
I open a black store in Douluo Dalu

Ye Xuan ventured to the Douluo continent and got hold of a black store system. Wasting no time, he set up a black store in the bustling city of Tiandou, where he sold a variety of mysterious treasure chests. Each chest contained diverse items, some of which did not originate from the Douluo continent. At one point, Ning Fengzhi opened a treasure chest and enhanced his martial spirit with the Qiluo Tulip, directly ascending to the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Qian Renxue also allowed herself to be tempted, using treasures from the Tiandou Empire to open a chest that led her to the throne of a deity. Bibi Dong, meanwhile, opened a divine scroll that catapulted her to a divine level of power. However, as hundred-level Douluos emerged, no one took Ye Xuan, the owner of the black tent, seriously. Even when Tang San, with two divine positions, acquired nine red and one golden spirit rings and intended to plunder Ye Xuan's store, Ye Xuan simply used a divine deprivation scroll to snatch his divine positions. Ultimately, Ye Xuan's humble tent was proven to be superior to all the gods in the world. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Book&Literature
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92 Chs

"Unexpected Proposal: Jin Crocodile and his Entourage Seek Miss Tang in the Haotian Sect"

With a thunderous 'explosion' sound, Qian Daoliu slammed the table hard, his angry gaze was nailed with intensity, as if he wanted to devour those around him.

Although his son was gone, Bibi Dong had given birth to a daughter with him, which was equivalent to having a daughter-in-law. How could they insult her like that?

Bibi Dong didn't have such a big reaction, he just looked at Ye Xuan and said with a smile, "Do you really think so? I am much older than you."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Older? How long will your life last after becoming a hundred level god? How many years matter if you are older than me? If you agree, I will unlock the seal on you. I will go to the Spirit palace in a month's time to propose marriage and we will get married in a year's time."

"I have no objection, after all, who doesn't like a strong man. But the time to get married will definitely not be now. Even if I can ascend to the God Realm, I will ascend as the master of Douluo Continent. You just need to help me get rid of Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire, and I will definitely marry you," Bibi Dong said in a deep voice.

"In your eyes, this Douluo Continent is very important, but in my eyes, this Douluo Continent is nothing. My battlefield is in the Kingdom of God. I want to take root in the God Realm and then rule all the heavens and worlds. "Of course. Now that I have come to this Douluo continent, I don't mind unifying the world. However, the person who unifies the world is me, not you. It's better for you to be my wife," Ye Xuan said.

Bibi Dong smiled charmingly, "Then it depends on who has better means. Let's see who can unify the world first in ten years. Whoever unifies the world first will be the leader in the future, how about that."

If a woman is disobedient and wants to change things, Ye Xuan naturally doesn't mind teaching her a lesson and letting her see how powerful her man is.

"It's settled in a word," Ye Xuan said.

As he spoke, he casually lifted Bibi Dong's seal with a wave of his hand.

Feeling that he had regained his strength, Bibi Dong felt infinite self-confidence in his heart.

I am the Pope of the Spiritual Palace, what good is this black tent?

Even if there are three super Douluo, including the Golden Crocodile, Tian Hu, Tian Bao and Tian Lang, Bibi Dong still believes that he is absolutely capable of unifying the world in front of Ye Xuan.

As for breaking his word?

If Ye Xuan can still unify the continent in the current situation, it is not impossible to marry him.

"Then, will we be a family in the future?", Jin Crocodile asked a little surprised.



Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu left.

This time, they would leave Tiandou City and return to Spirit Mountain.

Soon after Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu left, Tian Lang, Tian Hu and Tian Bao came back together.

The others followed Bibi Dong and the others and left. Now Ye Xuan only has Golden Crocodile and three Titled Douluo by his side, plus the five Soul Douluo and the seven Soul Saints.

Short on manpower?

For Ye Xuan, he already has plenty of manpower. If he wants to improve the strength of his men, it will only take a minute.

Two days later, Golden Crocodile's wounds were completely healed.

Ye Xuan used his own money to prepare a generous dowry and asked them to go to Haotian Sect to propose marriage.

Tang Yuehua accepted great benefits from himself, even if he hid in Haotian Sect, he could not escape.

After the Haotian Sect retreated, he located three hundred miles east of Tiandou City among the mountains.

Jin Crocodile and others led a team of hundreds of people to the Haotian Sect to propose marriage, and under Ye Xuan's guidance, they reached a small mountain village in three days.

Smoke rises all over the village and it is time for lunch. ˆ

In the fields at the entrance of the village, many people were packing agricultural tools and there were children playing on the road.

Golden Crocodile and others walked very ostentatiously down the road, the long line making it hard not to be noticed.

But when Jin Crocodile and others arrived at their final destination, everyone was a little unbelievable.

"Is this the Haotian Sect, known as the largest sect in the world? Have we come to the wrong place? The address master gave us must not be fake, right?", Tian Lang asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

Obviously, this is a very ordinary mountain village, how could it be the Haotian Sect?

"Shut up," Golden Crocodile said in a deep voice.

Tian Lang smiled and then fixed his gaze on the small mountain village in front of him.

Seeing the arrival of Golden Crocodile and others, the old farmers working in the fields quickened their pace and quickly returned to the village with the children playing.

At the entrance to the village, many villagers also appeared.

This world is not peaceful. In general, every village is close-knit and rejects outsiders, let alone hundreds of people.

"Let's go take a look at the village. If not this place, we should at least eat some hot rice," Jin Crocodile said.

Before leaving, the golden crocodile raised his hand and drums and music began to play, as if it was a wedding ceremony.

"Please get out of here, we do not welcome outsiders here."

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they were stopped outside without any surprise.

At the entrance to the village was a group of people with agricultural tools and, in the distance, children poking their heads out.

As soon as Golden Crocodile raised his hand, the drumming stopped.

"This old man and several brothers, I am here to see you. My young master has entrusted us to propose marriage," Jin Crocodile said with a smile.

 Propose marriage?

The people blocking the entrance to the village looked at each other in confusion. People from their village usually rarely go out, so how could they marry people from outside?

"I'm afraid you are mistaken. Our village has very little contact with the outside world. How could we marry you?" said an old man with a cold face.

Jin Crocodile still said unhurriedly, "Whether it is a marriage or not, you will know as soon as you call the person and ask. The woman served girlfriend my master Ye Xuan in Tiandou City. When I was in Tiandou City, she was with my young master. The two fell in love and became engaged for life. Miss Tang said she wanted to go home to talk to her family, but she didn't know that several months would pass and she still wouldn't return. My young master became sick with worry, so he asked the old slave to bring someone home to propose marriage..... If it is rude, please forgive me. If it is rude, I am here to apologize."

Miss Tang?

They don't know who Ye Xuan is, but they still know about Miss Tang who came back a month ago.

That's the biological sister of the sect leader, Tang Yuehua.

This small mountain village is not Haotian Sect but the outpost of Haotian Sect. The people living here are all affiliated branches of the Haotian Sect.

Now that something like this happened, they did not dare to be lazy, but they did not dare to let Jin Crocodile and others enter the village, and they had to let Jin Crocodile and others wait outside the village and sent the people back. to report to the Haotian Sect.

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