
I thought it was common possession [side story]

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The art cover it’s not mine but it’s me who edit it. This art are from original webtoon by the author/artist. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · History
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22 Chs

10. Flashbacks (3)

'No, i can't let that happen. It's a little too early, but I have to bring Sophia in.'

Feeling impatient, Lizzy twisted the original story and caused Edith and Shane to run into each other. As expected, Edith rebelled against Shane, and a few days later, Shane brought Sophia into the duke's residence.

'If she rebels again, Sophia will never let her go, so I'm sure she will help the Riegelhoff's family secret plan like the original Edith did.'

There had never been any of the previous Edith who hadn't succumbed to violence. Lizzy tried to hold Sophia's appearance until the end, but Killian's character changed much more than she expected, so he had no choice but to make Sophia appear earlier. But surprisingly, Edith didn't give in to Sophia.

'Is she crazy.'

Lizzy was greatly shocked by Edith sight, who was beaten by Sophia and even rebelled when she was starving because Sophia didn't feed her for several days.

'What the hell she is trying to do?'

Even though she struggled like that, Edith never intended to reveal her condition. Edith was always arrogant in front of Killian.

'Well, that won't change the original flow of this story.'

Lizzy smiled like an angel when she looked at the starving Edith, who was staring blankly at the peach pie on the table. The drama 'poisoned cake Incident' that appeared in the original story was easily turned into the 'poisoned pie peach Incident' drama.

Edith, who woke up after eating the poison, tried to stop Sophia from making a fuss, saying that she only had a stomach ache. She tried to escape from the situation, but the episode that had already started did not stop. Cliff searched the room according to the original and found a small poison bottle, and Edith was suspected of making her own play.

'Now, give up, Edith.'

Although Lizzy put on her angel mask and pretends to rescue Edith, she thinks that Edith will give up in this situation, which is no different from the situation in the original story. She hopes that Edith will despair her situation even though she has already met stage 1 exception conditions.

So when Edith brought the 'Embroidery Thread' as a gift, Lizzy thought she had poisoned it like in the original. But later on, she felt so disappointed.

'I know you're trying, but I'm sorry, it's useless. You will still die as a villain, and I will still remain as a felame lead forever.'

Lizzy, who secretly laughed at Edith, poisoned the embroidery thread and used the embroidered thread in front of the maids who would act as witnesses later, and soon she collapsed with her face turning pale. Not only Cliff but also Duke Ludwig was very angry, believing that it was Edith's secret plot, but Killian ran towards Edith first. Lizzy was disappointed by Killian's change of his heart, who had never turned to a woman other than her, but Lizzy believed that Killian would return to her. However, another incident happened.

"Edith insisted that she was not the culprit. In fact, it was a credible denial."

Cliff, who returned from a meeting about this incident, spoke with a bitter expression on his face.

"Doesn't it look like a 'revenge' right after the pie poisoning incident happened, That's a bit too weird. Because Edith also knew well that she would be suspected as the culprit."

In the original work, Edith was still suspected as the culprit, but because of the logical attitude maintained by the 13th Edith so far and still insists on claiming her innocence moved the hearts of the Ludwig family.

"Not only that, Edith asked our family's maid to be appointed as her watcher to prove that she is innocent. Killian immediately assigned Anna to be Edith's maid again. Seeing her protest so hard, I think that she really is not guilty."

Edith has wisely found the problem she faced from being abused by Sophia.

'That why I think it's not worth it for me to take the poison!'

Thanks to the power of the original author, the pain I felt has lessened. Her harsh action radius was greatly reduced, and she suffered a lot of damage in many ways. And once again, a few days later, Duke Ludwig, Cliff, and Killian tentatively concluded that Edith wasn't the culprit. Since Count Sinclair's family, which shouldn't have been introduced yet in this episode, has been pointed out as the mastermind. Lizzy had no choice but asked them to buried the incident before it got worse.

* * *

I don't know much about what has happened between Killian and Edith since the conditions of the first stage exemption were met, but what was happening now is that Killian kicked Sophia out of this house and returned her back to the Riegelhoff family. Seeing that there wasn't opposition from the Riegelhoff family, it seemed that Killian had noticed something was wrong.

In addition, Edith began to attract the extra characters, as if she realized that the nameless supporting roles were not influenced by the original story. That wasn't the only thing that made Lizzy nervous.

[Please specify the level 2nd exception condition. If not specified within the deadline, Edith Ludwig is automatically considered to have met the level 3rd exception conditions.]

The system warnings have appeared several times so far. She can't arbitrarily set the 2nd level condition against this Edith, so Lizzy's still thinking about brilliant ideas until the end of the deadline. Lizzy shook her hand lightly and gritted her teeth.

'Interesting. . . . That's right, this is a fun situation.'

Lizzy, pretending not to be aware of her fear, was thinking about things that Edith would never be able to face, and at the end of her thoughts, Killian came to her mind.

