Because what more important to Lizzy is she was the only main female lead on this world she created.

Then, Lizzy baited Edith with her soft voice. "Edith. By any change, Do you like romance novels that a bit erotic?" Edith gladly took the bait, as if she had successfully take the opportunity to get to know each other.

"I know some of store book famous with erotic romance novels, it was , would you like go together with me there?"

Without knowing that she was being led to her death, Edith accepted Lizzy's offer and entered the dark alley.

The times was almost noon. 'Fred Sicily will appear soon.'

Fred Sicily couldn't sleep properly for two days after hearing the information that Layla deliberately leaked on the day of the tea party held at his home two days ago.

"Edith Riegelhoff is going to the on the alley near Le bel marie Street around noon next 2 days. For her to use going at the bookstore that sells such lustful books, it's worth for her low level."

That little bit of information is enough to make a stalker with a twisted desire to find Edith.