
I Shall Break The Seals

He had a plan: Make money and not die. Plans don't always work out and now he's going to break seals in a novel about sealing celestial things. the protagonist has no problem relating to men and women. men will be much more effeminate and women will be slightly hotter. the chapters with r18 of men, It will be very obvious what will happen there will involve men and the same with women and also with men and women on the same level., don't expect sex full of lines or scripted like a Brazzers movie. the fanfic tag written very large at the top clearly says that I Shall Seal The Heavens does not belong to me.

monzes_maron · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

4 - Man of pleasures

The East, South, West and North Mountains of the Reliance Sect rose mightily into the sky, covered with pavilions carved from jade. If you looked at the mountains closely, you could see the rays of dawn light penetrating their peaks, just beginning to illuminate the surroundings.

White clouds snaked across the peaks, obscuring parts of the mountains. It really looked like a place of Immortals.

If you wanted, you could go from the South Mountain to the North Mountain, but if you wanted to bypass the Outer Sect, then you would have to go through the East or West Mountain. Meng Hao walked along the path that passed through East Mountain, two wild chickens in his left hand.

"I haven't seen Li Fugui for about two months, I wonder if he has lost any weight. My Red Pill might have given him something and he became a real Chad." Thinking of Li Fugui, Meng Hao smiled. Then, his eyes blinked and he stopped walking. Antony had 2 plans for today: see Li Fugui and meet with the descendants, one of the descendants, of ErGen's best protagonists.

He felt a gentle breeze ahead, which carried with it a fine mist. In the middle of the fog walked a young man wearing a luxurious white robe.

He was clearly different from the other Outer Sect disciples. His clothing was white as snow and his long hair fell over his shoulders. Incredibly handsome, almost feminine, he conveyed the sensation of being perfect in every way, both physically and in temperament. It was as if he had been blessed by Heaven, chosen by nature. 'Is it in the family to wear this type of clothing? Pure white highlighting all the beauty on the face? Wang Lin was not an example of a handsome man, he was normal at least according to ErGen. He may have become handsome when he reached higher levels of cultivation. But he is very handsome, almost feminine, damn it, I forgot to ask if I could have relations with men for the hedonistic God'

Antony is a man of pleasures, although he doesn't like breaking his own seal, Antony has no problem breaking the seals of other men and even more so the seals of effeminate, traps and femboys. Antony called himself an old-fashioned bisexual where beauty was to be seen and proven, not rejected for being born in the wrong vintage.

Returning to Wang Tengfei and the group that would follow him in search of alms:

His expression was cold and indifferent, as if nothing was worth making him change that. Even if the mountains crumbled before him, he would remain calm. The mist beneath him churned and churned.

Behind him walked two young men, who were also handsome, but when compared to the young man dressed in white they looked like trash.

"Senior Brother Wang, we heard that in a few years, the sect will have special training to promote disciples to the inner sect. We Junior Brothers would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you in advance."

"Yes. When Senior Brother Wang entered the sect, he was already famous. He even aroused the interest of the other three large sects. But in the end, you decided to stay with the Reliance Sect. What extraordinary magnanimity! Refusal to violate the etiquette of the Sect, ignoring invitations from outsiders, reaching the sixth level of Qi Condensation in these two years. I even heard one of the Patriarchs say that promotion training was only being held for Senior Brother Wang."

"That's right. Once Senior Brother Wang enters the Inner Sect, it won't be long before he surpasses Senior Sister Xu and Senior Brother Chen. He will be the famous number one disciple of the Reliance Sect."

"Don't speak foolishly," said the white-robed Wang Tengfei in a gentle voice. "Senior sister Xu is a chosen one, and elder brother Chen is completely focused on the Dao. Both are fellow disciples that I admire and respect." His voice was light and warm, but also masculine and pleasant to the ear. This was the Outer Sect's number one disciple, Wang Tengfei.

'Damn, I've been relieving myself by using Xu Qing as jerk off material but this guy is such a sissy dream. I want to tear off this cloak and take it for myself' Antony thought, staring at Wang Tengfei.

"Elder Brother has achieved exceptional mastery in cultivation. With so much latent talent and good nature, we Junior Brothers are happy to receive instruction from him."

"Yes, Senior Brother Wang treats everyone kindly, even disciples of the first level of Qi Condensation. Everyone in the sect knows this. I really admire you."

The three of them chatted, slowly walking towards Meng Hao. Elder Brother Wang, in his white robe, caught sight of Meng Hao and nodded, Meng Hao nodded back and bit his lower lip as Wang Tengfei completely passed him. When everyone passed by him and the other two people didn't even look at him. As they walked away, Meng Hao looked back. More exactly to Wang Tengfei's round ass that even in a medieval Chinese cloak, one could see two chubby and clearly white twin mounds. Meng Hao stroked his cock and thought about Xu Qing giving him a dick blowjob and Wang Tengfei sucking his balls lovingly and affectionately, like a true femboy. Meng Hao bit his lip, snapped the chickens' necks with a strong grip, and went to relieve himself in the woods. He pulled his penis out and closed his eyes, his mind working on the scene he had imagined. Wang Tengfei with a somewhat muscular body, still feminine, on all fours and having her ass penetrated like a good girl from the Wang family. The thin, feminine moans, the smell of sweat mixed with skin, both of their shapely bodies, Meng Hao with his Gyaru-oh body and Wang Tengfei with his lean, milk-white build, both moaning with pleasure in the immortal's cave of Meng Hao. He thought about those thick, pink lips, soft and comfortable, wrapping around the head of his cock, swallowing his semen like divine nectar. Meng Hao could almost feel the pure yang mix and in the end he cums inside Tengfei's pink ass as they both drink their saliva mixed with the sweat running down their faces, their hair is messy from the constant sex and in the end after cumming together, they fall asleep hugging each other while exchanging passionate caresses and kisses

30 minutes passed and Meng Hao unleashed a violent charge on a random tree in the forest.

