
I Shall Break The Seals

He had a plan: Make money and not die. Plans don't always work out and now he's going to break seals in a novel about sealing celestial things. the protagonist has no problem relating to men and women. men will be much more effeminate and women will be slightly hotter. the chapters with r18 of men, It will be very obvious what will happen there will involve men and the same with women and also with men and women on the same level., don't expect sex full of lines or scripted like a Brazzers movie. the fanfic tag written very large at the top clearly says that I Shall Seal The Heavens does not belong to me.

monzes_maron · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

5 - Businessman

Not far from him, Meng Hao saw someone screaming for help. Before the person could leave the plateau, the huge man's flying sword struck him, piercing his neck. He fell to the ground writhing in a shower of blood, let out one last breath and died. The huge man grabbed the victim's bag of holding, then turned and walked back to the Public Area.

Meng Hao watched the terrifying scene unfold, and then observed what was happening on the plateau. The sounds of slaughter were carried along with the wind, which carried the smell of blood and gore into Meng Hao's nostrils.

"I like this part of the novel, Meng Hao becomes a very rich and powerful man using the mirror. Thanks to these moments of genius, I was able to continue reading even though I found the novel boring at first" Meng Hao laughed and entered the Public Area , a PvP zone where becoming rich overnight is possible but with enough power. Meng Hao had intended to kill everyone there and cultivate his way to the top. But after seeing Wang Tengfei and his beauty that captured him, he decided to attract him like in the original.

Then the original script unfolded:

He turned and ran away, not to the Immortal's Cave in the Southern Mountain, but rather to the Outer Sect. He walked around the main square and finally arrived at a building.

The building looked ancient and was surrounded by the fragrant aroma of medicine. Inscribed above the door were characters that read: Cultivation Pill Shop.

It wasn't the first time he came here. In fact, in his first month after being promoted to the Outer Sect, he came here once to check out the various medicinal pills that were on sale. It was then that he learned about Fasting Pills that you could buy that would prevent hunger for several days.

The only currency used here were Spiritual Stones and Spiritual Condensation Pills. Unfortunately, the exchange rate was very unfair. For example, one Spiritual Condensation Pill could be exchanged for ten Fasting Pills. Because of this, few people came here and it used to be cold and deserted.

When he arrived, Meng Hao did not hesitate. It wasn't big inside, and sitting cross-legged right in the middle of the room was a sickly, drooping-looking middle-aged man. Around him, on the interlocking wooden shelves, were an assortment of gourd bottles, on which were inscribed the names of various medicines.

There were Blood Clotting Pills that could treat external injuries, Skeletal Relaxation Pills to relieve fatigue, Spiritual Refreshment Pills to temporarily increase energy, and of course, Fasting Pills and Appetite Control Pills. There were even Marrow Growth Pills that could treat broken and crushed bones.

There were many types of medicines, but they were all considerably expensive. For most, the cost of three to ten pills was one Spirit Condensation Pill. For most Outer Sect disciples, a Spiritual Condensation Pill was worth fighting for, so few were willing to come here and exchange them.

Meng Hao paced the Cultivation Pill Workshop muttering to himself, his eyes shining. Then, he took five Spiritual Condensation Pills and exchanged them for a handful of different types of medicine.

It seemed that the sick man didn't see customers like Meng Hao very often. He immediately cheered up, handing over the medicine gourds.

Placing all of the gourds into his bag of holding, Meng Hao left, carefully taking a circuitous route through the mountainous forest back to the Immortal's cave. When he arrived, night had already fallen. Outside he took a tree branch as thick as his arm along with several green leaves and brought it into the immortal's cave.

He sat cross-legged, looking at the four gourds.

He pulled a green robe from Zhao Wugang's bag of holding and tore at the seams, then placed it in front of him. It looked just the right size, so he pulled out another robe, ripped the seams apart, and threw it in with the first one. He looked down, satisfied.

Then he crushed the leaves to produce thick sap. Then, he dipped his fingers into the makeshift ink and wrote several large characters on the fabric in broad handwriting.

He looked at it, feeling quite satisfied, then closed his eyes and began to do breathing exercises.

The night passed, and the next morning he picked up the tree branch and hurriedly left the cave.

It didn't take long to reach the plateau and, despite it being early, there were already some disciples there fighting a battle. The ferocity of the fighting was readily apparent. Ignoring the other cultivators, Meng Hao passed the large stone tablets and walked onto the plateau. His eyes scanned the surroundings, until they landed on a rock that protruded from the ground along the border.

He walked over and sat down cross-legged on the stone, looking like a peaceful and harmless scholar. Occasionally, some of the others would look at him darkly, and then he would reveal a bit of his cultivation level. Scared, they left him alone. He decided to wait until more people arrived. Even though the massacre of 74 took place, some still thought it was a lie that someone had killed so much with such a low cultivation base, this is thanks to the exaggerations told during the event.

Time passed, and gradually more and more fellow disciples arrived in the Public Area. Soon, there were around twenty people. Some of them looked at the gentle and scholarly Meng Hao and began walking towards him. All he needed to do was reveal a little of his cultivation level and they would retreat in shock.

After a while, he realized that there were enough people. He slapped his bag of holding, retrieving the strip of cloth. He attached it to the tree branch, which he then stuck into the clay soil next to the stone. The mountain breeze lifted the cloth, turning it into a billowing flag. It caught the attention of some people nearby, especially the characters written on it.

