
I open a black store in Douluo Dalu

Ye Xuan ventured to the Douluo continent and got hold of a black store system. Wasting no time, he set up a black store in the bustling city of Tiandou, where he sold a variety of mysterious treasure chests. Each chest contained diverse items, some of which did not originate from the Douluo continent. At one point, Ning Fengzhi opened a treasure chest and enhanced his martial spirit with the Qiluo Tulip, directly ascending to the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Qian Renxue also allowed herself to be tempted, using treasures from the Tiandou Empire to open a chest that led her to the throne of a deity. Bibi Dong, meanwhile, opened a divine scroll that catapulted her to a divine level of power. However, as hundred-level Douluos emerged, no one took Ye Xuan, the owner of the black tent, seriously. Even when Tang San, with two divine positions, acquired nine red and one golden spirit rings and intended to plunder Ye Xuan's store, Ye Xuan simply used a divine deprivation scroll to snatch his divine positions. Ultimately, Ye Xuan's humble tent was proven to be superior to all the gods in the world. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Book&Literature
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93 Chs

"Challenging the Gods: Ye Xuan Responds to Threats from the Spiritual Palace "

After Tian Lang, Tian Hu, Tian Bao and their subordinates entered Tiandou City, they split into two groups and booked two courtyards in two inns.

It was not long before the three of them separated.

Tian Lang went alone to another courtyard and first took the group of people living in the courtyard to the black tent.

Tian Hu and Tian Bao went to the courtyard where Qian Daoliu was.

There were no accidents from Tian Lang, but there were some surprises from Tian Hu and Tian Bao.

"Two adults, you are back."

As soon as Tian Hu and Tian Bao entered the inn, the waiter came over with a diligent look on his face, a smile on his face and was extremely excited.

Tian Hu directly threw in two silver coins and the store waiter became even more excited.

"By the way, two adults, would you like some food and wine?" the waiter asked with a smile.

Tian Hu and Tian Bao paused for a moment, looked at the waiter and Tian Bao asked, "What food and drink are you preparing?".

"I just saw a customer come to your courtyard. I just asked casually." I'm talking too much. I deserve to die. I deserve to die." "The waiter thought he had offended them both and quickly apologized.

Tian Hu and Tian Bao looked at each other and both saw some hesitation and wariness in each other's eyes.

You must know that when they came to Tiandou City, they betrayed the Spiritual Palace and stayed in Tiandou City for fear of others knowing their location, so how could they have guests?

Tian Hu took out a golden soul coin and threw it directly to the waiter.

Golden soul coin?

The store waiter looked at the gold soul coin in his hand, feeling really doubtful of life.

He never expected the two people in front of him to be so generous, it seems the flattery has paid off.

This is a gold coin for the soul, enough for half a year's salary.

"We have never come back and you haven't seen us, do you understand?", Tian Hu said in a deep voice.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly.

"I know, I know. The two adults haven't been back since they left in the morning. They haven't returned since then," the waiter said quickly.

Tian Hu nodded and left the inn with Tian Bao.

The store waiter was also confused and felt that something seemed to be going on.

But soon, he put these things behind him and only concentrated on the coin he had won Why worry about other people's affairs?

What's more, all those people are noble soul masters at first glance, and I can't afford to offend any of them.

Late into the night, Ye Xuan waited for the arrival of Tian Hu and Tian Bao.

Fortunately, that day Tian Lang brought people from another inn early. There were a total of five Soul Douluo and seven Soul Saints, all of whom were given master-servant soul rings.

"Master, would you like me to take someone to take a look," Tian Lang said with a worried expression on his face as he looked at the moon in the sky.

Ye Xuan was in no hurry. After all, they were two super Douluo, and even if they faced Qian Daoliu, they could hold on for a few minutes.

"Let's wait and see. This kind of thing can't be rushed. Moreover, if they really encounter something unexpected, even if you knew about it, it won't help," Ye Xuan said.

Tian Lang looked helpless and could only look outside from time to time.

Dawn came, there was still no message from the other side.

"It seems that something really happened. Let's hope they come to negotiate," Ye Xuan stretched and said casually. ˆ

That bastard Qian Daoliu for sure kidnapped them.

I don't know what happened to Tian Hu and Tian Bao. The two super Douluo were caught by others without making any sound.

Fortunately, there is good news from Golden Crocodile.

I must say that after becoming a god, his physique is very good, although he was almost beaten to death and was unconscious for several days, but it only took him two days to wake up and he was almost cured.

Perhaps, by this time tomorrow, he will be completely well.

At dawn, the doors open for business.

As soon as I opened the door, there was a person standing outside.

"Ward, you're here, how's the situation there?"

As soon as Tian Lang saw the person coming, his face lit up and he quickly asked.

Ward looked at Tian Lang expressionlessly and said in a deep voice, "I have obeyed the high priest's order and I advise the fourth priest that as long as you return as a prodigal son, the high priest will not punish you" "Otherwise, if you decide to stay your whole family will pay the price."

As he said that, without looking at the livid Tian Lang, he entered the dark store and approached Ye Xuan.

"Are you the merchant?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

"The high priest said that Tian Hu and Tian Bao's lives will be exchanged for you to release the seal."

Indeed, they actually fell into the hands of Qian Daoliu.

And his request turned out to be this, which did not surprise Ye Xuan at all.

In any case, Xue Qinghe, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong have common interests.

"It's a joke. Tian Hu and Tian Bao are just two titled Douluo, but you want to exchange them for a hundred level god. Your calculations are failing. Go back and tell Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong, if you want me to break the seal show some sincerity. If you dare to hurt Tian Hu and Tian Bao, you will never break the seal in this life and you will be a useless person for the rest of your life. Besides, who are you? You are worthy of telling me Conditions. Go back and let Qian Daoliu or Bibi Dong come," Ye Xuan said coldly.

Ward's face was ugly, he thought Tian Lang would insult him, but he still didn't expect a merchant would dare to scold him.

He is a level eighty-three Soul Douluo, and his status is very high even in the Spirit Palace, and he even has the possibility of becoming a Titled Douluo.

"Do you know I am?"

With a 'pop' sound, Tian Lang slapped Ward hard in the face, sending him, flying backwards.


Half of Ward's face was swollen, several teeth were knocked out and his head was covered, however, he dared not show any discontent, so he got up and ran away.

"Master, why don't you let me kill him? It's better to kill such a capricious beast," Tian Lang said fiercely.

Ye Xuan sneered. He knew too many secrets about the Spirit Palace. For example, Xue Qinghe was Bibi Dong's daughter, called Qian Renxue. Another example is that Bibi Dong killed Qian Daoliu's son and Qian Renxue's father.

What's more, now that Bibi Dong has been sealed by himself, only he can unlock the seal.

If you want to play, you must know who to play with.

"Don't be impatient, take your time, it won't be good if you kill him at once. Two hundred level gods want to fight with me, but they still have a long way to go," Ye Xuan said calmly.

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