
I Shall Break The Seals

He had a plan: Make money and not die. Plans don't always work out and now he's going to break seals in a novel about sealing celestial things. the protagonist has no problem relating to men and women. men will be much more effeminate and women will be slightly hotter. the chapters with r18 of men, It will be very obvious what will happen there will involve men and the same with women and also with men and women on the same level., don't expect sex full of lines or scripted like a Brazzers movie. the fanfic tag written very large at the top clearly says that I Shall Seal The Heavens does not belong to me.

monzes_maron · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

6 - Woman of Needs

When the sun set, Meng Hao was everywhere in the Public Zone, selling medicinal pills. In the end, wherever he went, the battle would instantly cease and the participants would either leave or buy off to continue their fights. Eventually, Meng Hao looked at an empty Public Zone. Contently patting his bag of holding, he left.

It was already late at night when he arrived at the Immortal's Cave. He sat cross-legged and began to take inventory of his spoils with enthusiasm.

"One, two…" He became more and more excited as he counted. "In total I am sixty-nine. I'm rich again. This method is much faster than robbing people. It's also much safer. There is no need to kill."

"I don't have many medicinal pills left, so tomorrow I will go to the Cultivation Pill Store and buy some more. If I want the business to go well, I must buy all the curative medicines this month. If I don't have enough Spiritual Stones, I will buy as many as I can. The scarcer the pills are, the easier it will be to sell them."

Meng Hao opened the bag of holding he had taken from the unconscious cultivator. Inside were some Spiritual Stones, two Spiritual Condensation Pills, and a pink medicinal pill.

He lifted the pill and examined it. He recognized it as one of the Cosmetic Cultivation Pills from the Pill Cultivation Workshop, an expensive pill. It was worth around ten Spiritual Condensation Pills and could be considered one of the most expensive products available. Meng Hao laughed, no, Antony laughed. It was his magic time.

Antony learned something during his past life that made him a very famous man among the women and effeminates of Asia during his tourist trips to Japan, Korea, China and sometimes Bangkok, just sometimes, when he wanted to forget about unwanted relationships. What he learned is: Asians are weak to Gyaru-oh's.

Gyaru-oh are blond, tanned and tough men from Japan. In Korea they are rich men with underworld connections and in China they are friends of the government while in Bangkok they are the wives of Ladyboys.

But it is a unique and sincere truth, just be strong, tanned and with a tough face to forcefully take the hearts of Asian women and in a world where strength is everything and domination by the law of the jungle is constant, Xu Qing was a woman aware that a strong man was the best way for her to have a longer path in cultivation. Xu Qing always knew her limits and when she met the gentle Meng Hao and fell in love with his scholarly and Confucian aura, she just left it there, in a passion that would be remembered from time to time only to be forgotten. But upon seeing Meng Hao's power and proving that the gentle scholar had no limits, her heart was taken like a fish by a fisherman's hook. It was the real truth and a law of the only cultivation world: The strong live and prevail.

Therefore, today was the day that Meng Hao's 22-centimeter hook would forcefully seize Xu Qing's heart.

While cultivating after taking the immortal's cave from Xu Qing for himself, Meng Hao made himself a large wooden bathtub into which he always poured cold water from the rain or from the lake near the immortal's cave. Meng Hao would throw some sweet-smelling petals or flower pastes with nectar and animal fat to create natural soap and take a few baths when the smell of sweat after sword training bothered him too much. Meng Hao heated the water in the bathtub with a light version of the flaming serpent and threw in a bar of natural soap, and the heat produced by Meng Hao's spiritual energy cooked and mixed the natural soap with the water. Meng Hao took off his clothes and left his muscular, masculine body exposed, the towel he used to dry himself was thrown to the other side and Meng Hao, sensing someone approaching, entered the bathtub and sat down in it, becoming submerged in the water.

The size of Meng Hao's bathtub was 5 feet wide by 6 feet deep. It was spacious, and Meng Hao's presence, being submerged and just enjoying the heat produced by himself, disappeared from within the immortal's cave of Xu Qing, who at that moment decided to visit Meng Hao. She heard the talk about his venture in the Public Area and how he made a lot of profit from spiritual stones and wanted to update herself on Meng Hao's situation.

