
chapter 8.deep chaos

The calamity was huge and devastating the area is getting DESTROYED trainners are running left and right to escape but i was afraid there was no escape the only escape was fighting.

I couldn't blame them they are scared just like me or atleast I was pretending to be scared I go to this point that I had to be minuplative to keep my powers hidden, thought this was messed up I know I got to do more minuplation/seem normal and innocent.

"We are screwed!"

I shout multiple times making the already chaotic area even more chaotic why? It is to draw attention to teachers or heroes or powerful trainner sure I could easily stop the calamity let's be real here but attention is a no go and if I want to keep my powers hidden this will help me in the long run.

Clade steped up.

I thought didn't I defeat all his Pokemon what is he going to do?

Clade pulls out a f*ucking master ball.

I thought jeez how many matser balls dose this guy have? Anyways since he is holding a master ball the Pokemon must be strong or decent right.

(Jack may be overpowered and insane but he is still dumb)

Clade throws the master comes from the master ball is a FU*KING SHINY RAYQUZA

I was not surprised I was mad why didn't he send the RAYQUZA first I would have had a crap ton of fun battling a shiny RAYQUZA it's not like he knew a battle was gonna happen or maybe it's just because he didn't want the same thing I didn't want unwanted attention but isant this guy already a show off and popluar?


Clade:rayquza use dragon claw!

Rayquza flys precisely using dragon claw directly at the mewtwos but the Charizard z stepted in and absorbed the dragon claw and hit rayquza with a flame thrower that did massive damage rayquza backed up glaring down Charizard while heatran and the other Pokemon kept making the situation worse and even killing a few people.(Oh you thought this series was gonna be violence free becuase it is a fan fiction of a child friendly show? Nope if anything this seris is gonna be filled with stuff like minuplation violence and psychological stuff you just gotta wait and see)

As a prince I was devastated that my people where dying I could end this instantly I was gonna i was going mega evolve greninja while I was trying to choose between my land and my identity.

Clade gritted his teeth confused to as why mega Charizard z absorbed the dragon claw.

"I am pretty sure mega Charizard z is a fairy type"

If you don't know dragon type attacks can't damage fairy type at all why? I don't know!

(Go learn the type chart smh)

Clade:fairy type huh? Wait..

He observes the main Pokemon cuasing the most damage the Mewtwos and the mega Charizard z

Clade:that's it send out zorua zorua can use bitter malace it is a ghost type move it will be effective on the mewtwos and will do netural damage to the Charizard-z

"That is true.."

It's not like I haven't thought of that my zorua could definitely do that and destory the Mewtwo but there are 2 problems attention and the area of damage it could massively destory kalos sure it wouldn't matter as the group is doing just that but I wouldn't underestimate my zorua if I where you my powers of you can call them that make my Pokemon naturally stronger it's basically like let's a say a weedle is struggling against a level 10 Pikachu if I catch the weedle it will go from struggling to a level 1p Pikachu to being able to being handle multiple level 100 raichus.

Clade:what are you waiting for! Send zorua out and beat those stupid Pokemons a*ses!

"Here gose nothing zorua you are up"

Zorua: zorua?

It steps down from my shoulder.

I whisper in zoruas tiny soft ears

"Don't destroy too much you may end up killing the Pokemon or people or even worse change the temperature or the air"

Strong impacts can have lethal impacts on the earth's atmosphere.

Zorua nods slightly.

Clade:what where you telling to the zorua so secretly it is not the time!

"Something important anyways zorua use bitter mala-"



Clade:aren't you gonna use bond phenomenon to power up the zoruas power?!

Sure I could i mean i can but this guy is seriously underestimating me I don't know any reason he would!

(LITRALLY a 5 year old)



This guys is acting barbaric I can't blame him people or in Danger so i comply

"Here gose nothing"

I close my eyes zorua closes its eyes i feel a gentle wave of energy becoming stronger and stronger as seconds pass the area is filled with power the air thick and dense the situation is becoming extremely intense.


what dose he mean by actually work? He did not belive me dose he? Anyways.

After enough focusing for a long time when I mean long time exactly just 11.09 seconds


Daisy is watching from a distance with fight and worried expression.

And if I died and clade survived he would probably be accused of pressuring me to attack and me dying in the process I am a prince after all

Clade keeps panicking like a fu*king idiot shouting at me to power up more


with all that energy zorua uses a bond boosted bitter malace directly at the Pokemon causing the calamity.

I give you 10 seconds to comment what you think will happen in this sentence.











The bitter malace lands strong a huge explosion shattering peoples ears the shockwave of the explosion certainly changed the atmosphere greatly possibly changing the world by a lot.

As the fog cleared the Pokemon where all fainted and they disappear.

Clades jaws open in craze.

I have done more damage than the entirely calamity.

Take a guess of who did more damage.

Me with a 11 second phenomenon boosted bitter malace or the calamitys entire damage multiplied by 689

You guessed it. It was not me because I did more damage than the calamity even if it did 9802 times more damage.

The entirety of the kalos region looks pretty restored and in ruins the water flow changed many craters where formed the areas gravity shifted by a few millimeters which may not sound like a lot but which is something not even a Mewtwo y had it's special attack boosted by 4x and a 500 base power psystrike could do.

"What the absolute fu-"

As the following days went on the first day of delusion academy became really unforgetful

The region changed alot I mean alot the regions most Pokemon have became alot weaker Pokemon giving birth to new Pokemon a lot higher due to exponential energy that the region has received from a singular attack you may ask them how come Pokemon become weaker well the Pokemon that have become weaker are weaker Pokemon like baby Pokemon normally my zorua should be affected but it is not because it is incredibly strong and it has leveled up alot it was initially level 17 but after the calamity it is level 87 seems like it won't evolve anytime soon.

After a year it is agust 7th

My 6 th birthday and only 7 days before daisys birthday we are basically cousins but not really.

The preparations where big i mean really big we had alot of thrumpits royales from other regions.

And you may ask what about your attention problem?

Well no one knew that I did it expect clade this would probably become a problem for me later on cuase i still have little to no idea what kind of person clade really is and as for the calamity group there where no evidence of them ever since and my attack had given birth to new Pokemon species you can basically saying I have become god.

this is a bad and annoying chapter skip it if you hate pressure moments but it is really lore heavy so you probably shouldn't skip it either.

DaoistPDggZgcreators' thoughts