
I Regressed for Revenge

Myriad was a king who was betrayed and stabbed by his childhood friend. After getting a second chance at regressing by a so-called angel in disguise, he vowed to only pursue his own Interest which is to claim the title of king for himself, marry the woman he loved trampling the kingdom of Traxdart for fun, creating an empire and making sure the backstabbers in his previous life get what they deserve. He appeared in his body ten years ago when he was 19. A day before he became king! ... Afterall, that's what I'm living for. It's a life for revenge!

Twix_Future · Action
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7 Chs

The last Judas was him!

Gather round everyone, as you're going to witness the first ever entitlement of king to any capable young lad of the Berryville kingdom! The announcer shouted at the front of the king's castle where the competition was being held. Many people both old and young, rich and poor had gathered early in the morning to get the best of seats.


"Hey, heyy Myriad! you're ganna be late!" Mickey shouted a d barged inside Myriad's room. "You don't wanna get disqualified do you?"

"Huh? yeah I'm coming" Myriad who had been sleepless all night because of how uncomfortable everything is; the so-called bed called a floor, the water leaking from the roof, the small blankets used to cover the open parts of the windows, the cold. "I really suffered". Myriad was almost at the verge of crying the previous night. "Let's go".

When they got to the arena, everywhere was filled up.

"This is all your fault, Riad". Mickey blamed.

"Huh? you also overslept you bastard" Myriad retorted. "And don't call me that".

"Ehh? but I like it"

" No" Myriad replied lazily. Yawns.

"You didn't sleep well?" Mickey asked.

" None of your business" Came Myriad's reply.

"I think you both should stay at the front so you wouldn't miss your name when you are called" Ryu told them.

" Oh, that's true".

"Then let's go" Mickey coincided.

Myriad was about to leave when he saw someone with the corner of his eyes.

"It's Tracy!".

"Oh, the princess of the nearby kingdom, how do you know her? "

"O-oh, I just happened to know haha". I don't think I like her this lifetime. Do I? so there's no need to chase her like before even though she rejected me countless times. I don't think I like her..... but, what's this burning feeling in my chest. Myriad said clenching his chest.

"Hey Ryu, this guy has fallen in love, you see?" Mickey pointed to Myriad, then Tracy.

"You guys go to the front, I'll meet you there" Myriad told them.

"Hm. Okayy" Mickey answered. "Let's go, Ryu".

"Yes. Don't get lost Myriad". Ryu told him.

"Yeah yeah". Myriad responded

A short walk got him to where Tracy was talking with other nobles.

"Good day milady" Myriad bowed.

"Good day to you too young man, what brings you to me?" She humbly asked.

"Haha. My princess, you're as beautiful as always". Myriad said as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Hey, who do you think you are? touching the princess like that! ". The noble lady Tracy was talking to shouted.

Myriad gave her a death stare. "Keep quiet you".

"I just got cut off by a peasant, but why does he have to be hot!?"

"Say, mi princess, let's make a deal? hm?".

"Hmm. I'm listening".

"If I should win this competition and become king, will you promise to court me?". Myriad said confidently. All the noble ladies were shocked.

"Hm. But what's in it for me?". Tracy asked. "I can't make a deal without me benefiting".

"Then how about the fact that you're courting the most handsome man in this kingdom? eh?".

"Haha. You're really funny". Tracy laughed "I'm sorry, but I have to receive permission before I make decisions like that".

" So you'll have accepted if you didn't need permission?".

" Probably". Tracy replied "I don't think so".

She's the one alright, always rejecting me before I even have a chance."No matter what mi lady, this time, I'm ganna make you mine! you will be mine princess. And you will remain mine". Myriad said confidently. "Because I'm ganna become king". Leaves. "See you later, honey~"

"That peasant sure is confident" The noble ladies said with bewilderment and disdain.

"No. I like how confident he is". Tracy replied before lowering her head for a blush.


"I'm here" Myriad said to Mickey.

"Oh. There you are!" Mickey said with relief. "They'll start calling the candidates names".

"We will begin calling out the candidates names". The announcer relayed.

"See?". Mickey acceded.

"Shuttup" Myriad said wearily.

After a lot of names, Mickey and Myriad's names were finally called.

"A lot of people want o be king" Myriad asked surprisingly.

"Well of course, who doesn't want the good life?". Mickey replied.

"So it's about the good life huh?" Myriad yawned.

"Now, as per the king's orders, the person conducting the last and final match will be none other than our most respected Knight officer, Mr. Xeno!". The announcer recited at the top of his voice.

There was a huge burst of excitements and cheer from the crowd.

"Mr. Xeno, we welcome you to the stage". The announcer conveyed.

"Hah, Mr. Xeno. He's as humble as always even in my past life, as expected of a knight". Myriad reminisced. "He was kinda like a father to me". Smiles.

"Ah. I humbly accept the honour my fellow citizens". Xeno said with the most soft and calm voice. "Because of the lack of heir of our current king...." He explained.

