
I Love You Threefold

"My love, I swear upon my entire being that I will cherish, pamper, and spoil you three times more than anyone else can. I would go to the ends of the world for you. I crave you, for you are my sunlight, and I can't help but feel this irresistible attraction." -~-~-~-~-~-~-~ They say that in life, you only fall for someone three times. The first time is the 'perfect' love story, the second time is the hard and tough love, and the third time is the love that lasts a lifetime. Hua YuLing can certainly vouch for this. In her first relationship, she was used and betrayed by the person she trusted the most in college. They even ventured into business together, fueled by what Hua Yuling thought was love. However, his intentions took a completely different path, leaving Hua Yuling broken and empty. She built impenetrable walls around her heart, determined to protect herself from further harm. The radiant smile that once graced her face was replaced by harsh winters as she stepped into her second relationship. Caged and cold. “WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LIKE THIS?!?! I- I CAN'T STAND IT! WE’RE DONE YOU LIFELESS DOLL!!!” Reduced to a hollow shell, Hua Yuling made a vow to prioritize herself and live life to the fullest, with no one else in her world. That is until one fateful day when a figure appeared at her doorstep. "Remember me? I have an appointment with Ms. Hua today at 3 pm. May we begin?" Hua Yuling and Xuan Rui initially started as strictly business partners, but their connection runs deeper than what meets the eye. You know what they say, right? Third time's the charm~

Essmidy · Urban
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Interesting Mornings

Ever since those times. Hua YuLing made a solemn promise to herself. She would focus on rebuilding her life, make herself her first priority, striving for her dreams and happiness, and leave the ugly things in the past. She re-enrolled in university, determined to gain knowledge and independence. Through her studies, she discovered a passion for business and entrepreneurship.

Graduation marked the beginning of a new chapter. Hua YuLing poured her heart and soul into establishing her own business. The journey was not without its challenges, but with unwavering resilience, she overcame every obstacle. Her business thrived, becoming a testament to her strength and her name became known throughout the industry. Not just as an old man's daughter, or an irrelevant guy's girlfriend, she was just Hua Yuling - a rare female CEO who didn't get her cash spooned into her mouth.

Years passed as Hua YuLing devoted herself to her company, working tirelessly to build her an empire; her safe haven. The wounds from the past were still tender, occasionally flashing through her mind like fragments of a shattered mirror, reminding her of the pain she endured to get to this point.

But as she stood at the helm of her successful enterprise, a flicker of longing stirred within her. The walls she had constructed around her vulnerable soul felt suffocating, and she wondered if there was more to life than the highest level of achievements, one of the world's most successful companies and the title of richest female CEO.

-~-~-~- Present Day -~-~-~-

In the serene tranquility of Hua Yuling's sophisticated and well-decorated bedroom, she awakened to the soft, gentle rays of the morning sun that filtered through her delicate curtains, casting a warm glow on her peaceful bedroom. As her eyes fluttered open, she was greeted by a sight that would send interior designers crazy.

Surrounded by tasteful hues and textures, the room exudes a harmonious blend of modern style. The walls, detailed with subtle patterns, exalted a sense of sophistication, while the exquisite furniture, crafted with meticulous attention to detail, emanated a timeless allure. A plush area rug, hugging the gleaming hardwood floor, adds a touch of indulgence, inviting her to revel in every moment. Despite the beauty Hua Yuling was presented with every morning, she was blind to every single inch of it.

'Ughhh, I never really liked the sleek sharp design of this place. I've always wanted something homey, yet this place always manages to feel so cold.' That plus the fact that Hua Yuling's eyes were never more than a quarter open in the mornings and her mind would still be in wonderland as she tried to fight off the morning grogginess.

The story of how she actually landed this place with the landlord made her chuckle as she recalled his expression when she walked into the lobby.


As the grand lobby of Azure Skies Complex hummed with muted conversations, the air was suddenly charged with anticipation when Hua Yuling walked through the revolving doors. Despite the elegance of the space, adorned with marble floors, ornate chandeliers, and plush velvet furnishings, such a lavished environment was still not worthy of the name Hua Yuling. Anyone with common sense understood that someone of her status should only grace places with five star security, catering and quality. None of which Azure Skies Complex could meet, they only provided at best, four star housing apartments.

Whispers and hushed murmurs swirled among the staff, but as Hua Yuling approached the reception table, all eyes turned, mouths agape, and their carefully crafted façades shattered in an instant. The elevator bell rang, and the head manager appeared, panting heavily.

"M-M-M Ms Hua!?!? What an honor to have you grace our humble complex!! How may we assist you today?!"

"I would like to move here before the end of this week." Hua Yuling replied calmly.

"Here? HERE!?! Ms Hua, do you understand we are only a four star housing complex!?! I'm afraid something like this would not meet your standards!!"

"I said what I meant, and I meant what I said."

Mr head manager was in complete shock; he even wondered if his ears were playing tricks on him. It was a solid minute of blank staring, mouth dropped and eyes wide before he snapped right back into manager mode.

"Of course, of course Ms Hua. Forgive my incompetency. Here are the keys to your new home, on the top floor. Congratulations on your purchase and thank you for choosing Azure Skies Complex. Shall I accompany you up there?"

"No need, thank you", Hua Yuling replied, making her way up to the top floor, and she thought to herself 'top floor, which room?'. As the elevator doors opened, there was only one door in sight. Entering the apartment, the awe-inspiring view of the sprawling, bustling metropolis below was the first thing that caught her eye. The evening sunlight flooded into the spacious living room through the ceiling high windows highlighting the suave and refined interior design of the place.


The next chapter is here! Again, the next one will be coming out some time next week. :)

Chapterly Fun Fact!

When lizards are looking for a mate, they will communicate through push-ups to show off their strength.

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