'Edith's biggest weakness. . . . Is that she loves Killian.'

Lizzy smiled proudly and set the 2nd stage conditions.

[Step 2 exception condition : Decline Killian Ludwig's offer ten times.]

It was a condition that she had never specified before, but Lizzy was confident about it. Because no one can refuse a sweet offer from the person they loved. Then she asked Killian, who stopped by for a moment, to tell her the news that Sophia had been kicked out.

"Please take good care of Edith."

". . . . Yes?"

"Just like when you comforted me, drank tea together, took a walk, and talked to each other, treat Edith like that too. . . . ."

Killian, who she thought he was confused, surprisingly nodded his head easily. Although she didn't like the change, but thanks to that, she was confident that Edith would never meet the second level of exception conditions that she set. Instead, she would continue to act against the conditions and strengthen the flow of the original. Lizzy sends her condolences in advance to Edith, who will be happier with Killian thanks to her. However, the work didn't go according to Lizzy wishes.

"I think Edith is avoiding me these days."

Killian, who came to visit her, murmured with a bitter expression.

"What's going on, Killian? Why is Edith avoiding you?"

"As you said, I recommended Edith, this and that."

"Yes. And then?"

". . . . She rejected all of them."


Lizzy was so surprised that she almost jumped up.

'That's ridiculous. How on earth did he recommend it to her that he got rejected several times!'

Lizzy gently persuaded Killian to figure it out how he suggested it to Edith.

All of them were like 'proposers by proposals'.

"Killian. A woman's heart is delicate. Edith probably thought Killian was saying something you didn't really mean it."

"What? why?"

"Remember the suggestion Killian made. I don't get the feeling that Killian really wants to be with Edith at all, let alone Edith itself."

". . . . Is that so?"

"You never suggested something like that to me. Never once."

Killian seemed shocked inside.

"Why don't you make a suggestion with the thought that you really want to be with Edith. Don't say something like 'i'll hang out with you', Don't you think it's a little bit boring?"

"Hmm. . . . Alright, i got it. Thank you for the advice, Lizzy."

Killian went back with an excitement look on his face.

'Phew. I almost got in big trouble. No, this is not the time to be relieved. I need to call Edith too and talk about it.'

Lizzy hurriedly called Edith as well. Edith rushed over with no hesitation on her face and was concerned about Lizzy's health. Lizzy just smiled at Edith's incomprehensible joke and then secretly glanced at Edith.

"But Edith. By any chance, is there anything that are you disappointed against Killian. . . . No, of course there was. There would have been. . . ."

"Oh, no! I don't have any disappointment toward Killian, not even a single of his fingernails."

When I asked if she felt disappointed with Killian, Edith waved her hand and covered Killian.

"Killian is a pitiful man. . . .he's making a proposal to me now probably because of something that he forced himself to do so because of his position."

However, Lizzy thought that Edith must be really disappointed with Killian.

'She must pretend to be nice to Killian, who had been disappointed her for so long, so I guess she wants to take this opportunity to get revenge on him. Even though Killian has been offered her various proposals to be close to her, she still refuses.'

I can understand the urge to explode, but with this situation, it's a bit difficult. Lizzy held Edith's hand tightly and persuaded her.

"That's not true, Edith. Killian had opened his heart to Edith. Killian is trying to be close to you and wanted to know you better."

Edith seemed a little hesitant at Lizzy's detailed persuasion. However, instead of achieving the results she wanted, Lizzy's efforts to bring them together lead to a worse situation.

[Level 2 exception conditions have been met. Exceptions occur, and the original author's rights are reduced. Level 2 exception conditions will disappear.]

It was faster than she expected. Edith, who thought that she wouldn't be able to refuse Killian's offer, ended up rejecting his favor to be close to her 10 times, wondering what he was thinking.

'It's Killian, it's because of Killian. How could he keep making such favor towards her without talking a break!'

Lizzy tries to blame Killian, but in this situation, even if she blames him for her mistakes or gets angry at him, it's was pointless. More than that, the most serious problem she face now is, that the stage 2 exception condition has been met for the first time since K possessed Lizzy's body, and Killian now free from Lizzy's dominance about 70%. As expected, the probability that had caused him a severe 'headache' as an obstacle every time he tried to get out of the original story was drastically lowered.

'No. I have to be the main character in this story until the end. I won't let the story I wrote be fall apart!'

Lizzy clenched her fist and made a vow. From now on, it's a game without any spare time. In addition, to set a 3rd exception condition that Edith will not be able to meet. Lizzy had to intervene directly and twist the original story to make Edith die as a villain.

'A condition that Edith will never be able to meet. . . .'

Lizzy thought for a long time. It was a very long analytical process to explore the system of this, the characters of the story, and even the soul that possessed Edith's body. Finally, at the end of her thoughts, Lizzy realized that what she believed in now was not coincidence and fate, but the nature of existence itself.