Upon opening the entrance to the immortal's cave, Xu Qing wearing her moon-silver dress didn't see much, just a large bathtub filled to the brim with water, exuding an intoxicating aroma of roses and a comfortable warmth. When Xu Qing touched the water with his fingers, he wanted to take off his clothes and relax in the water, but he pushed the thoughts out of his head as he thought about how much effort Meng Hao had put into making this bathtub and filling it with hot water, as well as how laborious it was to make it. he pick up the ingredients that formed this pleasant aroma. Xu Qing really wanted to take advantage of the comfort of those waters warm and comforting. A cultivator spends a lot of time sitting, meditating and breathing spiritual energy to increase cultivation and this destroys the joints and muscles sometimes atrophy, only when they were already at a very high level of cultivation did these pains disappear but this The day was still very far away for Xu Qing who fought against his thoughts and his will. She licked her lips seductively, the urge to jump into the waters grew more than the common sense to value Meng Hao's work, and Xu Qing couldn't control herself, she reached for the knots on her dress and slowly undid them as she struggled. internal followed. While with one hand she removed the knots, with the other she immersed herself in the refreshing and relaxing water.

The first piece of her dress was the top, white shoulders with soft skin that looked as delicate as crystal came out to breathe the scent of roses and after them her breasts, large and full, a D cup, perfect and ripe as a fruit. ready to be harvested. The pink nipples and areolas, hard and excited by the bathtub and the water that comforted Xu Qing. The dress continues to fall and reveals lean but toned abs, flat but rock hard, and milky, pure skin like a sculpture made of pearls. When the dress reached the floor, below Xu Qing's perfect abdomen, as it descended from her navel and the clear, hairless crotch, a pink like strawberry frosting, a closed and perfect pussy, thin lips and dripping with sweet feminine nectar. The erect clitoris tastes the warm air of the cave and Xu Qing shudders, without delay she lifts her feet and dips them into the bathtub, feeling the rigid muscles loosen and a heavenly pleasure taking over. Xu Qing enters and dives into the water and when from all sides Xu Qing's body has been massaged and her rigid muscles relax, Xu Qing's clitoris is stimulated by the heat and nectar comes out of her pink pussy to mix with the water much to the pleasure of the submerged Meng Hao. Excitement and pleasure fill Xu Qing's brain, her unsatisfied feminine instincts come to the surface and by reflex she takes her right hand to her clitoris and massages it slowly and tenderly while with the other hand she stimulates her right breast with light pinching and massaging the nipples.

At the bottom of the bathtub, Meng Hao witnesses Xu Qing's pleasure as he enters his bathtub and begins another of his plans.

As a cultivator with a high amount of spiritual energy in his dantian, Meng Hao as the scholar that he is and Antony as a soldier who has been trained to make the most of whatever he has in his possession, has trained and understood what spiritual energy can do. Spiritual energy is like any other toxin present in the body, like dopamine, which brings pleasure and stimulates the brain in search of more pleasure and more effects from that substance. When spiritual energy condenses and goes to the dantian, the entire body is stimulated by spiritual energy. Muscles are activated and grow like fruits stimulated by fertilizers, bones become more resistant because inside they are cleaned for better durability and flexibility and its effects are infinite the higher the cultivation increases. A man's yang is his reproductive toxin, a pheromone that men release for reproduction. This type of pheromone was lost over the generations because humans control their reproductive habits, there would be almost no men with pure yang in Antony's past life, but in this medieval world that would probably not see a leap in its technology due to wars and constant changes of governments or wars between cultivators that completely destroy their worlds, in this world we still have the reproductive pheromone yang and where it is most present through the stimulation of spiritual energy in the male yang.

Meng Hao's plan was simple, masturbate and release his super-anabolized yang from the immense spiritual energy in his dantian and harness Xu Qing's yin, female reproductive pheromone as she touched herself and came in the bathtub.

Xu Qing never imagined how much pleasure she would feel in her life, if she had been touching for more than 30 minutes and her body found no satisfaction, her pink pussy asked for something more, what every woman was made to receive: pure yang. The seed of a man and the pleasure of cultivating that seed. Xu Qing who touched herself instinctively now touched herself for a purpose, the desire for a man inside her, possessing her like a woman and making her happy as she should be.