"But wait". Myriad was sorta confused. That voice is sorta familiar. I know him, but his voice is very familiar. Like..... the last voice before I died! he was the old man who plotted with Mickey and Ryu, but that's not all, I also heard many other footsteps which means there are many people among my officers who are against me! but why? because I was a peasant? or they wanted the throne for themselves? this is.... I can't take this!. At this moment, Myriad's mind became as calm as a smooth flowing spring. "I just need to kill them before they become a hindrance, right?".

Beside him, Mickey gulped.

" Who are you going to kill? Myriad?" Mickey asked in fear.

Myriad's smile was fear Inducing. "Don't let me spoil the fun yet~".

"Now contestants, make your way to the stage". The announcer said.

Slowly, all the contestants marched to the stage.

"Now". Mr. Xeno said. "Each of you are going to pick a weapon of your choice and battle against the other. A battle royal!".

There were murmurs amongst the crowd about what a battle royal is.

"To put it simply, it's a fight till there's only one man standing". Xeno explained. "But that will be the last stage. First, we're going to test you on your use of all the wepons. A king must be proficient in every at of fighting. Now, race to the arena! each of your scores will be recorded and not a single detail will be missed".

"He has always been vicious". Myriad said with a creeping smile as he ran ahead to the arena before everyone else.

"Hey Riad, wait for meee". Mickey complained as he ran after him.

"You'll have to keep up Mick" Myriad said.

"Ugh, don't call me that" Mickey said with irritation.

"Then don't call me Riad also" Myriad also said with irritation.

"But Riad is better!" Mickey complained.

"Is it my fault my name is better than yours?". Myriad mocked.

"Oh, you did not just say that". Mickey said aghast.

"Oh, yes I just did". Myriad mockingly replied.

"Arrgh you bastard! I'll kill you!".

They play fought till they got to the arena without running out of breath. Standing there, they each gave the other a death stare that lasted for several minutes before the others arrived.

"Are those two serious?"

"They were even fighting and throwing punches as they were running"

"And they are not even out of breath?"

"Even though I'm physically built..."

"Even though I'm a fast runner..."

"Even though I immediately ran after them"

"Those two have completely beaten me!!"

"The spectators have written their judgement! it's time for the second test!" The announcer shouted with all his might.

"Eh? so the race was the first test?"

"Argh and I completely bummed it"

"We still have several test more, I can make it"

"Actually there are five tests" The announcer told everyone. "So each test has a large impact on your overall score"

"Just five tests?"

"Is it going to be hard? if so it's going to be troublesome"

"The second test will be....." The announcer held.

"Hey there's no use keeping the tension were all expecting the unexpected!"

The contestants all said in chorus.

"Okay contestants, your second hurdle will be to climb the Yangma huang mountain!"

Even the audience were surprised, but the contestants were enraged.


"How do you expect us to climb such a huge mountain?!"

"Are you trying to kill us!?"

"Some stupid king test this is!"

"I want to quit! there's not way I can do this"

"Yeah yeah!"

" I'm ganna quit too!"

In the midst of of all the chaos, only two people were talking in the arena so the rest stopped to listen.

"Say Mickey, why don't we see who gets to the mountain first?"

"You're on! I'll show you I'm better than you"

"Those two are crazy" Someone said.

Even the announcer's jaw dropped.

"Ah, you can leave of you want we're not stopping you".

After that sentence, about ten contestants dropped out.

"Ready" Mickey said.

"Set" Myriad acceded.


"Hold up boys, there's no climbing mountains" The announcer said.


"So what was that all about" Myriad replied coldly.

" It's all a part of the rest" The announcer said. "Now contestants, your scores have been written down by the spectators. Now to the next test".

" What?!"

" That was all just a test!?"

Those that have gone outside the arena asked with annoyance.

" Why didn't you tell us!"

"But I did tell you it was your second test didn't I?"

" But-"

" For crying out loud, you all outside the arena aren't king material. Infact, you don't even qualify as servants so instead of whining about your foolishness why don't you just shut up find something to do with your life?"

" Ooh~ how mean". Myriad said out loud for the announcer to hear. The announcer looked at him. "What you're ganna disqualify me?" Myriad asked without the slightest care.

"Nah, I wouldn't do such a thing" These two have caught the king's eye is I must say. "Now to the third test! all contestants are going to be tested with several weapons. First of all, with archery, you're all going to aim for the centre of the target board on the logs. In five lines, all of you!". Everyone quickly divided themselves into five separate rows each taking turns at hitting the target.

Now it was Myriad's turn.

" Watch and learn, Ickey!"

"Hey!!" Mickey shouted in annoyance.

Myriad gathered all his focus and concentrated on the target in front of him. First hit! in the centre!, then second and third too!! This was quite a fit. All the members of the audience were cheering loudly.

"See that? beat it!"

