
I open a black store in Douluo Dalu

Ye Xuan ventured to the Douluo continent and got hold of a black store system. Wasting no time, he set up a black store in the bustling city of Tiandou, where he sold a variety of mysterious treasure chests. Each chest contained diverse items, some of which did not originate from the Douluo continent. At one point, Ning Fengzhi opened a treasure chest and enhanced his martial spirit with the Qiluo Tulip, directly ascending to the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Qian Renxue also allowed herself to be tempted, using treasures from the Tiandou Empire to open a chest that led her to the throne of a deity. Bibi Dong, meanwhile, opened a divine scroll that catapulted her to a divine level of power. However, as hundred-level Douluos emerged, no one took Ye Xuan, the owner of the black tent, seriously. Even when Tang San, with two divine positions, acquired nine red and one golden spirit rings and intended to plunder Ye Xuan's store, Ye Xuan simply used a divine deprivation scroll to snatch his divine positions. Ultimately, Ye Xuan's humble tent was proven to be superior to all the gods in the world. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Book&Literature
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92 Chs

"Negotiations in the Black Tent: Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong vs. Ye Xuan "

In a luxurious courtyard, Ward knelt on the ground and told what had just happened in a very embarrassed manner.

Finally, he raised his head and said with a hateful expression on his face, "Your Majesty the Pope, great priest, the owner of that black tent did not take our Spiritual Temple seriously at all. Not only did he verbally abuse us, he even threatened to attack the Spiritual mountain. Capture the Pope and take him as his wife. Those four faithful didn't even take the Spiritual Palace into consideration."

"I'm a little curious as to why they didn't kill you," Bibi Dong said coldly.

Ward's expression changed, but he also knew that his little trick must have been discovered by the Pope.

He lowered his head and quickly left the courtyard.

In the courtyard, the flowers are in full bloom, the fragrance is wafting and the scenery is very charming.

In a pavilion, Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong sat on the stool, a cup of tea was steaming and the fragrance of tea was coming.

It is a pity that neither of us is in such a mood.

Obviously, this negotiation was not as smooth as expected, or it could be said that Tian Hu and Tian Bao did not have such a high status in each other's mind.

After a long time, Qian Daoliu slowly said, "It looks like you still need to go there in person. It really won't work until your seal is unlocked."

The two fought to the death last time, but now they are directly united in front of their common enemy.

Bibi Dong didn't expect that the level 100 gods couldn't break the seal that Ye Xuan casually arranged, it sounded a bit ironic.

"Let's go tonight. I will take Tian Hu and Tian Bao there for the night. However, the seal on my body is not bad. How will our Spiritual Palace carry with it in the future? Golden Crocodile, Tian Hu, Tian Lang, Tian Bao, are with the mysterious store owner, this is already a very powerful force that can definitely play the most important role in critical times," Bibi Dong said in a deep voice.

From the beginning, Bibi Dong didn't care much about the seal on her body, what mattered most to her was how to let the Spiritual Palace unify the continent and become the strongest woman.

Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong, which was in line with what he had in mind.

"It's only a few people, I think they want wealth, just try to satisfy them. The world is so big, even if you cut off a piece of it, it's not a bad idea. If that doesn't work, you can still give them high ranking officials, generous salaries, beauties, rights and power. Just give them what they want," Qian Daoliu said casually.

Qian Daoliu is a man and he knows what men need, which is nothing but money, beauty and power.

Don't say they will when they conquer the mainland, even now they can give him whatever they want.

Bibi Dong knew that Qian Daoliu had imagined the man too simply. If what the man wanted was only superficial things, why should she be so worried?

I'm afraid that the man called Ye Xuan also wants this world.

Ye Xuan's small courtyard is still too small to accommodate so many people, so he has no choice but to let Tian Lang and the others stay at the inn first. Once the recent business is finished, they will buy a place outside and officially settle down.

When night falls, the small store that should have been closed long ago is still open, and the dim light spreads out into the street that was deserted for a long time, making it seem a little quiet.

In the store, Ye Xuan was reading a book, while Golden Crocodile, who could get out of bed and walk, was sitting not far away, as if waiting for something.

It was not until midnight that Ye Xuan put down the book in his hand and said, "People are here."

Indeed, a sound of footsteps was heard from afar and they finally walked straight into the black tent. 

"Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu, indeed, they are together. It seems that something is wrong with Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire."

As soon as Golden Crocodile saw the person coming, he said coldly.

That's right, the people who came were none other than Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong.

It's just that at this moment the two of them simply changed their clothes, if they were unfamiliar with each other, they wouldn't be able to recognize them.

"Guests are here, please take a seat," Ye Xuan said with a smile.

After Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong sat down, Bibi Dong directly said, "Help me unlock the seal and I will release Tian Hu and Tian Bao."

A faint smile appeared on Ye Xuan's lips, who chuckled and said, "You two, don't you think something is missing around me?"


Bibi Dong looked at him carefully and discovered that Ye Xuan who was still sitting on the same stool he used to sit on and there were still rows of treasure chests behind him. There was no difference from the last time he saw him.

No, there was nothing missing.

"Tian Lang," Bibi Dong said in a deep voice.

Ye Xuan clapped his hands and showed an admiring smile on his face. This woman is really powerful. Worthy of being the pope.

If not for Tang San's aura as the protagonist, the woman in front of him would definitely triumph.

Even if he loses in the end, the knowledge, talent and skills of the woman in front of him are terrifying.

"I think, at this moment, Tian Lang has rescued Tian Hu and Tian Bao. In other words, you have no bargaining chip in your hands, so what can you talk to me about?", Ye Xuan said.

Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong did not panic at all. They did not know whether what Ye Xuan said was true or false. Even if it was true, they would not panic at all.

Once there was chaos, it meant that the other party would take advantage of it.

"Ye Xuan, not everyone is stupid, don't make such twists and turns. Just tell me directly what conditions you want before you are willing to break the seal on me," Bibi Dong asked.

"You just need to get the 700 million gold coins out of the soul. You won't forget it so quickly or else," Ye Xuan said.

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, "Do you think I have 700 million gold soul coins? Even if I have, I will never agree. Let's do this, I will take out fifty million gold soul coins." In addition to Tian Hu and Tian Bao. In the future, we can still be friends, and our Spirit Palace can also be a regular customer of your black store. how about this? This condition is generous enough.

Although he is already in a disadvantageous situation, he still keeps his cool. This Bibi Dong is indeed a hero among women. With such a woman to help her, she will quickly be able to gain a foothold even in the Kingdom of God.

"Bibi Dong, compared to those things outside of me, I think you are very attractive to me. In comparison, I am very interested in you. You might as well think about it carefully," Ye Xuan said with a smile.

Jin Crocodile laughed and said, "If the pope and young master unite we will be a family in the future and there won't be so many quarrels. It will be good to live in harmony. If we add a few more young masters, that's even better."

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