
I Play Football With A System

What happens when an average footballer discovers a system that gives him unlimited potential? *** Omari Hutchingson was just an average young prospect playing for a second tier football club in England. He is set to have the career of an average second tier footballer, until he discovers the system. Join Omari as he improves his football skills, navigates the world of soccer and strives to be the Greatest Of All Time. Will he achieve his dreams? Or will he end up as not of those talents that were simply unlucky? PS: This isn't only football, I'm also going to put emphasis on his personal life and those around him. Discord link: https://discord.gg/UgHxducb

Heavenmonarch_ · Sports
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103 Chs

First Half

Omari chuckled when he heard the short conversation between Jurg and Michael. Jurg sharply turned towards him and glared at him. Omari didn't keep him in mind and shrugged. He wasn't going to let an immature man who took revenge on a father through his son spoil his mood.

"Anyways, it's just the beginning of the match, who knows what can happen?" Michael said.

Jurg smiled. "You see, I've known these boys longer than you do. Whenever they start like this, they start to get real cocky and start playing with a laid back attitude"

On a regular day, Jug would've been right about his squad, but today they were being watched by their easiest chance of making it to professional football, there was no way that they weren't going to play well.

Middlesbrough continued to dominate possession. Jack and David continuing to show how much quality that they had for a bunch of seventeen year olds.


Once again, Middlesbrough got a chance. This time, it was David who acted as the playmaker. He effortlessly spun past a defender and sent a longball to the right. Joshua trapped the ball and found himself one on one with Sunderland's left back.

His legs flashed over the ball before he finally moved it wide to his right foot. He drove the ball forward a bit before smashing his effort into the side netting.

'What a chance for Middlesbrough there. Nice long pass from Arkenberg to Joshua. Joshua does everything right up to the point of making the shot. I think that he should've crossed it to his striker who was waiting inside the box

'Nice chance from Middlesbrough and once again poor finishing turns it into nothing. They have to work on how clinical they can be if they hope to take anything from this match


Just two minutes later, Middlesbrough had another chance. This time it was on the counter. Sunderland tried to initiate an attack but the ball was stole off the feet of the defender by Ekon. He passed the ball to Ethan Willaims who dribbled for a bit before sending a through ball to Anthony.

By the time Anthony got the ball, he faced an onslaught from center backs on both sides. The only thing he could do at that moment was shoot the ball one time.

He watched as his effort sailed through the air and was moving towards the top right corner of the goalpost. He also watched as the Sunderland goalkeeper dived and pushed his effort away.

"Fuck!" Anthony cursed while kicking the grass.

'And it's another miss from Middlesbrough. Beautiful shot from Anthony. He really made the best of the situation that he was presented with

'That's what any manager would be looking for in a striker isn't it. Ethan Williams really could've done better with the pass there. Just under hit it if you ask me. Anthony did his best to try and convert his chance but Jeremy Butler (Sunderland Goalkeeper) was better

"Fucking Bayard!" Jurg screamed. He hands grabbed handfuls of hair from each side of his head.

Omari's lips tipped upwards. It was never this interesting on the bench during his past life. Even Michael couldn't stop himself from breaking into a smile.

'What is really confusing is the fact that Omari Hutchingson isn't playing tonight. He had the last two weeks off due to personal issues but he is fit tonight and he's starting on the bench'

"I wonder why" Omari muttered loudly enough for Jurg to hear.

"Oh, shut up!" Jurg snapped. His reaction made Michael laugh again.

"I like this kid" Michael declared.

"I'm pretty sure that you'll regret your decision in the near future"

Omari shrugged. "Or he won't" He said. "I've been told by many that I'm quite likeable"

As soon as be said those words, he remembered Amber. He wondered if she actually came to watch the match.

With a shake of his head, he drove any thoughts about Amber to the back of his mind. He couldn't afford to distract himself at this time.

The next thirty five minutes were extremely agonizing to Jurg and funny to Omari and Michael, and of course the other players sitting on the bench who didn't have the balls to laugh out loud.

He had cursed at every single players on the field, except the goalkeeper. Ayanfe had relatively little to do in the first place so it was hard for Jurg to find fault with him.

The rest however, was a completely different story.

To be fair to the midfielders and the defenders, they did their jobs very well. The midfielders ensured food ball rotation while creating chances for the forward. The defenders, spearheaded by Ekon kept the Sunderland attacking players quiet. The only group of players that kept messing up were the forward.

The wingers weren't involved in creating chances, they were lazy when it came to defending and even when they were spoon fed chances, they threw it away. It was frustrating for Jurg to hear.

"I wonder if the gaffer has any other choice waiting on the bench" Omari said to Conrad Bishop. He spoke loudly enough so that Jurg would hear him.

Conrad looked at him with respect. There was absolutely no-one in the squad that had the balls to even think about taunting Jurg should they be in Omari's situation, and yet here Omari was, doing what they feared to even think of.

To his surprise, Jurg didn't burst out screaming, instead he told Omari to start stretching his body. The first half was basically already over so Omari was definitely going to play in the second half.

Omari never realized how funny te half time pep talk given by Jurg was. It took all his self control for him not to burst out laughing while Jurg was criticizing the other players.

Steve revised some tactics with them and told them that they would function with a 4-2-4 formation for the first ten minutes of the second half with Jack playing the role of a second striker. They were still to change to a 5-2-3 formation when off the ball.

He told them couple of other things before they were called out to the field by a match official.

The second half was about to begin!

A/N: The usual

100 PS= 1 Extra Chapter

15 Chapter comments = 1 Extra Chapter

Book getting contracted = 2 Extra chapters and an update rate of 2 chapters a day for the next two weeks.