
chapter 6. confusion oh confusion

*after I caught the zorua things have been going really well the zorua is still shy and stuff but we eventually getting there!*

After a few days I was still thinking of the guy I was fascinated by how he caught ogerpons with a regular pokeball he must have used a torturing technique Or something and I was also thinking of that charizard that wrecked the guys flying boat too bad I didn't want the ship too be too damaged I wanted to examine the properties but the charizard reduced it to litrall ashes.

While I was thinking zorua nudged my leg

"What's up buddy"

It kept whimpering I figured it was hungry

I went to the food room yes we have a room entirely for food it's godamn palace what the heck did you expect. Well anyways as I was walikh to the room I saw a guy covered in blood rushing to somewhere and the guy looked exactly like me no difference I figured it was a another ilusion pokemon so I used despell nothing seemed to happen.

The guy talked.

Listen it's th-

*the guy vanished in a blink of a eye*thought


It must have been a time travel it 100% is a time travel or it's a separate dimension I thought I completely forgot about zorua I got the food and hurried thank god it didn't pass out or I would get a good greeting from daisy.....

Zorua ate happily I peted it but what the hell is happening first a charizard that reduced a ship to ashes then a psychco that caught three legendarys with a normal pokeball now this stupid time travel crap? I was starting to lose it

Daisy:what losing your mind for the 2 millionth time?

How dose she know is she a wizard??!

Daisy:no I am not a wizard your just way too predictable

She walks away saying that


Zorua nudges me gently

Zorua: zoru? Zorua??

Night time all I could think about is the following events but the main thing I was confused about was daisy! How did she know what I was thinking off? I didn't show it in my face at all! (< delusional it was really clear he was going insane just stupid)

The next day I walked down stairs with zorua on my shoulders why because zorua is small and cute sure greninja is cool but greninja is certainly not small!

I saw everyone including my father and mother a couple of maids including sayuri the Duke and daisy everyone was discussing about it happily but daisy was not happy and Clearly pouting.

My father sees me

Father:oh jack we been waiting for you!

Mother also follows with the same answer including everyone else expect daisy was more focused on zorua she picked zorua up hugged zorua

Zorua: zorua!

Daisy:oh zorua your the only thing that makes me happy I can't belive I have to go to delusional academy

"Oh a academy.... WHAT A ACADEM-"

Directed by Robert d welde

*troll music*

you been trolled you been trolled you should probably just fold.

DaoistPDggZgcreators' thoughts