
I Opened a Dojo in Marvel

Before reading the description I would first like to say that I am sorry for the delay in my other novel but I am really busy on which I am now here with a new novel that I am passing on to you nor have I forgotten my novel The Pirate Achievement System and I will publish a set of 10 chapters midnight my time ... well... That's enough bullshit now isn't it!! ________________________________________________ Huang Wen, who fell on the ring, crossed to American Chinatown and inherited a martial arts gym. The local film and television lottery system allowed him to draw Yi Wen's ability. "Fist, it is not." Huang Wen said, What? This is Marvel? Pardon…… Who said domestic film and television dramas are inferior to Marvel movies? I asked Huang to use the capabilities of local film and television dramas to tell the entire Marvel universe that boxing is not like that! Spear fighting, sunflower acupuncture hand, Tathagata palm, fencing art, magic phone ... Let you see the power of domestic film and television drama! Starting a martial arts gym, ability, it all depends on liberation. { Author:ling gan yi kao meng }

Itsh1999 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter : 19

The door of Bayu hotpot store was closed by Zhong Qiang. He took Huang and asked, looking a little excited, walked in and stunned Zhong Bo who came out with a casserole.

"What's so happy? Xiaowen, no, you're really going to pass on your family martial arts to Xiaoqiang?" Zhong Bo put down the casserole and shook his head. "Zhong Bo advised you to find a better successor or record your boxing skills so as not to lose it..."

"Dad, what you said, are you my father?" Zhong Qiang glanced unhappily. "Listen to you, my qualification is not good?"

"Cut! I didn't know you. At that time, you peeked at you and asked me to practice martial arts. After standing back for ten minutes, he was tired and paralyzed..." Uncle Zhong couldn't help laughing and began to talk about Zhong Qiang's embarrassment. "It doesn't matter if you are tired and paralyzed. You can't even walk the next day... Huh!"

As soon as Zhong Bo's words were finished, Zhong Qiang covered his mouth. Zhong Qiang smiled awkwardly and said, "ask brother, drink porridge, drink porridge!"

"Drink seafood porridge early in the morning?" Huang asked. Smelling the strong seafood flavor, he couldn't help laughing. "Has Zhong Bo boiled eggs? It's better to eat eggs in the morning, which is good for your health."

"You need more eggs for such delicious porridge." Zhong Bo asked angrily, "but I really cooked some eggs. I'll bring them to you."

"Hey, my father deliberately..." when Zhong Bo went to the back kitchen, Zhong Qiang lowered his voice, "when I said to call you, I saw him cook eggs... Alas!"

"Pa!" Zhong Qiang's head was patted gently. Zhong Bo put the dialed eggs on the table and said, "here, eat!"

"Don't be angry, Dad, we have good news for you!" Zhong Qiang quickly stood up to help serve porridge, with a bright smile on his face.

"Good news? What good news?" when Zhong Bo saw Zhong Qiang and Huang Wen, the smile on his face didn't look like fraud. He looked at them seriously and asked.

"Brother Wen has taken revenge!" Zhong Qiang put the first bowl of porridge in front of Zhong Bo and said with a smile.

"Revenge?" Uncle Zhong couldn't help but be stunned. Then he subconsciously looked at Huang and asked. You know, Huang asked only yesterday that he wanted to find the elder brother's gang for revenge. Why did he get up this morning and have finished revenge?

"It's true. I went to the brotherhood Gang last night." Huang asked calmly and nodded. "I killed all the senior members of the brotherhood gang who were involved in my father's death, and the brotherhood gang was destroyed."

"There's another mutant!" Zhong Qiang added excitedly. "Brother Wen was hurt by him, but brother Wen still won!"

"Are you hurt? Isn't it a big deal?" Zhong Bo didn't bother to talk to any mutants, but looked at Huang with some worry and asked, "have you left any traces?"

"Don't worry, uncle Zhong, all the people who have seen me are dead, and there is no camera to take pictures of me." Huang asked with a smile and shook his head. "In this way, my father's revenge will be rewarded. I'm going to rest for a few days, heal my wounds, and then try to develop the martial arts school, so..."

Huang Wen looked at Zhong Qiang and smiled at Zhong Bo. It was self-evident that he had solved the elder brother's gang. When he recovered, would Zhong Qiang help himself?

Zhong Bo heard that Huang Wen took revenge. He didn't care how many people Huang Wen killed. He wandered in the United States. When he was young, he saw a lot of fighting and killing. He knew that Huang Wen had taken revenge for Huang Hong. He was very pleased. The stone in his heart was finally put down.

As for whether Huang Wen's story will be exposed, Zhong Bo is not worried. If someone dares to come to Chinatown to investigate Huang Wen, he dares to take everyone in Chinatown to give Huang Wen an alibi.

Besides, Zhong Bo knows some of Huang Wen's skills. I believe he can deal with the Gelian Gang alone after he is ready. Who would believe that Huang Wen can destroy a gang alone!

"Xiaoqiang, how long do you have to start your internship?" Zhong Bo looked at Zhong Qiang. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, especially in a foreign country. Huang Wen and Zhong Qiang, even if they are close brothers, naturally need to support each other.

"In about half a month, the course will be over." Zhong Qiang thought about the class schedule and couldn't help scratching his head. "Dad, you don't want me to come back to help?"

"Go and ask your brother for help. You can exercise when you're free." Zhong Bo glared at Zhong Qiang. "Look at your brother's physique. I'm looking at your thin arms and legs. Dad doesn't ask you to practice your ability to ask your brother. It's better to be stronger!"

"Go and ask brother for help?" Zhong Qiang's eyes brightened. He thought of what Huang Wen had just said to himself in Yongchun martial arts school, and quickly smiled, "brother, do you have any plans? I'll help you..."

"I don't want salary or anything, but your family martial arts can't be delayed any more. Why do you have to teach me how to defend myself?"

"Don't worry, you're indispensable for both salary and martial arts." Huang asked with a smile and shook his head. "Salary is sweet. Practicing martial arts is a pain. You should be ready!"

"Then ask brother, do you have any plans?" Zhong Qiang's eyes turned. "What I told you before, simple tricks and hierarchy, what do you think?"

"I think so, but it's not attractive enough." Huang asked for a moment. "I can really divide Yongchun boxing into six levels: Apprentice level, entry level, proficiency level, master level and master level, and then teach Yongchun boxing tricks of different difficulty at each level."

"However, even if we do so, it is not enough to beat out the name of our Yongchun martial arts school, because in this way, there is no difference between our Yongchun martial arts school and normal karate schools, and it does not have enough attraction for the audience."

"Yes." Zhong Qiang nodded and thought, "publicity is indeed a very important point. Relying on leaflets and TV newspapers alone is not enough to let people know Yongchun martial arts school, and these publicity need funds..."

"I have a simple idea to hype." Huang asked, looking at Zhong Qiang and laughing, "you said, we invite TV stations and newspapers to publicize, and then let the champion of comprehensive combat or free fighting like UFC fight with me. If we win, will many people come to our martial arts school?"

"Fight champion?" Zhong Qiang's eyes lit up. He didn't even ask Huang if he could beat the fight champion. Joking, even mutants are not his opponent. He asked brother. He's just a fight champion at the level of ordinary people. It's not a matter of minutes for brother to beat him?

Please let me know if there are errors while reading and please support me with a comment and help me improve...

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