
I Regressed for Revenge

Myriad was a king who was betrayed and stabbed by his childhood friend. After getting a second chance at regressing by a so-called angel in disguise, he vowed to only pursue his own Interest which is to claim the title of king for himself, marry the woman he loved trampling the kingdom of Traxdart for fun, creating an empire and making sure the backstabbers in his previous life get what they deserve. He appeared in his body ten years ago when he was 19. A day before he became king! ... Afterall, that's what I'm living for. It's a life for revenge!

Twix_Future · Action
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7 Chs

Hunt for Revenge

"Hmm" Myriad pondered. "At this age, I should stlll be living..... here!". It was a rundown building which hosts mostly old people and children. Myriad cried internally. "I suddenly just remembered the reason I wanted to become king. It was to increase the living standards of the poor". Sigh...

"Myriaaaad!!" Mickey shouted while running to his apartment. "I brought you some snacks because you're poor!"

"Because you're poor" Ryu said calmly.

"Yeah, because you're poor~" Mickey repeated.

"Mickey, stop that bad habit of looking down on someone" Ryu criticized.

"But I'm not lying~"

Oh yeah, I used to face this everyday. I'm surprised the past me didn't hate these fuckers."What do you want" Myriad asked coldly.

"Woah" Mickey exclaimed.

"Hm? what?" Myriad asked.

"No, it's just that normally you always shout 'Shut up! I'm not poor I'm ganna be a king and live in riches with my family!!' Yeah, like that"

"Oh, I see" Myriad was Myriad's reply.

"Besides, why did you suddenly just leave, did you hit your head or something?" Mickey asked worriedly.

"You!!". Myriad shouted "Will hit your head or something!!".


"Ahahaha what kind of new habit is that!? haha you're always so funny" Mickey laughed out loud.

"Hm" Myriad snorted. There's no use building up unnecessary relationship this time around, it will only hinder me later. Now I'm hungry. "You losers, drop all you brought and go home!".

"Hm?" Mickey was just as confused as Ryu didn't care. "Wait-".

"Then we'll be taking our leave. Let's go, Mickey".


Ryu and Myriad dragged the struggling Mickey outside by his collar.

"Oh. But you're always free to come, Ryu"

"Oh, then thanks for the invitation"

"Hey! why does Ryu get invited and not me? huh!?-"


"Haa that guy sure is bothersome. But Ryu, why would he want to betray me in the first place? he's probably just following Mickey's order, afterall, he's he's escort. Haa. Well, let's leave all that for later. Either now I'm fucking hungry haven't I eaten for three days or something!?" Myriad begun munching on the snacks Mickey and Ryu brought for him when a child peeked inside and was staring at him.

"Children are scary" Myriad mumbled. "Come" He beckoned. "Have this". Pointed to the chips beside him.

"Really?" The child asked.

"Yeah, whatever" Myriad replied.

"Hey guys, he said to come!" The kids shouted.

Many more kids up to eleven rushed into the room and started grabbing anything eatable.

"H-hey" Myriad just said after they left. "I was robbed by children. What have my life turn to?" Myriad sniffled. Haa.

Another child peeked in.

Children really are scary. "What do you want, I don't have any more snacks".

"No mister, I was ganna give you this"

Really? he's ganna give me something?. "What is it?".

The boy came in and dropped a single chip beside him before running outside.

"I'm a nice person aren't I, big brother?"

"Haa, my life, king got me living the good life. Wait, big brother. Isn't that..... oh, ..... cheese. I've forgotten his name. But I remember i was closer to him than anyone else and that girl Nazareth. It's still evening, perhaps I should take a stroll". Looks at the chip irritatingly. "Like hell I'm ganna eat one chip". Continues to look at it. "No no that's not possible ". Looking... "Arrgh!" Grabs the chip and threw it in his mouth munching when something caught his attention. It was another child. Peeking at him through the door in the hall.

"Children be scary...".

Myriad was walking down a dark and shady alley.

"Haa this place is scary. Let me not forget to make rebuilding this my first priority when I become king".

"When you become king you say?". A man laughed. "As if a brat from the slums could"

"Huh? who the hell are you?" Myriad retorted.

"Calm down, I'm just here for my daily business" The man replied.

"Ho? and what would that be?"

"Little guy, drop some money in the bag and nobody will get hurt".

"Sorry man, but you can't find anything off me".

"Are you trying to play dumb with me? aren't you that baron's son that was jumping about this afternoon".

He must be talking about Mickey. What did that idiot do.

"Calm down, I'm not the one".

" Like hell you're not the one!"

The man threw a hard punch at Myriad. He couldn't dodge or block it on time, so it landed directly on his cheek. He spat out blood.

"What the hell did you just do?" Myriad asked with clear anger in his tone. "Did you not hear me? who the hell do you think you just punched? huh?!"

"W-what's wrong with you?" The thug muttered terrified.

"How dare you raise your hand at your future kung? it seems you don't need your life anymore you imbecile. Kneel".

"Why would I kneel for you brat!" The thug attempted to throw another punch but before he could, Myriad have him a crash-landing kick to the face.

"It seems you don't have respect for those higher than you, so why don't I teach you a lesson?". Myriad bent down to look face to face with the man on the ground. "So, which kind of slap would you prefer? hm?"

"What are you talking about?" The man asked confused.

"I'm asking you a question you fucker!" Myriad have him another kick on the face.

"Y-yes sir! what was the question?" The man whimpered.

"Good. Would you like a right front-hand, or a left back-hand?" Myriad asked holding his hands up in the air and turning his palms.

"F-for what?" The man asked.

"For the slap you mutherfucker!" Myriad shouted and gave the thug a right front-handed slap that resonated throughout the dark alley. Ahh, this is sweet. Myriad thought.

"I'm, I'm sorry sir!".

"If you won't talk, I'll give you my own punishment".

Even the people outside the alley could hear the loud sounds of punches, kickings and beatings and after each, whimpers and cries.

"Hmm. That should be done for now".

He had removed the man's clothes and used his pants to tie him to a lamp post.

"If I ever catch you trying to rob someone again, I'll .... you'll see what do to you!".

Myriad quickly walked away back home as people started coming to laugh at the famous thug tied on a lamp.

"Haa, strolling be trouble. I quite remember what exactly happened. In my past life, I was also strolling in this same alley when that mutherfucker came to rob me. Since I didn't have anything, he beat me up like a wrapped up garbage. Your future king!!. Ah shit people are looking at me, let me hurry home".

At home...

Myriad was laying on the floor with a thin blanket over him. He covered his eyes as he thought about the neck day.

"It's tomorrow huh?. What exactly did I do to pleased the king. That just had to be what I actually forgot. Sigh... anyways, this tomorrow will decide my life, my fate, my reason for regressing. I hope I don't mess it up, because that's when 'they' the backstabbers will show their true colors so I have to keep an eye out". Turns to his side. "The floor is hard as rock, and the blanket is as thin as a plain sheet".


"King got me living the good life..."

My time has come to rule you all!

The world doesn't appreciate oxygen wastes. I can do the world a favour of exterminating your species.

Twix_Futurecreators' thoughts