"Meng.... Hao.... Touch me.... Make me yours....." Xu Qing thought and thought but couldn't shake the name of that prodigy, that scholar who adapted so well to the world of cultivation and became a center of power, a blade that cut everything and wrote its own laws. Xu Qing, when she took him to that mountain, only imagined that he would be a servant, who later, after lowering himself a lot, would become a center of power and show her talent for all of heaven and earth to witness her overcoming, she expected this but now, she saw that it would be different and that Meng Hao will be a dominant, someone who steps on the heads of his enemies and takes what belongs to him by law from the jungle of the cultivation world. Xu Qing never imagined calling his name while stimulating himself, nor would it be in his bathtub, in that bathtub where his manly and tired body, sweaty from training and smelly, took long baths. Xu Qing thought about many things and even thought about what would be the ruin of her virginity: "Have you ever stimulated yourself here... Meng Hao?"

"Have you ever cum and released your seed while thinking about taking me?"

"Were your thoughts pure Meng Hao?"

"Did you take me tenderly and carefully?"

"You tore my dress, licked my pussy like a hungry animal and rammed your big dark cock in hard, destroyed me and came inside me..... Until we were both..... Forever connected!! !"

Meng Hao, still submerged, was unable to hold on and slowly submerged to find Xu Qing. In front of Xu Qing, Meng Hao submerges, his hair wet and loose on his face and his eyes shining with lust, Xu Qing is startled but Meng Hao doesn't give him time and steals his lips with a hot, slow kiss, saliva of both of them connecting through their open mouths and Meng Hao's dominance over Xu Qing. He takes his right hand to her pink pussy and plays with his lips and from time to time teases her erect clitoris, the kiss still connected and time almost stopping for both of them, connected by the kiss and satisfying each other. Meng Hao felt his dick touching Xu Qing's abdomen, waiting for a hand to him or the embrace of the vaginal walls but Meng Hao knew he needed to control himself, Xu Qing was more powerful and if it weren't for the pleasure, she would kill Meng Hao right there.

The kissing session lasted 20 minutes and Xu Qing held by Meng Hao's hands had cum almost a hundred times. Xu Qing's body had yet to faint from the strength of her cultivation and her pure yin that had been stimulated and not satiated for a long time, there was no way she could rest without pure yang nourishment.

"Big sister, I will take you today, tonight will be the day we become one, you know we are made for each other. There will be no men in heaven and on earth who are mad to separate us and those who dare will know Why are you mine tonight"

Meng Hao's words came out like poison, a numbing drink that took Xu Qing's reason by storm and only made her accept her destiny as a woman who belonged to Meng Hao by right of the world of cultivation, the law of the strongest.

"I love you, little brother"

Xu Qing could no longer bear it and opening her legs she allowed the entry of his penis which slowly pierced the entrances of the hot pink pussy, slowly but surely Meng Hao's penis pierced her hymen and blood came out of the pink pussy, Xu Qing moaned with pain but she endured it and when that penis finally reached the entrance to her uterus, she came once again.

There they spent a while enjoying the feeling of pleasure of being connected and another kissing session began. After a few minutes of hot kisses and a battle of tongues and exchange of saliva, Meng Hao began to move slowly.

They floated in the water of the bathtub and facing each other, they consumed his yang and her yin, Meng Hao inserted it slowly and per minute there were 30-40 slow insertions, but as time passed, a tightness in Xu's walls Qing made him thrust faster and his cock didn't rest until more than 200 thrusts per minute were milking pure yin from Xu Qing.

"Little brother!"

"Big sister!"

The water became chaotic and the bathtub shook and wet the cave floor and the odor of sex and yin yang mixed took over the surrounding spiritual energy. 30 minutes passed and the heat reached its maximum and Meng Hao finally reached his limit:

"Big sister, I'm at the limit, where do you want me to end up?"

"Inside! Make me your wife and your children's wife my love!"

Xu Qing was out of her mind, no longer a demure and cold woman but a woman with a woman's instinctive needs.

Meng Hao obeyed Xu Qing's orders and a large load of his seed flooded her lover's womb and Xu Qing came for the last time as she savored Meng Hao's kiss.

The night passed and Xu Qing had not returned to the Immortal's Cave, this attracted attention but not much as it was normal for inner disciples not to return for a night or two. Meng Hao and Xu Qing lay down and rested on a warm futon that a lecherous God happened to deliver to Meng Hao 1 week ago.

I like certain scenes that a Serbian on this site writes, but I like to describe my scenes like this. There is no porn script. Even though I like more pornographic sexual scenes and writing more realistic sex, I love reading his crackfics. If he reads it, thank you for helping me write these scenes.

After this update, the site's optimization went crazy.

monzes_maroncreators' thoughts