
I only wish to Survive The Doomsday

In the realm of gaming, Shen Congfei, a popular content creator, found himself on the final day of a beta test for a new game, only to unexpectedly traverse into a world strikingly similar to the game's backdrop. However, there was a puzzling discrepancy: Instead of the anticipated wasteland survival and scavenging, he found himself in an urban campus setting. Wait a moment, what's this? Is this just before the onset of doomsday? Does that mean the world hasn't undergone nuclear devastation yet? He gazed up at the sky, only to behold... ... Several years later, clad in interstellar armor, Shen Congfei led a group of players, surrounded by various apocalyptic scenarios in the depths of the universe. Unable to suppress his rueful amusement, he sighed, "I merely wished to eke out a living through full-time gaming amidst the apocalypse, yet why do I find myself gradually becoming humanity's savior?" (PS: This is a story about an ordinary player who, amidst the boundaries of the past and future, virtual and reality, ultimately chooses to save all humanity.)

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Chapter 17: The First Night, Chaos

Translator: 549690339

After the patrons left the bar, Shen Cong Fei turned towards the two people who were scavenging for spoils by the counter.

"Are we done?"

"We are, all the guns and bullets were collected."

The one who replied was Xue Yangping. Unlike his usual carefree banter, he was glaring at the corpses on the floor.

Even though they didn't find the person they loathed, he had an expression that wished for these dead imperial soldiers on the floor to be reduced to dust.

"Alright, you guys exit through the back door first."

After saying that, Shen Cong Fei went to the bar entrance and took out some grenades from his pocket.

There were also some tripwires left from the last trap they set, these too could be considered resources in a hunter's cabin.

After he finished setting up the trap at the entrance, he heard the sound of brakes outside and immediately ran towards the back door of the bar...


Under the dim street lights of the night.

A black imperial truck stopped on the road in front of the bar entrance.

An imperial patrol unit jumped off the back of the truck and got into formation.

Next, a man dressed as an officer came out from the passenger seat of the truck.

With a wave of his hand, the imperial patrol soldiers rushed into the bar.

Seeing this, the officer leisurely took out a packet of cigarettes and held one between his fingers.

In terms of assaults on imperial soldiers, the ruckus created today was the biggest yet.

However, in his opinion, these armed civilians were no match for the mighty Imperial Army.


The lighter was flipped open and at the moment he lit his cigarette.


A loud explosion came from within the bar, followed by flames, and even a body being blasted out.

The cigarette fell from the Imperial officer's hand, he was dumbfounded.

He thought this would be an easy task, however, it now seemed that the situation had escalated.

As the man in charge of this city's security, he just stood by and watched a whole troop of imperial soldiers get blown up, whilst he himself remained unharmed.

According to the imperial military protocol, there had to be a scapegoat for what would follow.

And without a doubt, he was the most suitable candidate.

The flustered imperial officer thought of his noble background and doubted that leveraging it would reduce his guilt.

With that thought, he ran to the driver's seat in the truck and yelled:

"Go, drive the car!"

Unexpectedly, the driver put his hands up and looked towards the open door beside him.

Following his gaze, the imperial officer noticed a young man with white hair pointing a gun towards the truck.

Only then did he realise that the driver had been held hostage for a while.

Just as the imperial officer reached for his own gun, the door on his side was also opened, and an automatic rifle was aimed at his head.

"Don't move, throw out your gun."

Xia Wei, the only one who understood the imperial language, said with his gun raised, the imperial officer had no choice but to surrender his weapon.

At this time, two more people ran down from the back carriage of the truck.

It was Shen Cong Fei and Tang Ke.

The original driver was kicked out of the truck by Xue Yangping and they replaced him with their medic, Chen Yuanjia.

Because among the five of them, currently only she had a driving license.

The reason they were able to seize the truck was that the surrounding area of the imperial officer had no other imperial soldiers when they were preparing to exit through the back door of the bar. Therefore, they got the idea to steal the truck.

As it turns out, this serious action that was only taken on a whim was much simpler than they could've ever imagined.

They directly captured their target and even seized an imperial officer in excess.

After the driver was kicked out, he was immediately forced to take off his military uniform by Xue Yangping at gunpoint, and switched it with someone else.

They planned to leave the city by driving the truck, and changing into the military uniforms was to avoid exposure.

The driver and the imperial officer, who were stripped down to their white shirts, were gagged, bound, and thrown into the truck to be watched over by the three males, Shen Cong Fei and the others.

Chen Yuanjia, who could drive, and Xia Wei, who understood the imperial language, each got in the front seats wearing the military uniform and drove away.

Soon they passed another checkpoint.

Unexpectedly there was no inspection, they just lifted the barrier and let the truck through because it was an imperial military transport.

In this way, they drove all the way to the final city checkpoint.

The soldiers at this checkpoint stopped the vehicle.

An imperial soldier asked some questions with a rifle on his back.

This was the standard protocol for those leaving the city, to stop anyone exploiting the situation.

Because it was dark, the imperial soldier only saw a driver in the car and a figure in the military uniform.

'Good day, officer. This is routine. I will have them open the gate right away. '


However, at that moment, there was a noise from the truck.

The checkpoint soldier frowned and glanced at the back of the truck.

"Officer, is there someone else in the truck?"


Seeing the people inside the truck weren't responding, the checkpoint soldier reached for the gun he had hung behind him.

"*Cough* *cough*, isn't it clear if someone is inside or not if you go and check yourself."

Upon hearing this hoarse imperial language, the checkpoint soldier reluctantly dropped his guard and walked towards the back of the truck.

After a while, the other soldiers at the checkpoint became suspicious as the soldier who went for the inspection hadn't returned yet. The machine gun on the side of the road was prepared for a possible firefight.

Just then, the checkpoint soldier jumped off the back of the truck and waved his hand indicating no issues, and then he walked over.

The other checkpoint soldiers relaxed seeing that, but as they were about to greet their colleague who just returned from inspection, to their surprise, halfway there, he suddenly raised his gun.

The machine gunner by the road had his head blown off first.

The soldier who opened fire raised his head, revealing a face under the helmet.

It was Shen Cong Fei codenamed "Spark".

The other checkpoint soldiers wanted to fire back at him, but their gunfire was suppressed by the four guns from the truck so they could not even lift their heads from behind the barricade.

At this time, Shen Cong Fei rushed to the machine gun, mounted it and aimed it at the imperial soldiers hiding behind the barricade.

Taking advantage of the other four changing their clip, the machine gun roared the moment the enemies peeked out.

"Da da da da…"

A series of bullet shells flew out, turning the enemies and the barricade into a mess.

After the machine gun went silent, the entire city outpost was wiped out.

And the five of them once again yielded a bunch of weapons and ammunition, but more importantly, their firepower was heightened, and they gained a machine gun.

After they emptied everything that was useful, "Medic" drove straight through the checkpoint and disappeared into the vast road.

The following day, in this city at the northernmost border of the Neutral United Front,

There were rumours of rebels brazenly killing imperial soldiers, kidnapping an officer, and attacking a city checkpoint.

The more critical news that none of the rebels were harmed or captured travelled far and wide.

Some lauded, while others worried.

However, a couple who ran a zoo in the eastern part of the city heaved a sigh of relief.

They were determined to help these kids more, providing information of noteworthy significance.

Similarly, outside the city, imperial soldiers who followed the tyre tracks found the abandoned truck, as well as a corpse stripped down to white shirts.