
chapter 7. delusional academy

Father:that's right you will go to the most popular and prestigious academy delusional academy!

Don't think the name is some kind of sick joke it really is not. the name of the school stands right the school mascot is a zoroark why becuase the school is unbelievably hard that a lot of students have gone mental and became delusional you may ask why is it so prestigious? Not only are the academics hard you also must battle powerful trainners not only you only your pokemon will also learn by you you will face hard academics and powerful trainners

But I was not scared of the academics either nor the battles I was a nerd and a battle nerd so what is the problem well.. The school hasn't had a royale member family in a long time the last time was my 6 other brothers also studied in delusional academy just how big is the age gap between me and the 6th prince 12 years. That's not the matter since I and daisy are the latest members of a royale family to apply there we will get way too much attention you all know much I hate attention!

"But alright father."

I couldn't disobey my father even though I hate the attention part about the academy deep down to my heart he is the king of kalos and I will not disobey him.

While Daisy on the other hand kept hugging zorua while deneying all the things they say instantly after a whopping 7 hours of deneying she finally agreed.

16 days later me and Daisy where at the academy it was big and amazing me and Daisy got our I'd cards the cool Breeze inside the academy was amazing imideitenly about a good 70% of guys greeted Daisy calling her beautiful and amazing they where all clearly simps

Daisy whispered to me: jack help me..!

"Alright folks out of the way" as we walked away from the crowd about 100% of the girls in the academy surrounded me flirting with me geez do they not know I am only 5?

I whispered to Daisy "help me Daisy!"

Daisy was jealous anyways so she said: alright ladies he is my boyfriend!

"Yea- WHA-"

All the girls went away while somewhere still eyeing me I was so shocked at her response but I knew it where for the greater good

As we entered the huge and luxurious classroom me and Daisy sat down at our assigned seats.

The teacher interduced her self.

Teacher:hello students I am mrs Yuri

The entire classroom: hello miss Yuri!

Miss Yuri began taking attendance but she noticed a mistake in our sitting she rearranged our seat numbers oh boy was I doomed not only did I have to sit next to Daisy which was already a loss for me sure we where friends but you already know why this was bad and a another reason this was gonna be hell for me was I also had to sit next to the popular girl Clare,

Clare: hey there prince jack

She said with a warm smile extending her hand for a hand shake,she was not the stereotypical mean popular girl she was actually really really nice i shaked her hands happily.

Daisy didn't seem really happy.

After class we where going to battle classes.first we have to learn the basics like pokeballs type weaknesses immunitys abillitys and other crap apparantly you can't do anything without reading the manual.

After we learnt the basics we can battle other trainner or make our Pokemon stronger in a simulation battle against robot Pokemon that coded to act like different pokemon. I went to see who the strongest trainner was and of course it was a guy 14 years older than me clade.

I approached him and asked for a battle.

Clade: seriously? A 5 year old royale dork? No thanks i anit battling a dork.

"Oh are you scared you would lose to a 5 year old?"

Clade gets angry he was confident

Clade: fine you little dork!

Clade takes pokeballs from his bag there are exactly 6

"I take one more pokeball which is my greninja zorua was on my shoulder"

Clade: seriously only 2 Pokemon against 6 you want to get embarassed?

Everyone thought I was stupid challenging the strongest trainner in the academy with a 2 Pokemon and one of them is a baby Pokemon

Clade sent out his sylveon first.

I sent out my greninja everyone laughed because I had a type disadvantage except all the girls they thought I was cold or cool or whatever simps.

Clade: sylveon use hyper voice!

Hyper voice is a normal type move but thanks to sylveons abillity pixilate it's a fairy type move now which is 2x effective against my dark type greninja.

"Greninja use water shuriken"

Water shuriken hits sylveon before it can use hyper voice doing massive damage.

Clade grits his teeth while all the girls where cheering expect Daisy of course.

I could use another water shuriken then fight the next 5 out but iwas bored so I let him attack my greninja with a 2x effective hyper voice my greninja being the gigachad took the hit and shakes his head in disappointmeant becuase of how little damage the hyper voice did.

Clade: oh you done it now!

Clade takes out his mega stone you might be wondering sylveon dosent have a mega evolution? But here all Pokemons have mega evolution z MOVES g max gimmicks and more clade uses mega stone on his sylveon causing it to mega evolution it has more fins has fairy aura surrounding it a beautiful glow every where it walks.

"This is getting interesting eye greninja?"

Clade: sylveon use Boomburst!


Clade:since it can mega evolve dork.

The boom burst Hits greninja it didn't do anything i actually let greninja get hit 128 times by a super boosted 2x effective 168 power boom burst remind you Boomburst is special type move greninja has almost no special defense.

Greninja got damage a bit it had some blood leak.

"All that for a drop of blood?"

I felt like Thanos saying that

"Greninja use water shuriken"

Sylveon gets hit and faints and clade sends out his gholdengo it gets destroyed of course clade had enough so he didn't care he sent all four of his Pokemon against my single greninja his Pokemon where machamp dragonite a MOLTRES and a mega meta gross yes you can have multiple megas it's like i been set up in a book where everything is stupidly overpowerd but I am so unbelievably overpowered (if only someone would tell him)

Everyone was saying that it isant fair or something

"Meh okay 4 v 1 I am okay with that"

I return greninja and zorua jumps of my shoulder ready to battle remember this is a hisuian zorua ghost normal one of the best type combination

Clade chuckles: seriously a baby? Well I am gonna sent this baby to the hospital!

Daisy curses so many bad words at me for endangering a cute baby fox of course why wouldn't she it was getting so bad I had to use zoruas illusion abillity on only her so she would shut up.

"Zorua use bitter malace on MOLTRES"

Oh and I forgot to mention this MOLTRES is the galarian version it's a dark type so bitter malace wouldn't be effective at all I am moron and a show off so I used it anyway and just to be clear all Pokemon can be in a region dosent matter like you can have a kingambit in kanto even regional variants too.

Clade:meta gross use knock off MOLTRES fairy wrath dragonite dragon claw machamp knock off too!

Zorua dodges them precisely and a bitter malace hits MOLTRES hard it almost faints and the area of effect damages all of his Pokemon at the same time they all nearly faint.

"Zorua good enough return"

Zorua gets back on my shoulder I sent out greninja,greninja uses water shuriken making them all faint

Everyone was stunned.

I realised what I have done I am gonna get all the attention!

But thankarceus Arceus him sent a force to stop me from reciving attention (this is a metaphor Arceus didn't actually sent this force)

The sky became black a huge thunderbolt there I saw armoured Mewtwo and a heatran a mega Charizard Z a 100% zygarde and if a armoured Mewtwo was not enough Mewtwo y and x too! All of them start causing havoc and all of there eyes where glowing fieary black they where all being mind controlled.

why a another chaos cliffhanger becuase i didn't know what to do it was legenting I will make the upcoming chapters longer don't worry to my 4 fans (including my self)

DaoistPDggZgcreators' thoughts