
I Opened a Dojo in Marvel

Before reading the description I would first like to say that I am sorry for the delay in my other novel but I am really busy on which I am now here with a new novel that I am passing on to you nor have I forgotten my novel The Pirate Achievement System and I will publish a set of 10 chapters midnight my time ... well... That's enough bullshit now isn't it!! ________________________________________________ Huang Wen, who fell on the ring, crossed to American Chinatown and inherited a martial arts gym. The local film and television lottery system allowed him to draw Yi Wen's ability. "Fist, it is not." Huang Wen said, What? This is Marvel? Pardon…… Who said domestic film and television dramas are inferior to Marvel movies? I asked Huang to use the capabilities of local film and television dramas to tell the entire Marvel universe that boxing is not like that! Spear fighting, sunflower acupuncture hand, Tathagata palm, fencing art, magic phone ... Let you see the power of domestic film and television drama! Starting a martial arts gym, ability, it all depends on liberation. { Author:ling gan yi kao meng }

Itsh1999 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter : 20

"However, I don't know the so-called free fighting champions. It still needs to be planned slowly." Huang asked, swallowing an egg and drinking porridge, "moreover, the appearance fee of those champions is not low. Although I have some money, I want to maximize the benefits..."

Huang Wen doesn't care about the mere fighting champions, not to mention their fighting skills, but that their physical quality is not even higher than the original Huang Wen, not to mention the 34 point energy Huang Wen now?

"Ask brother, maybe I can help you contact, and I don't need to pay any money..." Zhong Qiang hesitated in his eyes and glanced at Zhong Bo next to him. It seemed that it was because Zhong Bo was there and didn't know whether to say the following words.

"Why? Is there anything else I can't hear?" Zhong Bobai glanced at Zhong Qiang and frowned, "you won't know the people you shouldn't know?"

"It's my roommate. His name is Rees Fisk. There is also a small Gang in his family. I just listened to him about the mutants of the Gelian gang." Zhong Qiang scratched his head. "Although he is a gang member at home, he is still very kind, and I have some common language with him."

"Rees Fisk?" Huang asked, saying he had never heard of the name. "There are mutants in their gang? But I don't want mutants as opponents."

"You know, people in this country have different views on mutants. I'm afraid playing with mutants won't attract the audience. It will even be considered that I was boycotted because I cooperated with mutants."

"Of course I know this. Mutants are hiding in the dark now. I haven't heard of mutants appearing in public." Zhong Qiang nodded. "Mutants have also appeared in our school. I won't hear the news any more soon. Listen to Reese, he was taken away."

"I'm going to help you contact the champion of free fighting. There are several more. His father is also a free fighting lover, so his father specially paid for the top fighting champion to practice."

"Practice with the fight champion? It's not like what ordinary small gangs can do!" Huang asked, frowning. You know, although the fight champion is nothing in Huang's opinion, among ordinary people, the fight champion already exists at the top!

There are more than one fighting champion who can practice with the fighting champion. It can be seen that the gang of REEs Fisk's family is definitely not simple!

"Don't worry. Ask brother. Reese didn't mean me any harm. At the beginning, there were four people in our bedroom. Two people moved out when they learned that Reese's family was a gang. Only I stayed." Zhong Qiang smiled and shook his head.

"So, Reese and I are good friends who can talk, otherwise they wouldn't tell me so many things!"

"Why don't you move out?" Huang asked suddenly.

"Reese is chubby and doesn't look like a dangerous person." Zhong Qiang shrugged. "Moreover, his family is a gang. It's none of his business. He hasn't done anything bad. He doesn't even have any bad habits except being lazy in his bedroom."

"OK, since you trust him so much, you can contact him." Huang asked, finally nodded, and then looked at Zhong Qiang seriously. "However, Xiaoqiang, you should remember that if he starts to help his family, you should keep a distance from him!"

"Don't worry, ask elder brother, I'll pay attention." Zhong Qiang smiled and agreed. Uncle Zhong didn't mean to object, but he saw many gangs and gangsters when he came to Chinatown.

Zhong Qiang took a mouthful of porridge, took out his mobile phone and called Rees Fisk. Soon a slightly smiling voice rang out: "hello? Alarm clock, didn't you go home? What can I do for you? I handed in the leave slip for you."

"Haven't class yet? I have something to ask you." Zhong Qiang heard Reese Fisk's address to himself, and a trace of embarrassment flashed on his face. This is the nickname Wilson Reese gave him after knowing the Chinese meaning of Zhong.

"Is it about the Corinthian Gang? I've received the news. The Corinthian gang has been basically destroyed, and the mutant who seems to have evolved has died. As soon as you inquired about the Corinthian Gang, something happened to the Corinthian gang. Shouldn't it have anything to do with you?" Rees Fisk's exploratory voice sounded.

"Evolutionary mutants?" Zhong Qiang subconsciously glanced at Huang and asked, then laughed, "do you think highly of me too? However, it's really good news that the Gelian gang was destroyed!"

"Well, what's the matter with you looking for me?" Rees Fisk shook his head. "Class will begin in a minute. Please speak quickly."

"Last time you told me that your father's boxing practice is accompanied by the fighting champion, isn't it true?" Zhong Qiang organized a language and asked.

"Of course it's true. Why? You also want to practice fighting?" Rees Fisk's voice smiled. "Forget your thin arms and legs!"

"You also said me, where are you going? You're fat. It's hard to climb to the upper berth!" Zhong Qiang fought back. It seems that their relationship is really good.

"Well, what's the matter with you looking for a fighting champion?" Rees Fisk asked seriously.

"Well, my neighbor asked me, the one I told you is good at fighting. I want to find a fighting champion to compete with and help publicize his martial arts school." Zhong Qiang looked at Huang and asked, "you know, our business in Chinatown is very poor now. We have to find a way to make some money!"

"OK, I'll contact my father first and give you an answer." Rees Fisk nodded clearly and agreed.

"The reward..." Zhong Qiang was a little nervous for a moment and subconsciously licked his mouth.

"What's our relationship and a fee?" said Rees Fisk with a smile. "Well, if things work out, how about inviting me to your hot pot restaurant?"

"OK, thank you very much!" Zhong Qiang smiled and felt a warm current surging in his heart. Especially in front of Huang Wen and Zhong Bo, he suddenly felt that he had a lot of face.

"Thank you. I'll give you an answer as soon as possible. Try to get this weekend." Rees Fisk smiled and shook his head. "Well, I'll contact my father first and hang up."

"OK." Zhong Qiang put down the phone with some excitement, looked at Huang and smiled with Zhong Bo, "just wait for him to contact."

"OK, let's wait for the news." Huang asked, nodding with a smile.