Meng Hao took a deep breath and left to meet with Li Fugui.

He did not stop the entire way, and at noon he arrived at the wild mountains that bordered the North Mountain. This was where he and Li Fugui used to come to chop wood. As soon as he arrived, he heard cutting sounds. With a smile, he quickly advanced and soon saw Li Fugui cutting down a tree.

He was about to greet him, but stopped and took a step back. Remembering Li Fugui's nature.

"You stole my wife and my mantou. I will cut you to death! I will bite you to death!" The chubby guy hadn't lost weight. In fact, he was a little fatter. He looked like a round ball. In Meng Hao's mind: A ball of lard with shark teeth.

His eyes were closed and he stood there howling like a bear, wolf, any beast that screams loud enough to scare, surrounded by pieces of chopped wood. He struck the trees, his body writhing. Then, he dropped the ax and fell asleep.

Deep bite marks could be seen on the long handle of the axe.

Meng Hao was shocked. He never imagined that in his two months of absence, Fatty's sleepwalking behavior would become even more serious. Now this not only happened at night, but also during the day.

He was hesitating whether to wake him up or not, when suddenly Fatty's nose twitched and he rubbed his eyes. He looked around, eyes shining, looking like he was about to drool.

"I smell wild chicken! Yes, two of them! He jumped up and looked around, although he didn't see Meng Hao standing there in the jungle. Then he saw the felled trees around him, an expression of gratitude filled his eyes.

"Ah, Meng Hao, you are so kind," he said emotionally. "You've been gone for so long, but you keep secretly coming back to help me chop wood. It's been like this for almost two months. Meng Hao, I, Li Fugui, have never had a better friend in my entire life."

Meng Hao, still standing in the distance, heard all of this and was startled. He looked at Fatty strangely, then coughed lightly and stepped forward.

When he appeared, it seemed like Fatty could sense him. He turned his head and saw him, his face full of excitement.

"Meng Hao, you finally show your face," he said anxiously. "Every time I wake up, I call for you, but you never appear… ah?" His gaze fell on the two wild chickens and his eyes widened.

A little later, the fire surrounded the chickens and a fragrant aroma filled the air. Meng Hao and Fatty sat together, the same way as when they were both servants. They swallowed the chicken.

"I haven't eaten wild chicken in two months," Fatty said, his mouth full of chicken. "Why haven't you shown your face this whole time? Since you always come to help me chop wood, why don't you bring chickens too?" The joy on his face was clearly apparent as he looked at Meng Hao. It seemed that in his time in the Reliance Sect, he had come to view Meng Hao as a relative.

Meng Hao gave an enigmatic laugh and offered no explanation. Taking a bite of the chicken, he looked at Fatty. It was then that he noticed that Fatty's teeth seemed longer than before.

"How is your cultivation training going?" he asked. "Were you able to sense the spiritual energy?"

"Don't bring it up," he said with a deep sigh. "I train every night, but the strange thing is that I couldn't feel even a little bit of spiritual energy. The only thing that happens is that my teeth grow. I'm worried that can bite my tongue off." He looked quite depressed.

"Open your mouth," said Meng Hao suddenly. "Let me see your teeth." What Meng Hao saw shocked him.

After swallowing a mouthful of chicken, Fatty opened his mouth to reveal a series of long teeth that gleamed in the sunlight. As he examined them, Meng Hao's expression grew even stranger. He almost couldn't believe it. He could clearly feel the spiritual energy floating in Fatty's teeth.

"How is Fatty training?" Meng Hao thought. "How could spiritual energy be getting into your teeth? Did they become spiritual teeth? If he continues training like this, they will turn into true magical treasures…" He shook his head in surprise.

Time passed and soon the sun was about to set. Meng Hao and Fatty talked like they used to do in the past. He told Fatty everything about the things that happened in the Outer Sect, except for the copper mirror, of course.

Fatty listened carefully, filled with the desire to reach the first level of Qi Condensation and be promoted.

When it was time to leave, Meng Hao gave a Spiritual Condensation Pill to Fatty. He swallowed and then they separated. Fatty watched Meng Hao disappear into the jungle, looking a little melancholy, assuring himself that he would diligently devote himself to his cultivation training.

He came via the East Mountain route, so Meng Hao decided to return via the West Mountain. This was the first time he had traversed the entire Reliance Sect. When it got dark, he was walking near a plateau jutting out from the West Mountain. On the plateau there was a huge stone slab.

The stone tablet was the color of blood, as if it had been painted with blood. Various characters were carved into the cold stone.

Low-level public area.

There were more smaller characters next to the larger ones. Explaining that disciples of the fourth level of Qi Condensation were prohibited from entering. Only the first to third level could enter the Public Area.

Looking up, Meng Hao could see multiple figures interlocked in combat. Many techniques were being used as they fought desperately. Blood sprayed in all directions and miserable screams sounded. An arm was severed and a bag of holding was snatched.

As he watched, someone ran down the mountain, screaming, followed by a huge man with a horrible smile.

"Help me!"

"Who can save you from Cao?!"