
I Love You Threefold

"My love, I swear upon my entire being that I will cherish, pamper, and spoil you three times more than anyone else can. I would go to the ends of the world for you. I crave you, for you are my sunlight, and I can't help but feel this irresistible attraction." -~-~-~-~-~-~-~ They say that in life, you only fall for someone three times. The first time is the 'perfect' love story, the second time is the hard and tough love, and the third time is the love that lasts a lifetime. Hua YuLing can certainly vouch for this. In her first relationship, she was used and betrayed by the person she trusted the most in college. They even ventured into business together, fueled by what Hua Yuling thought was love. However, his intentions took a completely different path, leaving Hua Yuling broken and empty. She built impenetrable walls around her heart, determined to protect herself from further harm. The radiant smile that once graced her face was replaced by harsh winters as she stepped into her second relationship. Caged and cold. “WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LIKE THIS?!?! I- I CAN'T STAND IT! WE’RE DONE YOU LIFELESS DOLL!!!” Reduced to a hollow shell, Hua Yuling made a vow to prioritize herself and live life to the fullest, with no one else in her world. That is until one fateful day when a figure appeared at her doorstep. "Remember me? I have an appointment with Ms. Hua today at 3 pm. May we begin?" Hua Yuling and Xuan Rui initially started as strictly business partners, but their connection runs deeper than what meets the eye. You know what they say, right? Third time's the charm~

Essmidy · Urban
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5 Chs

Fei Ming

Suddenly, Hua Yuling was brought back to the scene of her bedroom by the melodious sound of her ringtone. Whilst still on the bed, she stretched her body so that her arm could reach her bedside table and grab the noise machine. Once she did and saw the caller ID, all the fatigue melted out of her body and she immediately hit the appealing answer button. 



Both girls squealed their hearts out like teen girls. Fei Ming and Hua Yuling had always been stuck together like glue ever since they first met in primary school, and their friendship bloomed effortlessly like vibrant fresh flowers. It all started when an extraverted and boisterous Fei Ming approached eight year-old Hua Yuling, which was a first for her. Her father, the illustrious Hua Jingcao, always 'bought' her friends which he thought were suitable for someone of her status. Never once were those friends like true friends; they did what she told them to and had no opinion of their own; it was almost like just another doll that Hua Yuling would receive every Christmas. If that wasn't what happened, then her 'friends' would only hang out with her for money. All of this resulted in a lonely first few years of life; but Fei Ming was different. When Hua Yuling fell over, Fei Ming would just laugh. When Hua Yuling asked for something, Fei ming would just carelessly toss it over. When Hua Yuling wanted to draw, Fei Ming said 'no, let's go climb trees instead!'. It eventually got to the point where Hua Yuling would wear the purest, happiest smile when Fei Ming was dragging her to the school canteen at lunch times. The two spent the remainder of their schooling life hand in hand. All until Fei Ming's family left for Australia when the two girls were 19.


It had been six years since Fei Ming came back from Australia and their friendship had not burnt out in the slightest. Their spark was as bright as the first day they met. 

"Lili, check your front door", Ming said through the phone.

Hua Yuling was confused at her best friend's words, so with a puzzled look on her face, she paced herself to the front door, still in her striped silk pajamas, and slowly opened it. 

The next thing she knew, her phone was on the floor and her arms were wrapped in a corset grip around a figure with straight black hair, bangs across the forehead and two suitcases; one in either hand. Tears of joy were glistening in Hua Yuling's eyes as she strengthened her grip. 

"I'm back"

Two figures sat down on the plush couch and for a while, the silence was incredibly loud until Fei Ming started a conversation just like when they were little. Her voice was quiet and came out like a soft breeze. 

"Can I stay here for a bit? Just a couple of weeks until I can find a place for rent." 

Neither one was looking at each other, but suddenly Hua Yuling broke out sobbing. She was crying waterfalls and gasping for air through her stuffy nose. She tried to string together some words but no full sentences came out.

"Lili!! It's okay if you can't!! I can leave right now if you want! Just tell me what happened."

Hua Yuling was just so overwhelmed by emotions; six years worth of words and emotions. So much that she could explode from the inside. 

"Take it slow, I'm finally here"

The bottleneck in her throat busted open and everything she had flooded out. Fei Ming was the bucket that caught everything, all the drama, all heartbreak, all the successes and defeats and the pain. 

"Look what you got yourself into without me." 

Fei Ming sighed and had a look of deep thought painted on her face. She grabbed Hua Yuling's hand in hers and the two leaned on each other; eyes closed, basking in the heartwarming moment. They both seemed to be pondering something or just treasuring this moment. 

"Remember that time I was sick for a week, so I didn't come to school."

Fei Ming chuckled at the memory, "Then you thought I had been kidnapped by the mafia and I would never come back." 

Fei Ming burst out into more laughter and Hua Yuling scoffed. 

"Yeah, you dared to leave me alone for that long. There was no one peeking over my shoulders to copy my notes in science."

In her fit of laughter, Fei Ming added, "Didn't you even try to get your parents to call the police!" 

The words came out mixed with laughter and clapping, "I never missed another day of school again!" 

A small blush creeped onto Hua Yuling's face and she smacked Fei Ming on the back of the head. The laughter slowly dissipated and she said, "My point is, though I was away for 6 years, you'll have me for 60 more. You'll get through this, and I'll be by your side." 

Hua Yuling returned to her silence, but this time it was full of content, and with a shy smile on her face she muttered out, "And of course you can stay, live here for as long as you want!."

So sorry for the very late update and I'm even more sorry that I can't guarentee when the next chapter will come out. Please be patient with me.

Chapterly Fun Fact!

A chef's hat has 100 pleats. Apparently, it's meant to represent the 100 ways you can cook an egg.

(This is an updated version of this chapter)

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