"Cultivation Pill Shop."

The dark green characters seemed to flicker, causing the facial expressions of the nearby Reliance Sect disciples to change. Some seemed surprised, others confused. Some scoffed and others frowned.

"Cultivation pill shop? What does that mean?"

Discussions began on the plateau after Meng Hao revealed the flag. But after some time, the fighting and robberies began again. Blood bathed and screams echoed.

Meng Hao's eyes glittered as he looked at the people in the Public Area. Not far from him were two Cultivators of the second level of Qi Condensation, locked in combat, their eyes red. One of them had a shoulder split open by his opponent's flying sword. Blood gushed out and he seemed to be in a rather difficult position.

"Brother, come here," shouted Meng Hao. "Brother, said the wise men, it is not wise to risk your life when you are injured. You appear to be bleeding profusely from your shoulder. It will not benefit you to let yourself be killed. I happen to have a blood clotting pill here from the Cultivation Pill Store. He can heal all the sword wounds on his body in less time than it takes three breaths." As Meng Hao made his sales pitch, the two fighters ignored him and continued to fight. The injured cultivator's eyes became redder and the wound on his shoulder worsened. Then, blood gushed from his chest as his opponent's flying sword hit him again.

"Look, you've been hurt again," Meng Hao warned of his first potential client. "Quickly, come and buy a blood clotting pill! Otherwise, you may be defeated. All you need to do is give me a Spiritual Stone and I will give you the Blood Clotting Pill. It's definitely worth it."

"Shut up," roared the injured Cultivator, taking a step back. "The Cultivation Pill Store is a scam, but they charge one Spirit Stone for five Blood Clotting Pills. You are even worse! Killer of 74!" Said the injured man, Meng Hao laughed at his new name. Killer of 74 reminded him of those horror games involving Animatronics, he was a teenager when those games became classics in the memory of adults in Antony's age group, all They remembered the games with him and he had nothing to say, he never liked how slow those games were.

"Ai, it's not expensive. Your life is much more precious than a Spiritual Stone. If you die, all your Spiritual Stones will belong to someone else. All you need to do is buy some of my medicine and then you will have the chance of winning and stealing your opponent's bag of holding. All for the price of a single Spiritual Stone. Is that expensive? You're not buying medicine, you're buying your own life." Meng Hao stood up. Perhaps his words had affected the injured cultivator. He struggled a few steps back, hesitation appearing on his face.

"Damn it," roared the man's opponent, pointing his flying sword. "If you mess things up for me, after I kill this guy I will come after you!"

"I'm going to buy!" said the injured man, slamming his bag of holding and producing a Spirit Stone that he threw toward Meng Hao. Meng Hao caught him out of the air and returned a Blood Clotting Pill back. The Cultivator grabbed it and placed it on the shoulder wound. He stopped bleeding almost immediately.

Renewed and with an excited spirit, he returned to the fight. Suddenly, his opponent retreated, blood pouring from his injured chest.

"Brother, brother," said Meng Hao, switching customers. "Your opponent has purchased one of my Blood Coagulation Pills and is now full of energy. I think if you don't buy one too, you will be facing many dangers. I don't just have blood clotting pills. I also have skeletal relaxation pills to combat fatigue. I will give you one for every two Spiritual Stones. This will guarantee you healing and lots of energy. You will definitely be able to achieve victory."

"You… you…" said the first man indignantly. He didn't know what to say. Was this pill boy here to help him or hurt him? He had just gone from a miserable situation to a hopeful one. So, this happened. He lashed out most pointedly in his indignation. The scene unfolding before him was exactly the same as when he bought the medicine.

"If you win, then you are actually spending someone else's Spirit Stones on medicine," Meng Hao said cruelly and invasively like a snake coiling around its prey, while holding the medicinal pills in his hands. "It's really worth it."

"I accept," said the man who had already bought a pill.

"Damn, give one to me," said the Cultivator who originally had the upper hand. Despite his hatred for Meng Hao, hearing the other man demand the medicine caused him to grit his teeth and open his mouth.

"I will give three Spiritual Stones!"

"Brother, he is offering three. If you can't get over this, I'll have to give him the medicine. Be careful!"

"I'll give it four!"

"Brother, he is offering four. Four!



"Damn it. I give up. Die!" The Cultivator who originally had the upper hand turned toward Meng Hao, furious. At first, the battle was quite simple. But as soon as Meng Hao got involved, everything became complicated. He flew toward Meng Hao, with intent. murder filling his face, clearly aiming to exterminate him.

But Meng Hao, like a demon, smiled fiercely and from his free hand a flaming serpent shot out and entered the man's mouth and killed him in the same way as Zhao Wugang but that man died face down with his stomach exploding as he crashed into the ground.

"Understand one thing you dogs. I'm not going to come in here and put all of you to the sword because I'm smart enough to understand that this is a stupid investment when put in the long term. You are like insects that eat from the garbage to me and what I prevents people from stepping on you and taking what belongs to you, because you know how to eat garbage and transform it into something beneficial. Accept my good will or die due to your own incompetence!" Meng Hao at that moment let spiritual energy explode, and the 74 assassin returned just like that day to paint the Public Area red.