
I Regressed for Revenge

Myriad was a king who was betrayed and stabbed by his childhood friend. After getting a second chance at regressing by a so-called angel in disguise, he vowed to only pursue his own Interest which is to claim the title of king for himself, marry the woman he loved trampling the kingdom of Traxdart for fun, creating an empire and making sure the backstabbers in his previous life get what they deserve. He appeared in his body ten years ago when he was 19. A day before he became king! ... Afterall, that's what I'm living for. It's a life for revenge!

Twix_Future · Action
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7 Chs

Your new King

"Sorry Mickey, but I have no intention of going easy on you". Myriad declared.

"Ah, we think likely then". Mickey replied relieving the stiffness in his shoulders.

"Okay, ready..."

"Go!" Myriad followed up.

No one would have believed if they said these two haven't been training for many years. The fight was so fierce they left the audience unable to blink. Everyone of them were jaw-slacked, even Xeno.

"Boy Myriad, when did you get so good?" Mickey asked in excitement.

"You shouldn't take your eyes off your opponent!" Myriad said as he threw a kick which Mickey dodged by backflipping.

"Heh, that was close" Mickey breathed.

"It's ganna get you next time!" Myriad declared.

"I'ld like to see you try!" 

They continued their fight with both of them being very careful to avoid even the slighrest of scratches but they were getting tired. Fighting all the while trying to be careful was really tiring so their movements had slowed down. Myriad might just take a quick swing of his sword but Mickey will block it before shutting down for a minute to regain stamina. Then Mickey will take his own swing before winding down also, as such the match was going nowhere.

"Hey, fight some more!"

"This is getting boring". 

" You hear that Mickey? It's getting boring~". Myriad singed.

" Yeah, you're not giving the people what they want~ so let's turns things up a notch?eh?" Mickey asked.

" Okay~" Myriad sing-songed.

The fight...

This fight...

"Um is it me or were they pretending to be tired earlier?" Someone from the audience asked.


" That's true"

"If that's the case"

Is the...best I've ever seen!

" What's driving them forward?"

Boom!!! Clash! Crash!

" Holy shit!" The audience were pumped!

Wait, wait! Was Mickey this strong in our previous life!? This is starting to get scary. But I can't lose!!. "Mickey, duck!!" Myriad shouts.

"What? why?" Mickey asked confused.

Myriad swings his sword at Mickey's chest that he was just very barely able to dodge.

"Heyy that's not fair!" Mickey complained.

" Hey hey hey, do your worst!". 

Mickey jumped at Myriad with no intention of holding back as he swung his sword directly at his neck, being sure Myriad was going to block it. But Myriad blocked it and dashed his foot at Mickey's stomach. 'Tap' he stepped on Myriad's foot in the air and propelled himssalf backwards. But he didn't stop there, he rushed forward and kept on attacking with Myriad being at the defensive.

"This is bad" Myriad thought. He took in a deep calm breath before exhaling loudly.

"I'm winning this match". He said.

Never had anyone seen Myriad look so dead serious. His eyes glinted red with displeasure and exasperation.



"Get up". He said.

It was evening...

The guests were leaving...

The arena was scanty...

Rain was falling...

A mild scent of blood could be percieved a few meters away...

Anger and irritation filled the air...

There was pity in ones eyes...

"Never had I once thought about why Mickey wanted to be king. And I crushed his dreams". Myriad looked into the sky as the rain beat down on him. "I still couldn't kill him".

"Get up, Mickey".

"..." Mickey didn't respond.

"Mickey...". Myriad somehow felt pity but entangled with it was self-satisfaction.

Mickey laid on the bare floor in the arena. He had a deep wound on his arm which he held on to, and with his free hand, covered his eyes. He had refused treatment from the medical team and his arm was hurting like a bitch. The rain was troublesome... Was all he tought. Myriad stretches forth his hand for mickey to hold on to but he slapped it away.

"I don't need your pity". Mickey said with disdain.

"It's raining. You'll catch a cold". 