"Okay!" Mickey said excitedly.

He was also focused. 1,2,3 all three chances went in the centre!!

There was another loud cheer in the crowd.

"These group are really talented"

"No, it's those two they've been competing since the beginning of the test"

"Who do you think is going to pass as king?"

"Hmm. Probably the peasant"

"No, i'ld say it's the baron's son"

"But it's really hard to choose"

"The archery test is now over, next up, the spearmen's test. It requires you to hit a target located faraway".

For Mickey and Myriad, it was another test, another competition and both of them ended up taking a draw.

Not satisfied with the results, they both rushed to the announcer.

"Next test please!"

"And finally for the swords master test, the person you all will be fighting with is the sword expert; Mr. Xeno in person. This caught Myriad's attention.

"This might actually be my chance to 'kill' him by mistake.

One after the other, Xeno fought all the contestants.

"You all are weak, so this is quite boring. Come at me, all at once" Xeno said sheepishly.

"This guy!". It's won't be bad if I kill him here!. "Mickey, let us go at him at once, don't give him time or chance to retaliate! got it!?"

"Dunno why but okay, sounds like fun!" Mickey replied excitedly.

Either Myriad and Mickey were too fast or the others were too slow, they both rushed at Xeno so fiercely they themselves let few seconds to breath in air. It was like they were actually trying to kill him and even Xeno was having a hard time. The rest of the contestants just stood there watching as they were only going to get in the way.

Myriad tried to be sneaky by going for Xeno's side. He was about to stab him but clash! Xeno just wasn't letting it happen. He did a few backflips to get him at a reasonable distance between him and the boys.

"What do we do, Myriad? he doesn't want to die~" Mickey said almost mockingly which irked the nerve of an annoyed Xeno nearby.

"Mickey..." Myriad said surprised. He's really taking this seriously even though I was the one to told him to do it. There's a reason why this guy is my best friend. But he betrayed me. Opens and closes his palms. Am I really going to kill him? But if I don't, history will just repeat itself. But... I can't kill him! Tears welled up in his eyes. "Mickey..."

"Ehh? are you seriously crying right now? Riad, we're in the middle of a fight, what's wrong?" Mickey asked worriedly.

Myriad swiftly turned around and hugged Mickey crying his eyes out. "Mickey! can you promise me, if I become king, will you continue to stay by my side? and don't betray me?" Myriad asked between sniffles.

"Myriad...?" Mickey was surprised. "Idiot, who said you're becoming king-"

"And if it's you that becomes king, I also promise to stay by your side! so let's not betray each other okay?" Myriad said as he cleaned his tears and snot on an oblivious Mickey's clothes.

"Myriad..... of course! "Mickey said smiling.

"Good!" Myriad said smiling smugly. A face Mickey knew too well when he had done something.

"What did you do? " Mickey asked suspiciously.

Myriad picked his nose smiling.

Then Mickey looked at his wet shoulder and saw snot on it. "You f*cking bastard!!" Mickey shouted in annoyance, irritation and disdain. "I'll kill you!".

"Ahahaha" Myriad could only laugh as Mickey chased him round the arena.

"Uhh. It would seem this test is already.... over?" The announcer said


"So.... after a short break, were back here for the fourth test. I'm sorry to burst your bubbles contestants but this test is...... a written test!" The announcer relayed.

"Oh. yeah, okay"

"We ready expect anything, so... "

"It shouldn't be that hard if it's written right? "

" Yeah I guess"

"Oh then, bring out the desks please! "

A few maids brought out desks, pens and writing sheets.

"Take your seats everyone for your time begins now! you only have fifteen minutes for this test".

"Hmm, it's all about history and politics. And these are questions I know. Except for a few though. Haa. It's seems only the nobles will find this easy"


"How was your test, Myri?" Mickey asked

"Oh. More or less fine, what about you- wait who's Myri!?" Myriad said in confusion.

"I aced mine!"

" As expected of a baron's son"

" Heyy, stop that"

"Okay contestants but I'm afraid there will not be any break before the last test so get your preferred wepons ready as your battle royal begins now! this shouldn't be a serious fight so if you have only a slight wound, you're disqualified" The announcer conveyed.

All contestants rushed to get their wepons but after that they all stood there doing nothing.

"Myriad, it seems someone will have to start the fight".

"Yeah, i want to save you for later so I'll start by taking care if the peeps in the way" Myriad said stretching his limbs.

"Hm, okay" Mickey replied. "Then...".

"Let's go!" Myriad acceded.


Just a few minutes had passed before Mickey and Myriad had disqualified everyone Inside the arena. Now, it was a showdown between the last two standing!

I was touched when I was writing the scene with Myriad crying ಥ‿ಥ

Who actually won the title as king wait for the last chapter. Probably.

Not everyone gets second chances, so make good use of each second so you won't have any regrets.

My reign will be endless.

Twix_Futurecreators' thoughts