"Say Myriad, it's like you already knew..... You were going to become king". Mickey said without removing his hand from his eyes.

"I ..." Myriad didn't know what to say.

" And how did a kid from the slums learn how to fight so well". Mickey asked filled with suspicions.

"Would you like to know?". Myriad asked with a sly smile.

Mickey moved his hand to take a look at Myriad. "Well, not that it matters". Mickey replied with no life or emotion in his voice. 

"Need a hand?" Myriad asked knowing fully well Mickey was going to reject it.

"Ahh~ shutthefuckup Myriad". Mickey's eyes showed a glimmer of danger in it.

This is what I've been looking for! A chance for doubt without suspicion. "What's that eye for? Didn't you promise we were still going to be friends even if one of us becomes king?" Myriad asked.

"But it doesn't matter if I don't say the word 'promise' right?". Mickey countered.

"Hold up, you're not going to betray me are you? Huh?!". Myriad shouted.

"..." Mickey didn't respond.

"Answer me, Mickey!"

Myriadad grabbed his sword and was about to stab Mickey when Ryu who had been quiet all these time came in between to clash swords with Myriad.

"Stop it". Ryu calmly said.

"I can't believe it". Was Myriad's only thought.

The impact from having clashed swords with Ryu was great. 

"This guy... Is on a whole different level!". If he had participated in this competition, neither Mickey.... Nor I could have gotten the throne!.

"Congratulations, Sir Myriad, you have my respect". Ryu said to Myriad. "Now let's go, Lord Mickey".


"Mickey!" Ryu said calmly but with a tinge of intensity mixed within.

"Yes." Mickey responded. He stood up and left with Ryu.


Myriad continued to look at the sky. "Congratulations..... Myriad" was all he said. Opens and closes his palms. "I only pretended to stab him so he would hate me more. Then I would have no qualms when I kill him. But he didn't even dodge. Haa. Well, let's just leave it for the future. And whoever gets killed between us, then I guess it's for the better....". Myriad said as he slumped on the floor and slept in the rain. 


"Ah~ who is it this time?". Myriad asked in annoyance.

Someone had put an umbrella over Myriad's head.

"Congratulations. My king". A beautiful young lady said as she squatted beside Myriad. "You'll catch a cold". Smiles.

"Oh, my princess you shouldn't be in the rain". Myriad said sitting up straight.

"I was waiting for you". Tracy beamed.

One of my past emotional turmoil he thought. Myriad took her hand and pulled her in for a kiss leaving her bewildered.

"I don't even know your name". 

"Myriad. It's Myriad Fenvi'ér". Hugs her.



Author just wants to explain this.

* The first test "Running to the main arena" was to calculate the physical capacities of the contestants.

There were several spectators whose job was to observe each contestants and write down a score. Turned out it wasn't even needed since there were only two who caught everyone's eyes. 

* The second test "To climb up a mountain" That would have been impossible for the inexperienced youths but the main objective was "Do not complain". A king must not complain in the most hardest of times.

* The third test "Use of wepons" A reliable king must be able to adapt to any situation and be able to use any wepon available on the battlefield.

* The fourth test "Knowledge in politics" Every king must be able to stay calm under pressure (the time limit) and make rapid but accurate decisions that will be of benefit to the people and kingdom.

* The fifth test "Battle Royale" was to test the strength of each contestants. And in rankings, the last one standing will be declared king.


After Myriad defeated Mickey, the crowd busted cheers and applause which was followed by the sounds of beating drums and blowing of trumpets. Finally, the king made his appearance and Myriad was placed before him. After a few greetings and blessings, Myriad was titled 'King' but the coronation would be held the next day.


I can't believe all that happened five years ago. There were gains, and there were loses but..... I have nothing to worry about. Cuz, I have no regrets!".

"Lord Myriad, preparations for the war against Traxdart is already in session, may we proceed?".

"What do you think? Ickey?" Myriad laughed.

My heart ಥ‿ಥ

Your end is near...... Divine Punishment!

Twix_Futurecreators' thoughts